Related: About this forumWasteland 2: Directors Cut - PS4 - Review
OK... Don't hate me but this is not really the review yet I have been dying for this game since I first saw it on kickstarter... I even gave to the thing but my damn computer shit the bit before it came out and I've not been able to replace it yet... I just have this crappy old laptop that barely functions to surf the internet... Sheesh.
BUT!!! The good news is that I found out it came out for PS4 this week and I just bought it again... What the fuck is wrong with me
I'm at 1gig of the hefty 7.761gig download... I'm going to go smoke a nice big bowl (heh... probably more, I got about another 45 minutes to kill) by the fire pit an enjoy this beautiful Boulder evening I've been going with a mixture of shake and kief (potent little bulbs from the plants) lately... I get seven grams of shake for $7 a gram and a gram of kief for $10, a total of $52 dollars... But then I get 10% off for being a local resident and another 15% off because I purchase before noon on weekends, so 25% off covers the taxes. It lasts me about two weeks, works in the vaporizer, joints or the bowl equally well.
I digress I'll be back shortly to do an addon post with my impressions as I fire this bad boy up...
oh... Before I forget... I also got Super Meat Boy, some type of platformer from playstation plus... Look for a review on that as well in the near future.

Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)You know... I will only warn you once, don't come to Colorado... You will fall in love with the place and never want to leave. Sitting in the front yard on a nice cool fall evening... The fire pit going and your feet up... Smoking some wickedly good weed and watching a sliver of a moon hanging over the Rockies... This should be heaven...
Onto it though... I'll tell you right now, I'm fully expecting to love this game. My memories of the original are very fond. Not only that but I feel very comfortable the property is being handled by the right people who by all accounts have treated it with the care it deserves.. I'm so excited
I hit start and... A nice splash screen... InXile and Deep Silver logos... And the main menu: Continue, load, new game, options and credits... Lets start with...
Looks like all of the standard audio and display options.
There are a bunch of Gameplay options, mostly about recording conversations, text and such... A few others, I'll go with the defaults of pretty much everything 'on'.
Annnnnd onto a new game...
Squad Creation - There is an option to create or go with a default... Fuck it, I'm going with create. Next up, go with a custom or existing Ranger... Yup, Custom it is
Great googly moogly... I'm sorry but... There is so freakin much going on here, I'm not even going to try and describe it detail though I expect I'll be adding more as I get into it. Suffice to say, this is some serious old school tactical RPG goodness, with all the bells and whistles.
Graphics - Just amazing. I never thought a wasteland could be so beautiful. Classic top down view with lush detailed environments.
Control - Again... Just amazing. Everything required for a game of this complexity made slick and intuitive on a controller.
Story - I've just grazed the surface so it will be interesting to see just how big and detailed this game is... The dialog is detailed and depending on skills you can get lots of extra options. Add in both voice acting and text of the dialog for that extra polish.
Fun Factor - I love this shit... Tons of stats, perks and skill adds up to craploads of character variation. I can't wait to get a bit leveled up and start seeing the weapons and equipment.
Bottom Line - So far, I'm not seeing anything to even nit pick about here. Granted, I've just started and it will be important to see if it has staying power but... I'm going to smoke one more bowl and then sink a few serious hours into this