Related: About this forumRanting Who here would take it to the streets as veterans
And defend the oath we swore to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Either peaceful or with controlled violence Talking with a friend this morning former marine. He called bro do you know , I said yea Gunny I heard I was outback lifting trying to get rid of my anger. I never turned tv on until around 0800 was outside by 0810. No Congress to check these mother fucking traitors. I cannot stand as we all this drama of kremlin 45.
I imagine this is how our founding fathers felt in going against the crown. Angry confused why others would not join them to gain freedom and to end tyranny.

(18,093 posts)TEB
(14,135 posts)These traitors if found guilty need lethal injection like rosenbergs.
I hope it is peaceful but back us into a corner its on.
(24,006 posts)... against George III and England.
Any of us could create a long list against Donald the First (and hopefully, Last).
Anything in particular that has raised your hackles this morning, Sarge?
(14,135 posts)From corporal to E-5 brother my ass has been in bind since Election Day. Just screw me to tears. Just was ranting over frustration no Congress to check this traitor or these criminals just trash.
(24,006 posts)This old SP5 would gladly buy you a beer at the NCO club.
The only thing new I saw this morning was the firing of an FBI guy. And, he has an Irish name and it's St Patrick's day, the injustice. Not sure how I feel about the firing. He served honorably, then f'ed up and lied to an internal investigator (like Army CID). That sort of nonsense has probably ended quite a few careers.
Or maybe the guy has a Scottish name, dunno.
(14,135 posts)Will find out from IG report just as all furious over kremlin 45 and his crew today sessions tops my shit list below trump. See you at EM club I gotta drink with my fire team.
(3,622 posts)Count me in.
to march but I still have faith that the Law will have it's day and we'll be rid of that scum soon enough. November can't come soon enough.