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(5,358 posts)We now have invasive Asian clams in the Shenandoah(!), my friend and her daughter found several shells a few weeks ago and called the extension office to see what they were. They said the clams likely came in bilge water and made their way down here. The shells are surprisingly large and a dark grey color, some slightly bluish.
The shell is beautiful, I hope the turtle had a long and happy life.
(138,720 posts)Neighbors fish and crab here.
(17,769 posts).... and take up residence elsewhere ?
It seems empty.
(138,720 posts)magicarpet
(17,769 posts)The same shell grows around them as they age?
(17,769 posts)Turtles will shed more frequently while they are younger and their shells are growing, but you can still expect an adult to shed once or twice a year. As they get older, they may not do full sheds at once, but rather certain sections will go one at a time.
(138,720 posts)depending on the type of turtle and its specific needs. What is this? Throughout a turtle's life, it will grow and periodically need to replace portions of its old shell with new ones.'
THANK GOODNESS!!! Of course, I wasn't at the beach watching the process.
(17,769 posts)I have never seen a naked turtle running around without its shell. That could prove embarrassing for all parties concerned.

(138,720 posts)jfz9580m
(15,588 posts)That is cool but also a little freaky!