Brenda is a D a Native (1st American) running for office in a very red state OK
X post from GD.
Get Brenda's DU account to $150 by Monday (4-18-16) and Marta and I will kick in another $50.
PLEASE keep this kicked.
She is not a Bernie or Hillary candidate. More about Brenda here:
Donate to Democratic Underground for Brenda Golden OK HD #16 here:
We have an impressive number of Democrats who have filed for office. I currently have two opponents for the primary. Things in Oklahoma are dire, we are in desperate need of change, the Republican led Legislature has totally demolished our education system, put more women in prison in the world, our state is second in the nation in prison population, and our budget crisis is causing cuts in Mental Health/Substance Abuse, Child Welfare, Elder Care, and County Health Services. They rejected Obamacare and are making huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. The legislature has put a halt to any NEW persons or children being added to Disability Assistance.
Hello everyone, I am running for office in Oklahoma, House District #16. It is a very rural area with a lot of ground to cover. Oklahoma is in a lot of trouble. We have some terrible statistics plus an extreme budget deficit this year. From Sally's List: OKLAHOMA: FAILING OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN
Despite a strong tradition of faith, family and community, Oklahoma is failing our women and children. We were recently ranked 48th in the nation for women overall, a distressing ranking based on 36 factors related to womens economic security, leadership and health.
Oklahoma has the dismal distinction of ranking at the BOTTOM nationally of these lists:
overall womens health (50th);
women with health insurance (46th);
per pupil expenditures (49th);
women and girls in poverty (36th); and
infant mortality (40th).
And the TOP of these lists:
women in prison (1st);
children removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect (2nd);
child abuse deaths (12th);
women murdered by men (3rd);
divorces (2nd); and
teen births (2nd).
Oklahoma also ranks near the bottom nationally for women in elected leadership (41st) and for women serving in the state legislature (48th). The steady stream of anti-woman laws passed by our male-dominated legislature makes it alarmingly clear that Oklahomas women are being systemically victimized.
Brenda filing for office below.

The live list here: