African American
Related: About this forumSalon: Embattled Whiteness Gave Us Brexit.
"Embattled Whiteness Gave Us Brexit. It Wont Give Us President Trump."
If you take NOTHING else away from this article, I hope that everyone reads, absorbs and celebrates this bit:
...This is critical. In our fixation on these dislocated whites, we forget those that havent embraced backlash. And in the United States, at least, we forget that the world of disadvantaged working people includes millions of people of color. They too have been harmedoften irreparablyby the march of financial capitalism and the weakening of the social safety net (if they even had access to it). But they reject the overtures of demagogues. Which is a reminder that, for as much as workers are circumscribed by forces out of their control, they arent pawns of history. They can still make choices. Nativism is one choice. We dont have to respect it.
A very interesting read and I hope that everyone remembers this the next time a clueless, know-nothing talks about how "conservative" or "establishment" black people are. It is MINORITIES, the very groups who have been insulted, slimed and maligned this election season, that will keep liberalism and progressiveness alive and (God willing) keep Trump out of the White House.
Response to Number23 (Original post)
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(33,960 posts)And the article at the link is a damn good read.
He lays out very clearly to white Republicans that Brexit isn't happening here. The 1 in 3 minority voters in America compared to the 8% in Great Britain is the foundation of a "wall" that already exists.
IE our wall is bigger and better than anything Trump is promising.
(58,304 posts)JustAnotherGen
(33,960 posts)Elsewhere I'm trying to explain - without changing the subject to a "black American issue" - we've got your backs.
The second Civil Rights movement provides the playbook for equality. If we falter or give an inch it's going to be bad for a lot of groups that have made gains in terms of the laws of this land - based on Civil Rights legislation from the 60's.
Other minorities
New Americans
GLBT community
Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, etc etc.
And so on and so forth.
We've got to hold the line in this election. Their lives depend on it as much as ours.
(58,304 posts)YoungDemCA
(5,714 posts)The aggressive contemporary rollback of civil rights gains, from Voter ID laws through the Roberts Court striking down sections of the VRA, should worry all of us who want a more just, more fair, more equal society.
Well said, JustAnotherGen!
(24,544 posts)Black people are always held out to be the benchmark of suffering and misery in this country. Perhaps as you suggested, we need to be held up more as the benchmarks for social progress and leadership because that is every bit as real and true as our misery.
Minorities have flexed some AMAZING muscle this primary season and there damn sure ain't no turning back now. The same folks that have yanked Britain back to the Dark Ages are trying to do the same thing here under the guise of "making America great again." We have to make damn sure they are not allowed to do so.
(33,960 posts)Do the people who benefited - TRULY appreciate the level of effort? Allies and such and whatnot . . .
(31,849 posts)sheshe2
(88,589 posts)you are the firewall, we still have your back.
Response to brush (Reply #3)
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(58,304 posts)Try selling that ignorance somewhere else.
Response to brush (Reply #9)
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(58,304 posts)don't all think the same.
Enjoy your stay here, as it won't be long.
(33,960 posts)Did he post a picture of his mom in a compromising position again?
(58,304 posts)JustAnotherGen
(33,960 posts)"Just stop" guy.
He comes here a lot!
(88,589 posts)He keeps coming... back~
(24,544 posts)to not see or acknowledge that, too stuck in their bullshit and lies about black people being "low information voters" and "social conservatives."
brer cat
(26,618 posts)K&R
(73,718 posts)sheshe2
(88,589 posts)an indispensable barrier."
Yes, you are and I thank all of you for that.
Thanks Number23, most excellent read.
(11,833 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,375 posts)XO
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)DonCoquixote
(13,746 posts)"The older workers and pensioners who backed Leave are handing power to men of capital like Boris Johnson and Farage, a former commodities trader; the working and middle-class whites who back Trump, if they succeed, will hand power to a longtime financial elite, leading a party that bends fully to the prerogatives of financial elites. No, this is a backlash against the cosmopolitanism of those elites, against the belief that they broke the contract that upheld the relative social and economic status of people like them. If youre on the left, this is a backlash for all the wrong reasons."
I hear many of the far left talking about how this is a victory, and they show the same lack of foresight that made Bernie lose. to them I say "YOUR exercise in self congratulation and self immolation masks the fact that you have the LUXURY and YES PRIVILEDGE to say "we are choosing a lower standard of living for noble reasons" omitting the fact that the ones who will be doing most of the starving will be your poorer, browner fellow citizens." Of course Brussels needed a bloody nose, especially for how it treated all people, but especially brown people. However, let us not gild a RACIST act because of that dis-proven saw of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." The elites will only get STRONGER, the Germans only richer.
(24,544 posts)ignorance and lack of even elementary understanding of politics, domestic and foreign.
No "leftist" could celebrate the racist dog-whistling done by the Leave campaign. First we had Boris Johnson alluding that Obama's "Kenyan roots" are what lead to him being opposed to the UK leaving the EU. Then we had the UKIP not even pretending to be subtle with its racist depictions of floods of unwashed, brown immigrants flooding the UK. It's already been noted how similar those ads were to Nazi propaganda.
