African American
Related: About this forumPlease, SAVE US.
I was on Twitter the other day and I saw a poll released that Hillary and Trump were basically tied with white voters in Pennsylvania, but Hillary was winning black voters 90-something % and Trump had 0%. ZERO PERCENT. If we win PA (and I think we will) it will be due to AA and Latino voters.
And if we win THIS ELECTION, it will be due to AA and Latino voters.
These young white kids protesting the convention (and getting WAY more traction in the media than they merit; there are not that many of them) do not understand the horror of what life would be like under Trump for AAs, Latinos, Muslims, LGBT, women, the disabled, the working poor, the poor and homeless. They DON'T GET IT.
I'll tell you something. I am a 43-year old white woman who was born and raised in South Philadelphia, went to public high school in Philadephia where I was one of 30 white kids in my graduating class of 800. I don't get it like YOU get it, but I get it. And if I were back home (and god I wish I was for this election season) I would be knocking on doors in every AA neighborhood in South Philly where I was raised and went to school, and West Philly where I went to college and lived for many years. I would be on my knees begging AAs to register, to vote, to tell their friends.
WE NEED YOU. THIS COUNTRY NEEDS YOU. We've got a candidate who will work hard for you. And I KNOW you will come through. I know you know how much America needs to be saved from itself. The foolish white people who will support Trump need saving from themselves just as much as all the good Democrats.
PLEASE. Tell me you've got this.

(4,762 posts)White privilege is a hell of a drug.
(12,605 posts)Very well said.
(34,648 posts)DAMNED RIGHT.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)Wrong skin color, but GOTV going great here in Fairbanks.
I hope we do well here in anc too.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)All my neighbors are getting sick of me - GOTV!!!!
(17,601 posts)Then I can focus on getting others out the door on election day.
(34,648 posts)I vote about three blocks from where I live. But I have to drive a few folks too
(15,469 posts)
(54,505 posts)election. We need our AA and latino friends to save us.
And I think they will.
(4,311 posts)It's the middle aged white MEN who will f*ck us ALL over because their fee-fees are hurt that they're not kings of the f*cking world anymore.
Disclaimer: obviously #notallmiddleagedwhitemen
But you're right, the POC vote will save us this election. And I will be the first to stand in line and thank them from the bottom of my heart.
(54,505 posts)That's great.
(10,275 posts)It pains me that middle aged white men have become the poster boy/whipping post for this election.
I hope for better days ahead and that we can all get passed the demonization of people based on skin color, sex or age or national origin or any other trait based in what they are, not who they are.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)I'm 43 also and there is no damn way I am middle aged!!!
raven mad
(4,940 posts)GOTV has never been more important, so I'm out there with my little clipboard again.
(4,311 posts)From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)because we're mostly covered head to toe in warm stuff!
I started a GOTV in 1972. Ain't quit yet. Mom and Dad started rally's in the 50's...............
(4,311 posts)I always did voter registration and door to door in Philly. Every election, including midterms! I met a lot of wonderful people that way. I made some friends I still have now, after being in the UK for almost a decade.
I was born in 1972. You've paid your dues, and you're still out there working for us. That is so admirable.
raven mad
(4,940 posts)had some of the best wild blueberry muffins ever! That may be totally non sequitur, but damn, if that 88 year old Native Alaskan can't cook..................
(4,311 posts)I stopped eating sugar and flour, don't tease me!
raven mad
(4,940 posts)we got run out of the patch by a little black bear who was yelling "MY PATCH"..............
(90,319 posts)Clinton~Kaine
(4,311 posts)
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)I'm a 50+ white woman who has learned to pay close attention to the political judgement of her black fellow citizens. Nothing good can come from a Trump presidency.
(4,311 posts)betsuni
(27,612 posts)2naSalit
(95,902 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 27, 2016, 12:01 PM - Edit history (1)
with whom I can have such conversation, due to my government job, I can only have such discussions with a select group of potential voters... no campaigning allowed. But my colleagues are white 20 and 30-somethings and we have been talking about all this. They are certainly freaked by the don but are Bernie supporters, and truly bummed out by the DNC news. I have been trying to make them feel less adversarial about voting for Hillary. It's all I can do at this point, until my contract is up in October. After I'm set free of the contract, I'm all over the GOTV action. And my state is about to elect the first American Indian (D) to our one House seat too, ousting the TP (both Teathuglican and drumpf supporter-ugh!) ignoramus we have in the position at present.
ETA: This candidate for our one House seat is also a woman!
Go go go! GOTV!
Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)will be out bright and early on election day
(4,311 posts)
(1,048 posts)
(4,033 posts)Disclaimer: I became an angry old white guy sometime after I stopped being an angry middle-aged white guy, which happened after I stopped being an angry young guy during the Vietnam era.
I felt the Bern and am 'Bernie or Bust' (see to understand )
But I too understand the horror of what a tRump Presidency would mean. Forget about Obamacare, think about Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. Talk to your Conservative friends about what Trump would do to those programs, which he has called "Ponzi schemes"! Talk to your younger Conservative friends about how they would end up supporting their parents and having to become 'Death Panels' themselves when they had to decide whether to pay for the drugs needed to keep their parents alive.
Not all angry white guys are tRumpbots and I will be doing everything I can to make sure that there will be a Clinton in the White House come January!
(4,311 posts)Great post!
(78 posts)I may not like Clinton, hell, I may not trust her on dint of I can't remember the last time I trusted a politician to do more than spend my tax dollars on bullshit or lie to their constituents-- but it beats a nuclear winter because someone insulted Comrade Trump's hairpiece. My race and tastes have less to do with opposing him, and more with I'm deathly afraid of a nuclear war.
(4,311 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)The sand in our shoes are ultra-leftists who play I am cooler than you games with young voters to try to top the edgiest position to take on any issue. Trying to convince this crowd is like pounding your head against the wall.
Honestly, the whole future of progress in this country lies in white voters unifying behind Black, Latino, LGBT, and other voters to help shore up the coalition to beat the right and create terrain for better policy.
(4,311 posts)We MUST unify with our base. I think Hillary's done a really good job listening and communicating with a lot of diverse groups. I know she'll continue that once she's in the WH.
(11,833 posts)Talking with everyone. Helping drive people to the polls. Black, white, brown, young & old. We need to win the Presidency and the Senate. We can do it.
(4,311 posts)We, ALL OF US, have to get out the vote like nobody's business this time around. I'm going to be out making sure we get as many people to the polls as possible. I keep seeing #ExpectUs on Twitter as pushback against the screed that the Obama coalition isn't going to turn out for Clinton. We need to prove them wrong.
(4,311 posts)I have free calls to the US, but I don't know if I can get on the system from here.
(91,504 posts)But got a huge percentage of minority voters.
(4,311 posts)to make up for any POC who aren't as excited this time around as they were to vote for the first AA president.
Although Trump presents such an imminent threat I think that is a huge motivating factor too.