Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumBill introduced to repeal law protecting gun industry from lawsuits
According to the bills language, the measure would allow gun violence victims to seek civil remedies by bringing suits based on statutes and common law theories of liability in state and federal court PLCAA greatly limits the type of civil lawsuits that could be brought against gun companies, but it still permits lawsuits in civil cases that involve defective products, fraud, negligence, or violations of federal regulations. The law made headlines last year when a judge cited it in an order to dismiss a case against the retailers that sold products to the gunman responsible for killing 12 and injuring 70 in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, in July 2012.
Plaintiffs in the case argued the businesses should have had a stricter vetting policy before selling ammo, tear gas and body armor to the buyer, who had a documented history of mental illness. The order resulted in the plaintiffs, parents of one of the 12 killed, having to pay $200,000 of the defendants court costs. Also, the bill would allow plaintiffs to use information from the Firearms Trace System database as evidence to support a lawsuit. The system, maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, contains information that shows how often a dealer sells guns that end up seized in crimes but, per federal law, is off limits to the public.
However, trace data that is available shows the number of crime guns recovered by authorities by state. The ATF updates that information annually. The bill has 39 co-sponsors, all Democrats, and has been assigned to the House Judiciary committee. Schiff originally introduced the bill in January 2013, but it died in Congress.
Yeah, good luck with that.
188 Democrats in the House and he could only get 39 co-sponsors? And all are anti gun?

Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,622 posts)...would slowly bankrupt smaller dealers who did nothing wrong but can't afford the legal fees. This would give rise to larger and larger retailers operating gun shops possibly comparable to Walmart.
Larger organizations and chains tend to have lawyers on staff and on retainer. Since their allegiance is to their clients, it would not surprise me to see (hypothetically of course) that upon winning suits brought by victims and survivors of gun violence, counter suits alleging libel and/or slander. Making examples of people that threaten the bottom line.
(18,318 posts)...and we know from dozens of fire engine red state legislatures how well that works.

(654 posts)design flaw, lawsuit. These folks just have one thing in common, to try and run them out of business thru frivolous lawsuits.
(6,185 posts)Most of these "Big Ideas" for repealing legislation come from back benchers.
Then you get another e-mail; "Just send in $3/$5/$10 to help Representative Habaplap defeat the NRA and its evil minions and keep our children safe".
Never any follow up on how the bill proposal is actually doing, how many co-sponsors they get, or what happens when it dies in Committee 3 weeks later.
(15,396 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)But you need 218, lol
(87 posts)and Hillary is the worst.
Dems need to get off the gun control bandwagon altogether. This should be a local issue not a national issue.'
All that the Dems do by pushing ANY form of gun control is to push every rural state further to the red side. It aggravates me because guns are a non-negotiable issue for nearly ALL men in those states... and it is a BIG issue. I know... as I live in a blue state that turned red and all Dems do by talking gun control is make the state (and its delegates) more red.
So... if Dems want to assure that they help maintain a Republican House and Senate.... then just keep up the attack on guns.
(2,375 posts)Yep. And the truly nauseating thing is that she's shrieking for the express purpose of pleasing our overlords -- who absolutely love to see us distracted from the most important issue before us.
(2,493 posts)Will ever enact any meaningful gun control. Ever. We'll simply get laws that are window dressing that do nothing to impact gun violence but instead make it more difficult for law abiding gun owners to purchase a weapon and let politicians brag about heir D- rating from the NRA