Related: About this forumSurvey: Faith groups maintain widespread support for LGBT protection laws
From the article:
The newly released data from PRRIs 2018 American Values Atlas, an annual survey of more than 40,000 Americans, showed that 69 percent of all Americans are in favor of enacting laws shielding LGBT people from discrimination in jobs, public accommodations and housing.
To read more:
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Or do we need to keep pretending that intolerance is only a "human condition" and religion has nothing to do with it?
(42,649 posts)No, so you have your answer.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Is that religion has nothing to do with it.
(42,649 posts)Try responding to my actual response.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Try and keep up with at least your own answers, Gil.
If you want to squeal "straw" go right ahead. Once again you reveal much about how much credibility you should be assigned, or more specifically how little.
(49,533 posts)The fact that you've admitted you would rather live under a secular government than a theocratic one kinda answers it already though.
(12,344 posts)than conservative Christians? If religion is not an influence, wouldn't both groups be the same?
(42,649 posts)were a factor, then yes, one would expect all groups of theists to behave relatively the same.
(12,344 posts)The content of those beliefs matters a lot, especially when the belief is "Jesus loves you and shares your hatred of LGBTs ."
(49,533 posts)He has no point here so he desperately drags out the straw men.
(42,649 posts)As to the "belief" that you cited, it is unsupported by anything that Jesus actually said, but that does not stop some from insisting that their view is correct.
(49,533 posts)There are others things on the list.
Many of us recognize that religion is on the list.
You refuse to.
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)You are denying religion any significant meaning if you do that. Religion is not just an "aspect of tribalism." No how, no way.
I am shocked that a believer like you would even try to do that. But then again, not shocked, because you can never admit error and instead just keep doubling down.
(9,116 posts)As time progresses, the probability an apologetic will turn into 'I know you are but what am I' approaches 1.
(12,344 posts)There are several places in the Bible that prohibit homosexuality and crossdressing Jesus did 't say anything either way. Don't you think a sacred book that says homosexuality is a sin could create followers more intolerant of homosexuality than if the book didn't say that?
(42,649 posts)And the survey was taken of actual theists.
So, what should we infer from this, other than a majority of theists are supportive of LGBTQ rights?
And as a corollary, a majority of Chinese ctizens are not.
(12,344 posts)That's a significant difference, based in religion. A bare majority vs. an overwhelming majority is not the same thing.
(49,533 posts)"a majority of theists are supportive of LGBTQ rights" <-- This is a FALSE statement.
It's only a majority in the secular USA.
Worldwide a majority of theists reject LGBTQ rights. A fact you hate to acknowledge, as evidenced by your total lack of reply to my post #15. Your bias is clear - quit being dishonest.
(42,649 posts)you saw that the survey reflected US attitudes.
As to your assertion of clear bias, that is an ironic statement indeed.
(7,886 posts)Why did you bring up China?
(42,649 posts)Lordquinton
(7,886 posts)you have given none.
Why did you?
(42,649 posts)so until the balance shifts it doesn't mean that much.
So, I gave a counter-example.
And the Cuban atheists in charge of their Government at one time were similarly intolerant.
(12,344 posts)This is a yes or no question. Please respond with a yes or no answer.
Please do not respond with a question, anything involving another country, anything involving Communist regimes, a request for my opinion, a reference to anyone else's opinion, a news article, a reference to another post, or anything else that is not "yes" or "no."
If you wish to explain your answer you can provide an explanation after the word "yes" or "no." TIA.
(42,649 posts)And that intolerance is not confined to faith groups, ort theists in general, or non-theists.
(12,344 posts)You've beaten that straw dog to dust now, can we move on?
(7,886 posts)Trotsky posted about it.
(42,649 posts)For you.
(7,886 posts)Do they not prove it for you?
While we are talking about faith, we are dealing in facts. Trotsky provided facts that showed atheists are close to 95% in support, so there you go.
(7,886 posts)And no, you didn't give a counterexample, you changed the subject.
So you have reframed your thing about Cuba to be "At one time" but the actual fact in cuba is that the Catholic Church is claiming religious intolerance because the atheist government recognized marriage as being between two adults, instead of a man and a woman. And you made a huge thread about that religious intolerance. I could only infer that you side with the RCC in that case, but I know you were just looking for any dirt on atheists, and it ended in a hilarious dumpster fire of a post.
