Drug Policy
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This message was self-deleted by its author (RainDog) on Mon Jun 9, 2014, 01:44 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I think there is an element of pot smokers coming "out of the closet" to a degree that was unthinkable even 10 years ago.
(28,784 posts)Wait till we find out Barbara Bush is a major brownie producer/manufacturer... LOL.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)RainDog
(28,784 posts)did you know him?
I hope his passing was gentle.
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)And he'd met up with many of the other Kossacks out west. I don't recall interacting with him much, if at all, even over on DK, but his writing was always worth reading.
(10,558 posts)http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/30/citing_failed_war_on_drugs_former
(28,784 posts)I have a list here in the DP forum with a bunch of people who signed on to support CA's 2010 attempt to legalize.
(18,318 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)even if they never smoked again, is extremely important in this because they all know it's overrated as far as killer drugs go. Alcohol and tobacco are both far worse.
A majority of people under 60 or so have tried it. A majority of people think it's time to put aside the paranoia about Hispanics that Harry Anslinger focused on, change its name back to cannabis, and legalize, regulate and tax it as the mostly benign recreational drug it is.
Those are the heroes in this fight, the ones who know the DEA doesn't have a moral leg to stand on.
(2,518 posts)He got the ball rolling on medical marijuana thing in California in the 90's.
I used to play music with his brother, and got to know Dennis a little bit 20 years ago or so.
I went to a couple of events, including a S.F. city council meeting back then.
I opened up a concert in Dolores Park that he organized that got the whole issue started.
Nice fella. We're Facebook friends now.
He'd be at the top of my list of activists.
Response to RainDog (Original post)
RainDog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,518 posts)I met Brownie Mary at his place once.
Several years later, when she died, a friend showed me her obituary. When I said I had met her, my friend laughed and laughed and said "of course you did! I knew there was a reason I had to show you this."
I'm just that kind of guy, I guess.
Great list!
(28,784 posts)I wish I were in the land of cotton...mouth. LOL.
(2,518 posts)That's about it, really.
That's the S.F. crew.
In New York, there's the Yippies.
Yes, they're still around!
I've met Dana Beal, and he should probably go on your activist list.
He runs the Yippie Cafe and Museum on Bleecker Street.
My band played there a few years ago.
Yes... the Yippies have a frikkin' museum!
(28,784 posts)Thanks for the other stuff, too!
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)
(28,784 posts)that created the nickname "vipers"?
(28,784 posts)Gayle Farrell and Dick Dale doing on of the newer songs...
(776 posts)I nominate every DEA head since Reagan for spewing nonsense that has caused successive generations of kids to ask good questions.
(45,358 posts)RainDog
(28,784 posts)I have some people from long-ago history, but I was sorting out a bunch of different names... but Rick Steves (james... dunno why, but I always wanna say that...) is there!
I'm gonna update my list, upthread, because I've been reading about this some more.