Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumNational concealed carry reciprocity
Looks like a bill was introduced today.
Not going to link to any right wing sites
I like the idea of getting a CCW (and one can be gotten without being a resident of the state in several) just to give a big Fuck You to Jerry Brown and the gun restrictionists here.
Going to put my CCW on one side and my medical marijuana cart on the other of my wallet.
This wobbly will be packing, and the more it pisses some people off, the better.

(50,568 posts)IADEMO2004
(6,091 posts)HAB911
(9,538 posts)An elephant was walking through the jungle one day when suddenly he fell into a hole. "Help!" he yelled. A mouse heard his cry for help and came running. When the mouse finally made it to the elephant, the elephant said, "Please Mr. Mouse, if you save me I'll be your best friend forever." The mouse agreed, and told the elephant to wait just a second. The mouse came back in his corvette, tied a rope around the elephant, and pulled him out.
A few days later the mouse was walking through the jungle when all of a sudden, he fell into a hole. The mouse yelled for help, and soon that same elephant that he had saved just a few days earlier came to the rescue. The mouse said to the elephant, "Remember me? I'm that same mouse that saved you from a hole. Could you please help me?" The elephant agreed to help him. The elephant did not have a corvette so he just dropped his penis down in the hole. The mouse climbed up the elephant's penis and was safe.
The moral of a story, if you have a big dick, you don't need a corvette or a multi-state CCW
(21,594 posts)If the elephant was female he would have been SOL
(18,318 posts)HAB911:. IF Trump proposed gun control in Chicago, or nationally, would you work with him in support of that proposal?
(9,538 posts)is mentioned does not invalidate the concept of envy in the barrel stroking community.
Trump will not propose gun control anywhere, IMO. Can't address an unlikely theoretical like that.
(18,318 posts)Since approximately 20% of gun-owners are women (with numbers expanding rapidly), do they count? Or has the gun-control group been unable to come up with a politically correct sexual metaphor to envelop the fairer sex? Seems somehow misogynistic to leave women out when the party's going on.
Speaking of political correctness, there seems to be a cabal of DUers who are vowing to NOT support trump on ANYTHING, and are demanding allegiance of other DUers to conform to that position. Of course, you are protected by the theoretical bell, but my question -- proffered at times to clarify ideology -- has yet to be answered, so I appreciate your fading jump shot.
(9,538 posts)regardless of jump shot, I just wrote a full page letter to twenty of my closest friends stating if they supported Trump, and I knew three did, then there would be no further communication from me, ever. All but five responded positively to my letter, leaving the balance to wither in the wasteland of ignominy. You may extrapolate as needed.
(18,318 posts)There are tens of millions of trump voters. I guess the Democratic Party can win some races, some where without them.
(93 posts)HAB911
(9,538 posts)a follow up to the prior
(1,320 posts)Dreams in Folklore (1958), p. 33
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)ymmv
(93 posts)Just because Hillary did not win does not mean we forget all her ideals. Schumer has always been, and will always be a strong gin control aly. Perhaps he can help derail this nationwide ccw crap. What a danger this is.
(1,320 posts)This just ensures states recognize other states same as marriage and drivers licenses.
Want to make sure the standards are high? then pass a national CCW law. Otherwise the lowest common denominator becomes the standard.
I have a Tenn permit, and as opposed to my neighbor state of Alabama, requires some education and training (not enough IMHO).
And how's that full steam ahead working for us Democrats in flyover land.. Getting anyone in my neck of the woods to listen to good Democratic Party platforms is a non starter as long as control is a thing in our party. More than Reproductive rights, and even marriage equality, this is felt as a direct and personal threat to many peoples beliefs ere in the South and the Rust Belt.
(93 posts)I'm not really concerned this dangerous legislation will pass. Schumer has passed so many gun control bills he's not stopping now. He'll fight this tooth and nail.
I so miss hearing Hillary on the campaign trail touting gun control. She was what we sooo needed.
(17,502 posts)Liberalizing CCW has not resulted in anything dire. In fact, both extremes were wrong. The Ted Nugents of the world predicted the laws would create lands of milk and honey where lions became vegan. Meanwhile, the David Hemenways of the world predicted Mad Max. The reality is, nothing changed.
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)Obviously, someone being scared trumps constitutional rights! The next thing you know we might have to listen to and read speech we disagree with, even!
(1,320 posts)I am one that believes we lost enough gun owner votes in MI, PA and WI to have defeated Trump.
And I think we need to actually enforce the laws that exist before we go and create restrictions on good people.
I am more interested in NFA changes myself, I already have the ability to carry all the places I actually want to be. I just want others to be able to have some of the freedoms I had to buy at 200 bucks a pop.
(18,318 posts)