This was racism, nationalism and closed-mindedness wrapped up in a bow of craven political cynism. The reaction from even members of the Leave campaign with their "dear God, what have we done?" looks on their faces and the number of people that have already declared they regret their Leave votes speaks to how dishonest, unethical and decidedly UNPROGRESSIVE all of this has been.
(135,425 posts)like it was about "jerbs."
I'm appalled. And anyone who takes up that banner and starts waving it might as well fill out their application to be an auxiliary member of UKIP.
And yes--the complete opposite of what an actual "progressive" is, that point is so well taken. That word has been twisted and polluted in the last year or so--to the point where it has become meaningless in the best case, and in the worst case, a synonym for "racist" over the pond.
(24,544 posts)For real. The Third Way. Who knew the Third Way had gone global??!
All of this is one of the many, many reason that so few take the "left" seriously. They seem to have absolutely no understanding of politics, no knowledge of history, and are quick as hell to embrace their enemies because of a rejection/adoption of some policy or ideal even if for COMPLETELY different and/or horrible reasons all while breaking their backs to alienate their allies.
Boris Johnson et al went out of their way to let it be known that Brexit was 99% based on rejecting immigrants and you've got white "leftists" in America trying their hardest to pretend that it was about every damn thing else. Even after the Leave folks OPENLY admitted that their campaign was based on xenophobia, racism and flat out lies, there are a number of "leftists" determined to pretend that it was about "sticking it to the 1%." And people of color and smart white folks see all of this and it's one of the many reasons that we keep these folks at arm's length.
(135,425 posts)The ones who 'can't speak OUR language' and take up 'all OUR benefits' (emphasis sardonic and deliberate). It's sad. I really thought UK was getting past the rough spots, especially as the young people came up and saw that regional alliance as the New with Brexit the old folks are happy, but the young kids' futures are in jeopardy and their opportunities are fewer. Such a damn shame. It'll take them years, maybe decades, to fix this if they don't find a way to say "Oooops--never mind, we didn't mean it" and do that quick.
Of course, they're celebrating in Dublin--all those "Highly Fluent English language speaker" jobs that UK kids will be fired from will be On the Market in Ireland!
(78 posts)all twitter screenshots of people who are experiencing outright, blatant, in the face racism from these xenophobic motherfuckers and I swear on my life, I've never felt more disappointed in humanity in general.
(78 posts)wtf? While I have no love for centrist policy, anyone who would try to frame Brexit as anything CLOSE to third way policy in the same breath is smoking some high quality shit. Brexit was angry, white nationalists, plain and simple. UKIP is essentially the British KKK-- something that cannot, and should not be said about Clinton.
(24,544 posts)The Leave campaign could not have made that more obvious. And yet, some folks are still burning calories trying to pretend that racism and xenophobia had nothing to do with Brexit, that it was a "rejection" of "neoliberal" policies and "giving the finger to the 1%."
There is no rationalizing with some people. They are determined not to get it.
(4,542 posts)That adequately describes my guarded thoughts.
(42,486 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)That part is indeed true. AA's have protected everyone's rights. It is appreciated.
(88,589 posts)Good to see you here sweetie! Miss ya~
(24,544 posts)But still nice to see you.
(88,589 posts)I saw there were 1.8K responses.
Lol~ don't read them, I only read a dozen or so. I guess it is true some things are cheaper by the dozen and hell yes they were cheap.
(306,158 posts)Don't I know it and Appreciate it, 23, Thank you~
(306,158 posts)That brother is right and hes true, and when you hear what he said, make sure you vote and you take eight more people with you to vote, OK? Jackson said. Dont get tricked like they got tricked in London!"
Samuel L Jackson~
(24,544 posts)tricked but I totally understand what he's saying.
(56,582 posts)And I will spend the rest of my political life making sure the right and left remember that...
(31,849 posts)aikoaiko
(34,204 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)But recently read that the UK was still 87% white. That is a big difference from the 67% in the US. That's a firewall for us.
(135,425 posts)Brexit is all about xenophobia, and the sad truth is that the old racists who voted for it are condemning the young globalists who LIKE having an international passport and are not afraid of opportunities abroad to a misery that will take YEARS to undo.
And it is true that where the rubber meets the road, the minority voters are the ones who favor MORE inclusion into society, not less. The GOP tries to muddy that up by sounding the alarm against problems that are not really problems (sample: If gay people get married, that means WE can't;as though marriage is a zero-sum game/If gay people get married, they're going to want to march into a church where they've never attended services and DEMAND to say their vows at that altar!).
As Ricky used to say to Lucy, "It's just so ridiculous!"
It's astounding to me how some Americans can play the "white is the default 'real American' card" with a straight face, STILL. I really thought we started to move past that shit in the 21st Century....but I guess a lot of those angry people who have "lost their place" have to have someone to yell at.