Related: About this forumWoW: anyone still playing ?
When I get inspired I'll go back. Right now I'm not there yet.

(15,741 posts)eShirl
(19,151 posts)on a Vanilla private server (Feenix's "Emerald Dream"
So many things I'd forgotten from before the Cataclysm, things changed or completely gone from the current official version...
(4,261 posts)eShirl
(19,151 posts)in case you get sick of long queues for Emerald Dream server in the afternoons and evenings
(726 posts)...need someone who is patient to carry me in arenas.
(9,629 posts)I really can't commit to a game I can't pause atm.
Besides, WoD looks absolutely horrible. Where MoP made me regret leaving, the info I am seeing on the new expansion is in no way making me interested in going back.
rudolph the red
(666 posts)Didn't really feel like playing my druid or my hunter so I decided to level a monk. With all the xp bonuses available from heirloom gear, guild perks and various other stuff, it was so fast and so easy to go from 1-90 that it was ridiculous. Even after reaching 90, getting geared is a piece of cake. My monk is at item level 538 after hitting 90 only 12 days ago, and I have only been playing an hour os so a night.
I understand that it's nearing the end of the expac and Blizz wants to let people get geared and prepared for the next one, but right now there is very little challenge unless you are in a guild that is doing heroic raids.
(11,804 posts)Trying to level all my tanks (have a 90 pally, levelling DK, Monk, Warrior and Druid) through dungeon running. But with the long long delay till Warlords of Draenor I may end up unsubscribing for a bit. Warlords of Draenor looks really good, but they are being very slow about releasing info, and it's looking like it won't launch until September or later - which means we'll be in patch 5.4 for a year or longer. That's just not good planning.
(13 posts)My husband started playing again and I'm discovering I miss some of my gaming friends, but I don't want it to take over our lives again. I'll most likely start playing again, though. LOL