Related: About this forumPelosi, DeVos address Christian educators on policy and faith
From the article:
Pelosi said she hopes decision-makers on both sides of the debate over the wall at the Southern border can agree on funding for key needs in Latin America as well as the U.S.: food and medical care for people crossing the border, assistance for the countries from which they are fleeing and additional federal judges to adjudicate their cases.
To read more:
As a politician, and as someone with a deep knowledge of how the US system of government actually works, Pelosi knows that she must work with both sides if anything is to be done.
(42,649 posts)Ohiogal
(35,886 posts)"reaching across the aisle."
In case any Republicans need it to be explained to them.
(42,649 posts)But real compromise is different, and requires the ability and willingness to work with the other side.
(148,461 posts)has nothing to do with whether they agree with each other on anything at all. I read the article. It said nothing about the two of them cooperating on anything. Pelosi spoke, and then Devos spoke. They talked about different things in their remarks. It didn't say anything about them talking together at all.
Where did your assumption that they were working together come from? Nothing in that article says anything about "working with both sides."
Once again, you have drawn conclusions from an article in, which is hardly an objective source. But, the conclusions you drew were not in any way supported by that long article from which you posted a single paragraph.
Nancy Pelosi isn't going to work with DeVos. Not on your life. The two have virtually nothing in common other than both being Christians of a sort. DeVos is a dedicated dominionist. Pelosi most assuredly is not that. DeVos is in hard-core opposition to women's reproductive choice. Pelosi is just the opposite. DeVos wants full funding for religious private schools from taxpayer dollars. Pelosi does not want that at all. DeVos is a right-wing, Christian Republican. Nancy Pelosi is a progressive Democrat.
You could not be more wrong than you are in the conclusions you drew from that article. There is no support in that article for your conclusions. Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, will be fighting against everything DeVos stands for. That is distinctly not "working with both sides" in any way.
Why do you misrepresent articles from which you quote tiny excerpts? Can you explain that?
(42,649 posts)or is this an extension of your "we must not work with the GOP" mantra?
(148,461 posts)However, I am familiar with her, and have been for many years. Clearly, however, you are not. Also clearly, you did not read the entire article. They did not even have a conversation, nor did the speak about the same issues. I'm also familiar with Betsy DeVos. She is a vile person.
As for working with the GOP, not just now. All of them are behaving badly, and in concert. What principles would you compromise to work with them, Guy?
(42,649 posts)To insert ad hominem in nearly every reply whenever anyone disagrees with you.
What principle does that illustrate?