(42,649 posts)The actual article shows that a clear majority of theists support LGBTQ rights.
But this runs counter to the theists=intolerant mantra promoted by some here, so it must be ignored.
And another frequent poster decided to post his own take on the matter, starting a different thread. Something that I have been criticized for, but I do not expect him to read any similar criticism.
Can you say, double standard?
(12,344 posts)All religion is theism, all theism is tribalism, all tribalism is the same. Which avoids why anybody would be anti-LGBTQ in the first place.
(7,886 posts)The goalposts are moving at hyperspeed, I can barely remember where they originally were.
(49,533 posts)Point to the posts, gil.
Otherwise people might suspect you are lying.
(4,033 posts)...the train wreck and dumpster fire gifs aren't keeping up with the magnitude of the fail here. Just sayin'
(49,533 posts)YOUR claim was erroneous, and I shall disregard your personal attack.
(7,886 posts)but I think I'm going to go with gaslighting, the constant shifting between global and local depending on which is most convenient at any given moment. Some straw man thrown in there for good measure.
(49,533 posts)Gaslighting, goalpost shifting, straw men, whataboutism, equivocation, ad hominem, false equivalence, motte and bailey... the guy deserves his very own page on documenting the ways in which he abuses logic and debate.
And it's all to defend religious privilege.
(7,886 posts)Fits some of these posts perfectly. I wonder where else this is being deployed, seems like a lot of effort for a site like this.
(42,649 posts)I will continue posting both positive and negative articles about theists and non-theists.
And if that "ruins" the Du experience for you, you can place me on ignore or read other groups occasionally.
(49,533 posts)But right now it's way more entertaining watching you flail, crash, and burn every single time. I've remarked how much joy I take in seeing you humiliate yourself over and over. Overall I'd prefer it if you could behave, but at least there is some enjoyment I can take out of this.
I will continue posting both positive and negative articles about theists and non-theists.
Considering no one has told you that you can't, that's very brave of you.
(42,649 posts)And what they reveal... ?
(49,533 posts)Do you believe in treating others the way you wish to be treated?
Answer yes or no, please.
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)And what specifically do my responses reveal about my character?
Lay it out there, gil. Quit beating around the bush. Give me both barrels and get all the anger out of your system. Maybe it will help you with your problems.
For instance, your responses demonstrate that you do NOT believe in treating others the way you wish to be treated - even though you believe others SHOULD follow that edict.
Your turn.
(15,225 posts)There are words that mean "the willingness to believe". Religion is not one of those words.
(148,181 posts)Some people are able to believe that supernatural are real and some are not. Some people do believe, and some don't. Some people might want to believe, but find that they are unable to. Some people cannot believe at all, and have written the entire supernatural stuff off forever.
It's not a matter of "willingness to believe." Believe or do not believe whatever you are able to believe. I'm not, for example, "willing to believe" that real things are real. I believe them because there is evidence of their existence. I am unable to believe that supernatural things and events are real, because there is no evidence of it.
I am, of course, willing to believe that you believe something or another. I have no idea what that something might be, but I'm willing to believe that you believe it, because you have said so.
(7,886 posts)so until the balance shifts it doesn't mean that much.
(42,649 posts)Should Society Accept Homosexuality?"
China ranks #24 out of 39 countries surveyed. (Source: Pew Research Center, June 4, 2013)
(57%) No
Yes (21%)
There is much more at the link.
(49,533 posts)Why do you keep trying to change the subject?
(49,533 posts)25. Russia - 16% accept homosexuality. Majority of the population is religious (Christians about 50%).
26. Lebanon - 18%. Majority religious. (54% Muslim, 41% Christian)
27. Turkey - 9%. Majority religious. (98% Muslim)
28. Malaysia - 9%. Majority religious. (61% Muslim, 20% Buddhist, 9% Christian)
29. Kenya - 8%. Majority religious. (85% Christian)
30. Pakistan - 2%. Majority religious. (95-98% Muslim)
31. Palestine - 4%. Majority religious. (80-85% Muslim)
32. Indonesia - 3%. Majority religious. (87% Muslim)
33. Egypt - 3%. Majority religious. (95% Muslim)
34. Uganda - 4%. Majority religious. (84% Christian, 14% Muslim)
35. Ghana - 3%. Majority religious. (71% Christian, 18% Muslim, 5% traditional)
36. Senegal - 3%. Majority religious. (94% Muslim)
37. Jordan - 3%. Majority religious. (93% Muslim)
38. Nigeria - 1%. Majority religious. (50% Muslim, 40% Christian)
Religious statistics pulled from Google ("<country name> religious demographics" ).
