Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumTrump's Victory Has Fearful Minorities Buying Up Guns
After Donald Trump's win, Yolanda Scott is upgrading the crowbar she keeps in her purse to a small-caliber pistol.
Scott, an African-American, is one of many minorities who have been flocking to gun stores to protect themselves, afraid Trump's victory will incite more hate crimes.
Minorities "feel that racists now feel like they can attack... just because the president is doing it," Earl Curtis, the African-American owner of Blue Ridge Arsenal in Chantilly, Virginia, told NBC News.
Gun store owners told NBC News that since November 8 they're seeing up to four times as many black and minority customers and black gun groups are reporting double the normal number of attendees at their meetings since the election.
So who will change their rhetoric first-
the NRA saying everyone legally eligible should be allowed to own guns
or the Gun Control proponents that maintain every gun owner is an uneducated, pre-murderer, white wing wasist?

(9,538 posts)brush
(59,161 posts)jonno99
(2,620 posts)(full disclosure: I'm not an NRA member)
Sarah Siverman and friends hit right on the mark. MAybe they will show this at the next NRA rally.
(2,620 posts)Kang Colby
(1,941 posts)Hard to argue with this lady
(18,628 posts) win that argument.
(18,628 posts) acknowledge that the government was granted the power to infringe on them, then I am not free.
(2,337 posts)Now let's see just how strong the ideological purity of the usual crowd is.
(18,318 posts)to enact gun control measures.
No reply.
(15,396 posts)jmg257
(11,996 posts)representing manufacturers.
Why would they care who buys 'em?
Anyway, good for new buyers, sometimes a safety pin just won't cut it.
Puha Ekapi_2
(69 posts)...that other PoC are waking up to the utility of having the freedom to exercise an enumerated right. My folks have always understood the necessity of that right, and we have never been reluctant to avail ourselves of it. Firearms ownership in the Native community is probably higher than any other demographic, and we are also overwhelmingly Democratic.
(18,318 posts)

Puha Ekapi_2
(69 posts) well as for taibo that are a little big for their britches
(18,318 posts)
Puha Ekapi_2
(69 posts)"Taibo" roughly translates as "devil" in my native tongue. It is also the common use word for "white man". Not all white folks are taibo of course, and I've met plenty of "devils" of pretty much every color and creed. including red.
(18,318 posts)
Response to sarisataka (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)sarisat: the Gun Control proponents that maintain every gun owner is an uneducated, pre-murderer, white wing wasist?
That's pretty stupid & lame to say.
(21,594 posts)Do you feel my list is incomplete without a tiny penis reference?
You cannot seriously claim my statement is incorrect. One poster in particular is notorious for posting such claims along with photographic "proof". That one stands out but he is not unique.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)sarisat: the Gun Control proponents that maintain every gun owner is an uneducated, pre-murderer, white wing wasist?
jimmy: That's pretty stupid & lame to say.
sarisak: I'm sorry, Do you feel my list is incomplete without a tiny penis reference?
That's even lamer & stupider.
sarisak: You cannot seriously claim my statement is incorrect. One poster in particular is notorious for posting such claims along with photographic "proof". That one stands out but he is not unique.
Post a link to this gun control proponent who maintains that every gun owner is an uneducated pre-murderer white wing 'wasist' (sic). Sick all right. I need more proof than a con artist's say so.
Then post several links to others to prove your idiotic contention.
(21,594 posts)Are you seriously going to try to deny the penis fascination of pro-control zealots?
It is funny that you act so coy, while slipping in a personal attack or two; you have been here too long to be unaware. Yet a simple perusal of this thread will lead you to all the proof anyone needs.
(33,982 posts)one could not evaluate all the links in a single day.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)sarisak: Are you seriously going to try to deny the penis fascination of pro-control zealots?
sarisak: Yet a simple perusal of this thread will lead you to all the proof anyone needs.
You're full of never ending bs on this thread it seems. You post a link to a pro gun thread where I did not recognize one gun control advocates name (there may be a few that I'm unaware of), to somehow ??? 'prove' that gun control advocates substantively express a fascination with penises.
You post a specious & invalid argument where you provide hearsay evidence without having to provide any substantive evidence at all, and the classic 'LIARS LINK' where your inane 'proof' boils down to ' the evidence is out there, look it up '
Ha. Go. away.
(18,628 posts)jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)dscntnt: obvious hearsay sure:
The link sarisak cited was apparently hearsay, but you didn't post from sarisak's link, you cited a GCRA thread.
Keep up with the class by informing yourself of what you are trying to rebut, before you attempt it. You cannot cite another thread and claim I was wrong labeling the original & separate thread 'hearsay'. That's invalid.
Dscntnt cites a post from nearly a year ago, to support sarisak's contention of some widespread penis fascination amongst gun control advocates. Are you two auditioning for dumb, dumber & dumbest?
And one citation is all you can come up with? Hardly incriminating of being a fascination by gun control advocates.
note the difference between his threadsarisak: Yet a simple perusal of this thread will lead you to all the proof anyone needs.
(18,628 posts)And why do I need to "post from sarisak's link"? I'm not trying to prove that sarisataka was necessarily correct in asserting that the long thread to which he linked could be followed to a "penis" reference somewhere in group. He probably was correct. Either way I don't really care. You either have a short memory, can't search or don't read much in this group. You're quite wrong in implying that penis references and numerous other insults are rare or nonexistent.
The link sarisataka gave you points to a thread that contains many links to insults.
BTW, have another link:
You may also want to practice using the search function.
Do your own homework and practice your denial on your own time.
(21,594 posts)I haven't heard such denial of reality since the campaign.
Since you want specifics, although I recall one host of a different group said "I do not need to prove facts as obvious as the sky is blue", you may wish to look at these:
Georgia Ammosexual gets metalic penis back
Fatal Distraction: Manhood, Guns, & Violence
Mah pistol is mah penis.
The gun industry has won, and not just on a legislative level. They have won on a cultural level
Not only were there apparently no
or were these comments (all in the GCRA safe group so not polluted by "pro-gun" posters) inserted during the Russian hack? Were the articles they cited equating guns with penises also made up? Was the whole "Cocks not Clocks" movement simple a rhyme chosen at random? As a matter of fact, the same person I spoke of said:
P.S. you may want to look up the definition of hearsay.
(15,333 posts)...while the would-be refuter manages to contradict themselves in the midst of making said attempt.
It is left as an exercise to the disinterested reader to discover the identity of said poster:
(11,996 posts)(Being Italian, I never really got the connection. Until those cute girls in Texas started hanging cocks off their back packs anyway - now THAT is compensating for lack of large penis).

jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)sarisak: Since you want specifics, although I recall one host of a different group said "I do not need to prove facts as obvious as the sky is blue", you may wish to look at these:
Georgia Ammosexual gets metalic penis back
Fatal Distraction: Manhood, Guns, & Violence
Mah pistol is mah penis.
The gun industry has won, and not just on a legislative level. They have won on a cultural level
Not only were there apparently no
or were these comments (all in the GCRA safe group so not polluted by "pro-gun" posters) inserted during the Russian hack?
Again you asininely change the goalposts & rebut something which was not contended.
Let me refresh your, um, mind, with what I challenged:
sarisak: I'm sorry, Do you feel my list is incomplete without a tiny penis reference?
That's even lamer & stupider.
sarisak: You cannot seriously claim my statement is incorrect. One poster in particular is notorious for posting such claims along with photographic "proof". That one stands out but he is not unique.
So far I have not seen one 'tiny penis' reference from anyone, nor the 5 links you provided. Sure, there are some out in cyberland, but you made it sound as if it were an everday occurrence either on here or GCRA. And post a link to where the poster in question posted 'photographic proof'.
JMG posted a link to a huffpo ariticle, hardly a fascination by a current poster.
(15,333 posts)Your credibility in regard to guns strongly resembles that of a certain Republican governor
on the subject of economics:
Source: Political Wire
December 23, 2016 By Taegan Goddard
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback (R), whose tax cuts brought him political turmoil, recurring budget holes and sparse evidence of economic success, has a message for President-elect Donald Trump: Do what I did, the Wall Street Journal reports.
In 2013, Mr. Brownback set out to create a lean, business-friendly government in his state that other Republicans could replicate. He now faces a $350 million deficit when the Kansas legislature convenes in January and projections of a larger one in 2018. The states economy is flat and his party is fractured.
Still, Mr. Brownback views his signature ideaeliminating the 4.6% state individual income tax for partnerships, limited liability corporations and similar businessesas a national model.
