Is corruption among women on the rise?
After the anniversary of Women’s Suffrage Ratification passing recently it got me wondering….Women have been able to seek and hold offices in New York State since 1919. Suffrage was such a long, hard fought battle, a major step in the road of civil rights for women, a contributing factor to the rights, privileges and protections women and their children enjoy even today. I just wonder if the first two women who were elected to the new York state Assembly in in those early days, Republican Ida Sammis, a well known suffrage leader and supporter of prohibition, and her Democratic counterpart in the 1918 election Mary Lilly, would think of women’s position in state politics today. Would Lilly, graduate of the New York University School of Law, the first woman to win a scholarship in a competitive exam, and the first woman admitted to practice law in New York be shocked at the mounting list of female elected officials on the hook for using their positions to steal from the public? Read more....