World History
Related: About this forumAn Ancient Greek Philosopher Was Exiled for Claiming the Moon Was a Rock, Not a God
2,500 years ago, Anaxagoras correctly determined that the rocky moon reflects light from the sun, allowing him to explain lunar phases and eclipses. Anaxagoras the scholar did most of his work in Athens and had a knack for astronomy, an area of study that requires careful observational and calculation to unlock the mysteries of the universe. During his time in Athens, Anaxagoras made several fundamental discoveries about the moon. He reiterated and expended upon an idea: that the moon and sun were not gods, but rather objects. This seemingly innocuous belief would ultimately result in Anaxagoras arrest and exile.
Through persistent observation, Anaxagoras came to believe that the moon was a rock, not totally unlike the Earth, and he even described mountains on the lunar surface. The sun, he thought, was a burning rock. In fragment 18, Anaxagoras says, It is the sun that puts brightness into the moon. While Anaxagoras was not the first to realize that moonlight is reflected light from the sun, he was able to use this concept to correctly explain additional natural phenomena, such as eclipses and lunar phases.
Anaxagoras turns the problem of lunar light into a problem of geometry, Daniel Graham, a professor of philosophy at Brigham Young University says. He noted that when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth than the sun, the full face is illuminated, [producing] a model of the heavens that predicts not only phases of the moon, but how eclipses are possible. The moons phases, Anaxagoras realized, were the result of different portions of the celestial object being illuminated by the sun from Earths perspective. The philosopher also realized that the occasional darkening of the moon must result from the moon, sun and Earth lining up such that the moon passes into the Earths shadowa lunar eclipse. When the moon passes directly in front of the sun, the skies darken during the day, a phenomenon Anaxagoras also described and we now call a solar eclipse.
By describing the moon as a rock of terrestrial origin, and the sun as a burning rock, Anaxagoras moved beyond earlier thinkers, even those who realized the moon was a kind of reflector. This forward thinking got Anaxagoras labeled as a chief denier of the idea that the moon and sun were deities. Though his life was spared, the philosopher who questioned the divinity of the moon found himself in exile in Lampsacus at the edge of the Hellespont. But his ideas regarding eclipses and lunar phases would live on to this day, and for his recognition of the true nature of the moon, a lunar crater, visited by orbiting spacecraft some 2,400 years later, bears the name Anaxagoras.

(10,362 posts)Even 1,000 years later Galileo suffered much the same fate for similar reasons...boggles the mind to think how far we may have gotten without the control mechanism being use to such great effect for so long...
(14,376 posts)Same as this guy denying that the moon is a god, start a political campaign with the admission that you are an atheist, and you will be exiled into perpetual irrelevancy.
(10,362 posts)It never fails to amaze me that the "faithful" would rather be lied to and have candidates that claim religious views when they are 99% informed by secular information and data before making decisions.
Reminded of the old Depeche Mode song 'Lie to Me' from "Some Great Reward" ...
<Chorus 1X>
Come on and lay with me
Come on and lie to me
Tell me you love me
Say I'm the only one
Experiences have a lasting impression
But words once spoken
Don't mean a lot now
Belief is the way
The way of the innocent
And when I say innocent
I should say naive
So lie to me
But do it with sincerity
Make me listen
Just for a minute
Make me think
There's some truth in it
<Chorus 2X>
Promises made for convenience
Aren't necessarily
What we need
Truth is a word
That's lost its meaning
The truth has become
Merely half-truth
So lie to me
Like they do it in the factory
Make me think
That at the end of the day
Some great reward
Will be coming my way
<Chorus 3X>