Media Takes Sides: A Guide to Who’s For and Against the Syria Strike
MSNBC's Ed Schultz returned to weekdays this week and he used his show Thursday to try to ease President Obama off the "red line" he drew in the sand so many months ago. Schultz said he hopes Obama does not attack Syria, but blamed neo-cons for pushing and attack and trying to make America the police officer of the world.
Sean Hannity has been another loud voice of opposition from the right, calling out the administration's "hypocrisy" in opposing unilateral executive action for non-imminent military threats without the approval of Congress under Bush, but arguing in its favor now. On his radio show Tuesday he went even further, making the prediction that a U.S. strike in Syria would be the beginning of World War III.
The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol has led the charge from the right, joining 65 other "foreign policy" experts in signing a letter to President Obama, which calls for the U.S. to impose "meaningful consequences on the Assad regime" for their use of chemical weapons.
Bill O'Reilly stands alone as one of the only Fox News hosts actively encouraging intervention in Syria. But as the most-watched anchor on the network, he has a pretty loud megaphone. Tuesday night, during a discussion about getting congressional approval for action, he asked Karl Rove, Whos going to vote against that besides the loons? What politician wants to be labeled, Well, go ahead and use poison gas, kill the children, and were not going to do anything about it?