Related: About this forumBioshock Infinite: I'll Just Leave These Here Without Comment (DIALUP WARNING! IMAGES!)
"Make yourself ready, pilgrim. The bindings are there as a safeguard.Ascension in the count of FIVE... count of FOUR... THREE... TWO...
Ascension... Ascension...
Five thousand feet...
Ten thousand feet...
Fifteen thousand feet...

Ken Levine and everyone at 2K and Irrational are to be given a standing ovation for this stunning and absolutely gorgeous achievement. Infinite is actually better, and by far, than all of the prerelease hype of the past several years could possibly have led even the most jaded gamer to cynically believe could never be reached by the final product.
The reviews are not exaggerations. Bioshock Infinite is a masterpiece in nearly every sense of the word.
Hallelujah, indeed.

Downtown Hound
(12,618 posts)But as soon as my new one comes in, I'm going to be picking this up. The first two Bioshock's were amazing, the first one in particular. They had storylines and characters that rivaled any of those seen in cinema. Infinite looks likes it's going to continue in that grand tradition.
Can't wait.
(2,542 posts)The world is so alive and immersive. The cult is tea-party-esque. It's so fabulously beautiful. Words really can't express.
(233 posts) predict when Faux and the rest of the tighty righties start some kind of indignation campaign over this game?
My money is on next month due to the slow digestive rate of culture with these folks.
(3,297 posts)It has now entered heavy rotation in my vocabulary.
(8,047 posts)I kinda went (ahem) crazy with Diablo 1,2 & 3 then Skyrim got to the point where
my family always knew where I was....( playing my games)... saw your post
and now I am getting an itch to play.
Amazingly never have played BioShock.
Question - should I even bother with the demo or just go ahead and get it.....?
Think it will play worth a damn on my MacBook or should I get the Windows version...
any thoughts?
(233 posts)For Infinite, anyway. Very graphics heavy game. However, Bioshock 1&2 are both AMAZING games, and I'm pretty sure your system would support them if you played Skyrim.
If you tell me the stats of your Windows PC, I should be able to say "yea" or "nay" on that. What kind of processor and graphics card are you running?
(104,058 posts)I run a i5-3570k and dual 7870s on my rig. You think that will kill it?
(1,245 posts)You're all good. Single 7870 can nearly max it, it's only an Unreal Engine game ... seen lots of my comrades over on (I'm a senior moderator over there) maxing it on higher end single cards (7950/670 and up), and crossfire 7870's is faster than any single gpu card (well, they're around Titan speed but that's a $1000 card so doesn't really count lol).
I absolutely cannot WAIT to get this game, too broke til the 1st to pick it up but like 5 mins after I deposit my check I'll be on Steam grabbing it. I've read nearly every review on metacritic, been so excited for this game for so many years.
I love love love Bioshock 1 (never finished the 2nd one though cause I was a little burnt on Rapture after playing the first one like 4 times all the way through), and from all I hear this one is even better.
(104,058 posts)But sadly I've got too much other stuff to pay off before I go splurge $1k on a video card for my PC. But yeah that game looks amazing, can't wait to play it!
(6,234 posts)Occulus
(20,599 posts)You don't have to have played either of the first two. It's unrelated to either.
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)The storyline in Infinite involves completely different characters than the first one, both games stand on their own very well. I would recommend playing the first one just because it is a great game, but play the games in whatever order you choose because the two stories are separate from one another.
(6,234 posts)I have a gaming computer with a Ge Force GTX 570 graphics card. I can run Skyrim with the graphics maxed out -- do you think it can handle this game?
(6,323 posts)I've got 2 460's and use one just for physics. Man I need some new cards.
(20,599 posts)Runs very well. I could reduce the visuals and get a better frame rate, I suppose....
(1,245 posts)The 1280mb vram might be your limiting factor to how high you can put the settings. Don't get me wrong that card is fast enough to play it at very nice-looking settings, but it probably won't quite max it out. Well ... unless you don't mind drops to 20fps on a very regular basis. I'm a 60fps snob myself
(6,234 posts)Phlem
(6,323 posts)What's the hardware your running?
(20,599 posts)Windows 8, Phenom 2 black CPU, 8GB Corsair RAM, NV GTX 560. Not the best gaming rig in the world, but it does the job!
Game above is running at max possible settings, at 1920x1080 resolution.
(6,323 posts)I hate the way they make games real pretty when they are trying to sell games without telling you the specs. My machine has a chance! Yeay!
(10,039 posts)Haven't got Infinite yet, but 1 and 2 were pretty extraordinary (I preferred Bioshock 2, but YMMV).
(1,245 posts)You can 'upgrade' weapons, there's various 'powers' (vigors) you can buy, and there's articles of clothing that can be found that confer passive upgrades like faster reloads, health leech on melee, that sort of thing.
(22,109 posts)Occulus
(20,599 posts)
Rain Mcloud
(812 posts)I will get it but,first i have to ween myself off of the Borderlands2 crack cocaine.
(1,245 posts)What with the level cap raise, 'ultimate VHM', and pearlescent weapons coming out next tuesday
Shoot me your steamID on PM if you wanna play sometime. Me and my buddy wanna put together a little raid-boss party, we've never done any of them cause there's just 2 of us + 1 other dude (sometimes) and we know you need 4 to do them. We'll be going at it hard again next week I'm sure.
Rain Mcloud
(812 posts)I played all weekend to hit level 40 and beat the first play through.
We get paid once a month and cash is scarce but i think i should have the DLC next week.
I don't know about PM but my Steam ID is RainLander.
(19,288 posts)But not anything I understand.
I just started it today, and it truly is beautiful. My husband couldn't stop exclaiming over the gorgeosity.
Skeeter Barnes
(994 posts)The gunplay has come a long way since the first game. The guns are more accurate and have a better "feel" to them. I used the shotgun and hand cannon 90% of the time.
Elizabeth is an awesome companion!
Infinite didn't have the same scary feel to it that the first game did. Andrew Ryan was a better villain than Comstock, IMO. Columbia is beautiful, though. What a fantastic place to escape from the real world!
My only gripes are I was hoping for larger areas and I wanted to be able to enter more of the buildings and explore. I'd give the game a 9.5/10.
When I first got to Columbia, I just stood around in the church for several minutes listening to the music.
Working my way through on 1999 difficulty now and it is hard!