Hokay, truth: If trump proposed gun control (U.S., Chicago, etc.) would you work with him to enact gun control measures?
(18,318 posts)

(8,614 posts)SQUEE
(1,320 posts)Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)....who is carrying a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun
(5,642 posts)so you can carry in CA/MD/NY if this passes if one of the two allpies:
1) you have a CCL issued by any state
2) you are a resident of a constitutional carry state: As of 1 January 2017, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Vermont, West Virginia[ and Wyoming do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm for any person of age (usually 21 and older; 18 in Missouri) who is not prohibited from owning a firearm.
(17,493 posts)if the feds get involved they can set minimum standards and the cost of a carry permit.
Over time a concealed carry license will cost at least $1000 for one year, require an 80 hour class plus yearly qualification on the range with your choice of weapon and a score at least as good as the average police department.
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)what other states grant.
Just like marriage equality.
As far left as I might be on unions, the environment, LGBT and healthcare as a right, I love the idea of controllers having strokes over this issue.
(17,493 posts)granted by other states but over time an outcry will occur to have higher standards for a national carry permit. Of course the higher standards merit higher cost.
(1,273 posts)for driver's licenses, do they? Or marriage licenses? Or any state-issued license?
(17,493 posts)There is a movement to ban firearms and the main stream media supports it.
You can bet a law that would allow nationwide concealed carry would really upset gun control advocates. They would push to repeal the law or to change it to make it extremely difficult for people to obtain a national carry permit. They would definitely push for minimum training requirements and over time these requirements would grow so demanding, burdensome and expensive that few people would be able to acquire a license.
(141 posts)The ATF form 4 says:
Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other
controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law
regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in
the state where you reside.
So that would disqualify you from buying a gun, at least legally.
(4,058 posts)Wouldn't carry a THC card next to a gun card. Asking for "the man" to get involved there.
Historic NY
(38,599 posts)not happening.
Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)Historic NY
(38,599 posts)there are "restrictions" etc.... in fact Obama signed 2 laws to try to fix things the FOP pushed.
Lurks Often
(5,455 posts)Yes there are limitations on certain firearms and where the police officer or retired police officer can carry, but in general a police officer or retired police officer who has met the criteria in your link, can carry a handgun in all 50 states and Washington DC.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)trotsky: I like the idea of getting a CCW (and one can be gotten without being a resident of the state in several) just to give a big Fuck You to Jerry Brown and the gun restrictionists here.
This wobbly will be packing, and the more it pisses some people off, the better.
What an ugly OP you started, by what appears to be a wobbly minded individual, apparently high strung on 2nd amendment mythology.
His screen name confuses tho, how can a right wing GN go by a bolshevik handle? get many head splitting headaches? wouldn't an iron mask been of more use to leon than carrying a pistol?
There's the chance of a blocking filibuster buster.
Ghost OF Trotsky
(61 posts)with "right wing". The two have nothing to do with each other except in sort of ignorant and feeble minds that can't distinguish between coincidence and causation.
Only ugly if you have a problem with guns in the hands of citizens, which no true liberal, progressive, socialist or revolutionary should, nor anyone of any political stripe unless they are either intellectually dishonest or willfully ignorant (of course to be a GG it helps to be both)