Related: About this forumMean Girls in the Retirement Home
ABOUT 18 months ago, my 97-year-old grandmother went out to dinner with some friends. As Nanna got out of the car, she tripped over her friend Shirleys cane, fell to the pavement and came down hard on her elbow. Back at home, she headed to the kitchen to get some dessert and my left leg just crumpled.. . .
Last summer, she moved into an independent living facility with access to a range of services and activities. She has her own apartment, with a kitchen, but can eat her meals in a dining hall. After giving her a few days to unpack and settle in, I got her on the phone. How was it going?
Well, Nanna began. Her apartment was lovely. The food was just fine, and there were all kinds of classes and courses to while away the hours. Have you made any friends? I asked, in the same chipper tone I used when my younger child returned from her first day at kindergarten.
There was a pause. Then: They wont let me sit at their table! Nanna cried.
Wait, what? Who wont let you sit at their table?
You try to sit and they say, That seat is taken!
Oh, my God, I said, instantly thrust into a painful flashback of junior high, when I walked into the cafeteria and was greeted with the sight of leather purses looped across the chair backs and the sound of one girl with dramatically plucked eyebrows announcing, Those seats are taken! I hadnt known enough to carry a purse. I had a lunchbox. (And it would take me another decade to figure out the eyebrow thing.)
And just try to get into a bridge game, Nanna continued. Theyll talk about bridge, and youll say, Oh, I play, and theyll tell you, Sorry, were not looking for anyone. . . .
considered. Heres my advice, I said. Find a bridge foursome. Figure out which one of them looks weak. Then hover.
When I was young and innocent say, last summer the idea of 90-year-olds in pecking orders, picking on those at the bottom, was a joke. Everyone knew that the real danger to the elderly came from unscrupulous relatives, con artists or abusive caregivers. Weve all heard sad tales of senior citizens being beaten, starved or neglected by the people paid usually underpaid to care for them.
The notion that a threat to seniors is their peers is somewhat new, and usually played for laughs. It goes against a truism handed down from mothers to daughters for generations: This, too, shall pass. Mean girls are not girls, or mean, forever. High school doesnt last forever, everyone grows up. But Nannas experience suggests otherwise. It says that the cruel, like the poor, are always with us, that mean girls stay mean they just start wearing support hose and dentures.®ion=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region

(72,174 posts)i watched my mom lose lose filters w age, and say things she never would have said before. i can just imagine someone who was an ass in the first place.....
ugh. maybe i should leave myself a note on the bathroom mirror to not be that.
(13,506 posts)it seems odd to me that people expect old people to become wise, kind, sweet, gentle, rational, etc. in their old age. In fact, old age can be hard, and it takes more and more energy to maintain whatever natural virtues one had when young.
In general, it seems we aging people become more of whatever we were to begin with. There's actually nothing strange in the idea that old people behave about the same way they did in grade school. Some are nice, some aren't.
(23,156 posts)I think what happens to a lot of people as they get old is that they no longer care what others might think of them, so they say and do exactly what they want.
I'm 66, and I'm exhibiting some of that behavior already. I've caught my sons laughing at me when they see me behaving like a crotchety oldster.