Related: About this forumChristian Writer: We Can End Government Corruption By Not Voting for Democrats
Christian Writer: We Can End Government Corruption By Not Voting for Democrats
By Hemant Mehta, March 4, 2019
Are you upset by how millions of Americans voted for a wicked and evil man?
Are you tired of criminals filling government positions? And how so many political leaders have such a high tolerance for corruption and tyranny?
Are you sick of fake news? And hypocrites? And those who dont have a moral compass?
Then preacher Bert M. Farias, writing at Charisma, has some advice for you: Stop voting for Democrats.
(Seriously. He wrote that.)So many of those who profess Jesus Christ continually vote for the Democratic Party. How can you justify that when they are now riding fully with Satan? Today, I dare call them the demonic party.
Stop voting for criminals to fill governmental positions in our land. How can so many have such a high tolerance for the corruption and tyranny they represent? Its pure madness and defies logic.
Godless Hollywood and the snake-oiled media will keep endorsing evil. Its about time you stop believing their lies.
Why do you even give the time of day to Trump haters who lie continually and poison you with fake news?
Again, the problem is in the church world. We have too many hypocrites who tell us they love Jesus out of one side of their mouth while casting votes for those who represent the devils agenda. Educate yourselves.
Christ you cant talk sense into someone whos that far gone. They make up corruption on the other side while ignoring all the obvious examples of it on their own. Or, more likely, they blame others to deflect from their own irresponsibility. Its pathological, which is the only kind of logic these people possess.
More evidence that christian = republican.
(28,834 posts)He is serving his Lord, Donald Trump.
(14,505 posts)kimbutgar
(23,813 posts)1- didn't Jesus chase the money changers out of the temple?. The repuke party is owned by big business and has destroyed the consumer protection which protects regular people from predatory lenders?
2 - Didn't Jesus say feed the poor, help the sick and welcome strangers in your land. Which party is trying to cut off food stamps, make healthcare too expensive for even regular working folks and what pos president wants to build a wall to keep migrants escaping violence and danger, Much like the Israelites escaping persecution in Eypgt?
Another conman preacher who gives religion and the word of god a bad name.
I'm not a church goer but I live life as a Christian in my actions and not just words
(663 posts)I agree that a very loud subset of people who call themselves christian are just using Jesus for their own power. There is a long history of people using religion to control others and gain wealth and power. Some of us who identify as Christians are passionate Democrats. Much of my worldview is based on my faith. I'm a Democrat because i am a Christian. Also i accept science, including evolution and climate change. We're not all crazy.
(4,033 posts) money to the institution is equivalent to 'material support'.
(148,181 posts)However, some excuse right-wingers of things because they're also Christians. That's not good.
One's politics and religious beliefs can be very different from someone else's. We shouldn't give someone a pass for being Christian if that person espouses political beliefs oppose individual freedoms. Some people do make such excuses for Christians who do wrong.
(9,629 posts)Just another fake Christian trying to use religiosity as cover for their sins.
(15,017 posts)Duppers
(28,260 posts)His babble-on crap should not have taxpayer support.