Groupe Francophone
Related: About this forum900 sailors form the Notre Dame facade on the deck of the Charles de Gaulle
Par CNEWS | Publié le 21/04/2019 à 17:30er
Dans une vidéo, il est possible de voir depuis le ciel les 900 marins former sur le pont le dessin de la façade de la cathédrale Notre-Dame et le mot «Paris», en bleu-blanc-rouge.
Dévoilé samedi soir par la ministre des Armées Florence Parly, l'hommage de l'équipage du porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle à Notre-Dame de Paris a été applaudi par le public venu assisté au Grand concert, diffusé sur France 2.
Des photos tweetées, hier à 22h41, avec ce message : «alors qu'ils sont déployés en océan Indien dans le cadre la mission #Clemenceau, les marins du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle témoignent leur solidarité à Paris, leur ville marraine.»

(90,319 posts)Look. The Rose window as well.
Nicely done.
Thank you. ucrdem.
(15,720 posts)merci, ma chérie! Yes the rose window is perfect!
The tweet says "while deployed in the Indian Ocean as part of the #Clemenceau mission, the sailors of the aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle express their solidarity with Paris, their mother ship."
(90,319 posts)I got the gist of it and the picture spoke volumes.
Goddess. My heart broke when I woke to the fire. It stood for centuries. The spire collapsing, the faces of the people in the street and the worlds reactions said it all. Frankly I can't believe they were able to save so much of the art. And then all those beautiful stained glass windows that survived. The glass survived.
I still get a bit weepy.
Hugs, ucrdem.
(15,720 posts)perhaps a silver lining, if it raises awareness of the perilous state of thousands of other less famous structures. Since 1905 they are owned by the French government, 86 cathedrals and thousands of churches, and they don't receive much allowance for upkeep and improvements -- $360 million annually for all to share, per the NYT, including the cathedrals.
Notre Dame gets a little more from the city, but none of them have decent fire security systems. At Notre Dame it required a security guard to climb a winding staircase to the attic twice to find the flames before he was allowed to call the fire department, on the theory that old oak burns slowly and there would be plenty of time to report a fire.
So to prevent such catastrophes in the future they're going to have to find new ways of raising money and get to work spending it. And that will mean thousands of new good jobs for decades!
(52,670 posts)
(15,720 posts)
(31,743 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)yes, it is!
(21,083 posts)ucrdem
(15,720 posts)
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