Read more:
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)icon: the "argument from (feigned) ignorance" schtick doesn't work on those who have seen it before:
You rarely disappoint in the idiocy department, and you haven't this time. There was one reference to a 'tiny penis' in one of the threads you linked to - 'I'm a tough guy I have a gun with my name on it' - C_U_L8R (19,323 posts) 8. True sign of a small penis Probably shoots blanks as well
The next thread you cited your blunder was that it was not even referring to guns, but humpty trumpty: (OP title) The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether Youre a Trump Supporter .. to which a reply was: At least for men, I was gonna guess small penis size.
The next thread icon linked to (to prove - cough - his point), I couldn't find any 'tiny penis' remark via the search feature, except this from it appears to be icon himself, or a gunnut, whining about something proving to be pretty rare itself: As the saying went when I was a small iconoclast: Not hardly. ...... it just ends up being insults, sexual references and penis jokes directed towards us.
next thread, notgun Donald Trump Discusses Penis Size During Fox News Republican ...
next thread, notgun Maybe to make up for the fact that she always has to deal with those small hands. ..... they claim she must have a penis-sized bulge in her dress and manly arms.
Icons conning link, where he failed miserably regarding 'tiny penis':
(2,497 posts)The point is that African-Americans and other minorities are concerned that because a hateful bigot has been elected president, his hatred and bigotry will give license to other hateful bigots to commit violent crimes against African-Americans and other minorities to the extent they feel the need to arm themselves.
Puha Ekapi_2
(69 posts) people have always seen it prudent to stay well armed, regardless of who is in power.
(4,058 posts)Ha ha. I made a funny...
(1,320 posts)A Minnehaha as it were...
(4,058 posts)
Response to J_William_Ryan (Reply #13)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(4,058 posts)Just do catch and release, or ignore, as Chicago does. Then don't prosecute the people "defending" themselves.
(17,493 posts)and carry on a regular basis. If I was black or Hispanic I would also be a member of the NRA and have a concealed weapons permit.
The decision to own and to legally carry a firearm in public should require any individual to honestly evaluate themselves. Obvious it may not be wise for a person with anger management problems or a person who tends to abuse alcohol or drugs to own firearms. Of course any person who does decide to own a firearm should be willing to learn how to safely handle it and be willing to take the time to become proficient with the weapon. It is also extremely important to store a firearm properly especially if there is any possibility that a child might access it and also to prevent theft.
However I agree that anyone legally eligible should be allowed to own firearms and that includes all races, genders and different sexual orientations.
One of the people I personally consider to be a hero was Robert Franklin Williams.
Robert F. Williams
Robert Franklin Williams (February 26, 1925 October 15, 1996) was an American civil rights leader and author, best known for serving as president of the Monroe, North Carolina chapter of the NAACP in the 1950s and early 1960s. At a time when racial tension was high and official abuses were rampant, Williams was a key figure in promoting armed black self-defense in the United States. He succeeded in integrating the local public library and swimming pool in Monroe. He helped gain gubernatorial pardons for two African-American boys convicted for molestation in the controversial Kissing Case of 1958.
He obtained a charter from the National Rifle Association and set up a rifle club, which became active defending blacks from Ku Klux Klan nightriders. He used the NAACP to support Freedom Riders who came to Monroe in the summer of 1961. That year he and his wife were forced to leave the United States to avoid prosecution for kidnapping, on charges trumped up during violence related to white opposition to the Freedom Ride. The kidnapping charges came after a white couple sought shelter in Williams' home when they were confronted by black protesters while driving through Monroe's black community. A self-professed Black Nationalist, Williams lived in both Cuba and The People's Republic of China during his exile between 1961 and 1969. (...emphasis added)
Williams' book Negroes with Guns (1962) details his experience with violent racism and his disagreement with the pacifist wing of the Civil Rights Movement. The text was widely influential; Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton cited it as a major inspiration. Rosa Parks gave the eulogy at Williams funeral in 1996, praising him for "his courage and for his commitment to freedom", and concluding that "The sacrifices he made, and what he did, should go down in history and never be forgotten."[1]
Over the years I have introduced a number of people to the shooting sports including both blacks and Hispanics. A number went on to obtain a concealed weapons permit. This would have been very difficult if I lived in New York City or Chicago but fortunately I live in Florida which has "shall issue" concealed carry.
I don't really expect the KKK nightriders to reemerge under the Trump administration but if they do I would have no problem with members of a minority community defending themselves and their families by using firearms.