Please, go on screaming "whatabout China" and pretending that religion has nothing to do with intolerance. You're dead wrong and doing a great disservice toward ending intolerance.
(7,886 posts)As Trotsky pointed out, China is far above many theistic countries.
Perhaps I was a tad vague. I'll qualify it with Here in the US, anti-LGBTQIA laws are pushed exclusively by theists, and has theistic roots.
(42,649 posts)Lordquinton
(7,886 posts)So, those theists represent a minority view, but the atheists in China don't?
(7,886 posts)You mean theists in the US, correct? In which case we should compare to atheists in the US, where support is at roughly 95%. Opening it up to China opens it up to a global comparison, where your claim it's a minority view quickly falls apart.
Now if you compared theists in America to theists in China we might have something.
Or compare atheists in the US to atheists in China and you find that there is a large difference. What do you say about that?
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)But somehow religion has nothing to do with it because of reasons.
(42,649 posts)Perhaps you missed it.
If so, tell me how religion is to blame.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)First off, NO ONE has said that religion is to blame for ALL intolerance. You have been arguing against a straw man this entire time - because it's easier, of course.
But religion DOES support, condone, and/or command intolerance. You are dead wrong when you say it is blameless. (Which you do, right? Or will you finally admit that religion can be responsible for intolerance too?)
(42,649 posts)intolerance is a human behavior that is not restricted to atheists or theists.
Quit being so fucking dishonest.
(148,181 posts)You're arguing with yourself, Guy, and neither side is making any logical sense at all.
Your one line replies to complex posts indicates that you are not really thinking about what you are reading, I think.
(42,649 posts)But the mere fact of thinking is not enough. Agreed?
The real issue for a few with this post is that it shows theists in a positive light.
Now admit your error and quit trying to change the subject.
(148,181 posts)As several people have told you, nobody here has claimed anything of the sort. We all recognize that anyone can be intolerant. Nobody here has said otherwise. You are the one trying to put up walls, not the rest of us.
Why don't you stop doing that and give it a try?
(42,649 posts)The one that ignored China?
Speaking of stopping, and all of that.
(7,886 posts)Mother church can do no wrong, even as they get mired in scandal paying out millions.
Bretton Garcia
(970 posts)They always liked pederasts.
Mary, they say, was a young teenager when God forced himself on her.
(148,181 posts)poll only of believers? What do you suppose the percentage of non-theists would be who are in favor of laws protecting LGBTQ folks from such discrimination. Lower or higher than 69%?
(12,344 posts)Somehow we are supposed to conclude the relative differences in opinions among various beliefs and nonbeliefs is unrelated to said beliefs or nonbeliefs.
The highest agreement came among Americans who follow New Age faiths, at 86 percent. Jews, Hindus and Buddhists were all well above 70 percent, as were those who identified as religiously unaffiliated. Only slightly less in favor of LGBT protections, at about 70 percent, were Mormons, Catholics, white mainline Protestants and those who followed other religions PRRI does not track. Around 60 percent of nonwhite Protestants, Muslims and Orthodox Christians also said they favored such protections.
(148,181 posts)They might be atheists or agnostics, but not necessarily. In any case, the unaffiliated group had a higher percentage than the evangelicals, which came in at under 60%, and were notably higher in acceptance than most other groups.
The very name of the polling organization indicates that it is religious in nature. The logical error in evidence is informally called, "grasping at straws."
(49,533 posts)In 2014, 94% of atheists were supportive of homosexuality.
So not the same exact question but gives you an idea. Regardless, obviously we should praise believers in America who have made it to 69% support.
(9,116 posts)Because a developing country did something draconian.
(49,533 posts)But you're right, religion has nothing to do with it.
(148,181 posts)I mean, even atheists have 6% who aren't supportive of LGBTQ folks, right? So, that's just the same, right? It's not like a 5X difference or anything, right?
Nothing to see here, folks. Theists mostly are supportive. Just ignore the ones who aren't right? It's only 31%. I mean, at least 31% of the entire population of the United States stands solidly behind Donald Trump, right? I wonder if it's the same 31%...hmm...
But, China...don't forget China...
(87 posts)But happy to see it.