Keith Olbermann
Related: About this forumKeith is Back on Sports Center Tonight!!
It's only one appearance, but it's a start.
No politics this time, but to see the sexy silver sports fox again is good enough for me.

Just Saying
(1,799 posts)I know he's a baseball fanatic but I miss him on politics. The fact that a man like him gets run off while the entirety of Faux News continues is just wrong.
(3,123 posts)when every time something happens he hits the politicians where they live. But I read somewhere recently that he wanted to get back to his first love (baseball, of course) because all the other news took a lot out of him. Believe me, I live in the DC area and I see it every day, so I completely understand he wants to get back to basics.
(33,594 posts)They are so fun to listen to when they are together. They're like an old married couple.
(5,039 posts)I saw that Keith was coming back to ESPN tonight and I thought about the KOEBers. Glad to see Keith, I too miss him speaking about the craziness that we call American Politics.
It's been a long time since I was here. My "little" one, my Daughter is starting high school next month. HIGH SCHOOL!!
Miss everyone. Take care.
(9,607 posts)SharonRB
(28,087 posts)I dropped in because I figured someone would show up here tonight. I thought his regular show started tonight.
I hope everyone is doing well.
Cassie in high school? Time has sure flown.
Just noticed this thread started August 8. My bad!
(202 posts)I miss Keith's interpetation and his words. Why doesn't he do a weekly 15min on YouTube at the very least? I think You Tube has replaced broadcast tv anyway, he might be surprised with the reaction he'd get - and he could do it his way.
(3,123 posts)I've been watching this show almost every night when I can, but for him to do a no-holds barred commentary on You Tube would be awesome! Hopefully he'll consider it, especially with all the shit slinging going on in Congress right now. I'm all but certain he wants to throw his 2 cents and then some into the mix to be the voice of reason, but sadly he's staying out of it.
Then again, writing another book with nothing but commentary is a good idea too.
a kennedy
(32,960 posts)have tried to tape it and most times I miss half because of something not being over when it's supposed to be. D*mn. But the times I've seen it, have enjoyed it. He's in his element.
(3,123 posts)That's why I check the channel guide on Verizon to see what time exactly he comes on. Besides, what I miss I can look it up on You Tube, where they post each broadcast (in segments). I immediately subscribed so I can see him anytime!
Vincent Merkel
(21 posts)I love this man ...the other night my wife was reading in the bedroom and I had keith on......she suddenly put her book down ...and turned to me and said "I get it" ....I said "Get what ".......why you like this guy so much .....he has to be the smartest man I have ever heard on tv....I said if you think he is smart at sports......wait till you hear him do politics.....he puts every pundit and newsman to shame.....thats why MSNBC got rid of him ...first he doesn't cower to anyone ......he says whats on his mind and 99% of the time he is right of these days I am going to write on here why I hate MSNBC phony they are.......and are more interested in what republicans have to say then their own host's and how current tv made me throw up because Al Gore is such a phony......don't hate me on this ...Gore hates free speech ...just look up Frank Zappa vs the mothers of prevention
(3,123 posts)Love your post! You're right on the money because Keith will keep it real 100%, no holds barred! His commentary on Ray Rice was beyond awesome (with me being a Ravens fan I said to my SO he should have been suspended for 5 games), and Keith was just as pissed as I was!
As for MSNBC, they dropped the ball big time and now karma is kicking their ass! Oh, well. When you write on them, please post and hold nothing back! You're in good company here, trust and believe!