Related: About this forumMany Evangelicals believe/have been taught that the Koran was dictated by demons!!!
Libby Ann in her blog Love,joy,feminism at patheos discusses this in her 3-21-19 post on the Christchurch massacre. As she says, if you believe this, it is easy to believe that Muslims are evil and must be destroyed.
Libby Ann is no longer Christian, but she was raised in an Evangrlical home and church and was home-schooled. She states that this is what she was taught.
I am stunned. From birth in 1940 to college graduation in 61 I was in SBC churches. I never, ever heard such an idea. I suspect this may have developed after Evangeicals became aware of Islam as a world force after the fall of the Soviet Union as a threat.
(9,646 posts)Fertile fields for whack ideas.
(29,911 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)The Koran has many of the same things as the OT.
It has the ten commandments, although not in the same format.
Of course many of our 'Christians' feel that the Jews are also of the devil.
Funny that they seem to ignore that Jesus was a Jew, right up to the end.
ms liberty
(9,913 posts)They don't much care for his life's work and message when it comes right down to it, but his torture and death are a real focus, to the point where the instrument of said torture and death is how they publicly identify themselves. I've often wondered how Jesus would feel about that, really. If there is a Jesus, of course. Would he want to be around them? Would he feel triggered?
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Its not a new idea, its just they have newer targets for their hate.
Lots of Christians think non-Christians are tools of the devil. We have a regular here who calls his detractors deceiver which is code-speak for the devil. The idea is if you arent with them, you must be against them and working for the other side. Many of them are indoctrinated with these warped ideas from childhood.
(42,649 posts)A very specific assertion.
All that is lacking in support of this assertion is...........
can you guess?
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Learn how to think.
(42,649 posts)you actually just said:
We have a regular here who calls his detractors deceiver which is code-speak for the devil.
The idea is if you arent with them, you must be against them and working for the other side. Many of them are indoctrinated with these warped ideas from childhood.
Your own words. You wrote them.
Unless your entire response was "code speak" for something.
So are you saying that your earlier response was not correct?
Please link to these responses from this unnamed poster so we can all read them.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Words have meaning, Gil. When you use them incorrectly you are forming gibberish instead of coherent thoughts.
Learn how to think.
(42,649 posts)You made a claim of specific behavior, and specific words, which you claim are code speak.
I asked for substantiation.
You have twice declined to provide it and pivoted to something else. Some might call that diversion.
I cannot find anything in a site search to support your specific assertion.
I am not saying that you are incorrect, I am saying that I personally cannot find one single response to validate your assertion.
Please, prove that those responses exist. I will then join you in condemning them.
Thank you in advance,
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)I wasn't replying to you and I was intentionally non-specific exactly as you are quite frequently with your "choir" and other nonsense. I find it quite telling you'd get so upset over the exact same behavior you exhibit pretty much on a daily basis here. Says a lot about you, Gil.
At any rate if you don't like it, I suppose your options are getting over it or not. I also really don't give a shit which of those you choose.
(42,649 posts)You earlier wrote to another:
We have a regular here who calls his detractors deceiver which is code-speak for the devil.
The idea is if you arent with them, you must be against them and working for the other side. Many of them are indoctrinated with these warped ideas from childhood.
So the assertion was quite specific.
An assertion that a regular exists here.
An assertion that thus unnamed regular calls his detractors "deceiver". (You put the word in quotes.)
And I have admitted that, with my poor investigatory skills, I have been unable to find any of these quotes.
There are 2 possibilities that I can see.
One, these posts exist but you cannot find them.
The other, I will say no more.
I will accept on faith that your assertion is correct, but I cannot prove it.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Learn how to think, Gil.
(42,649 posts)These posts exist, or they do not.
Posts like this:
Yes, thinking is a good skill to cultivate.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)I don't care.
Kinda funny how you can't drop it though.
(42,649 posts)Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)I will file this one under undocumented assertion.
Nice illustration.
Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)Or does it just go under the "choir" you speak so much about?
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Major Nikon
(36,915 posts)The one time Gil gets treated as he treats so many others here he comes unglued. Very telling that.
(42,649 posts)Lots of Christians think non-Christians are tools of the devil.
We have a regular here who calls his detractors deceiver which is code-speak for the devil.
The idea is if you arent with them, you must be against them and working for the other side. Many of them are indoctrinated with these warped ideas from childhood.
(148,293 posts)
Links to someone referring to the "deceiver". Click to see who it is.
(42,649 posts)I hate to point out what should be obvious, but...
Here is the original claim:
Major Nikon (31,803 posts)
4. They think the same about atheists
Its not a new idea, its just they have newer targets for their hate.
Lots of Christians think non-Christians are tools of the devil.
We have a regular here who calls his detractors deceiver which is code-speak for the devil.
The idea is if you arent with them, you must be against them and working for the other side. Many of them are indoctrinated with these warped ideas from childhood.
From this thread:
The claim by MN, an obvious one, is that this unspecified "regular" calls his detractors deceiver.
Your first link leads to this response to MN, by me,
It is obvious from a reading that the deceiver does not refer to MN, but to an unnamed entity which might be deceiving MN.
So MN's claim is incorrect, and unsupported.
So that should end the matter.
(148,293 posts)Not only did I not hear that, I did not hear anything about Islam or the Qu'ran. Neither were ever even mentioned.
(36,480 posts)"No, it was written by a psychotic-schizophrenic who heard voices." That's much better, I guess.
Now, if I were a Muslim I'm not sure if I would be happier being told that the Prophet was a crazy who managed to dupe people or by a demon who managed to dupe a gullible Muhammed.
Of course, Xians are told either they're duped into believing a simple itinerant populist rabbi was God; that perhaps this itinerant rabbi never actually existed but is a syncretism of various other religions; or, at best, the pre-existing writings that (non-)existent rabbi cited was either put together by somebody who was basically a racist Jewish nationalist or a bunch of similar psychotic-schizophrenics over time. Or maybe charlatans. The difference is that supernatural deception's not usually in the list of options (although I suspect that if you look at rabbinic writings you'll find the claim somewhere that Jesus was crazy or possessed).
The claim that the Prophet was possessed by a devil or by the Devil dates back at least to the early Middle Ages. At first he was a heretic, influenced by heretics and entirely unoriginal but basically bloodthirsty and supporting what we'd describe as ressentiment and imperialism these days. Other Xians or Jews called him "crazy" or "possessed"--keep in mind that they were potential synonyms at the time. Within couple of centuries he was described as a perve or as either possessed or Satan-influenced. Why was this a topic? Look at the history and at relevance.
I suspect that this was either a claim made by Evangelicals after doing some research you didn't or was the obvious deduction that had already been reached very, very many times given a very old set of traditional assumptions and beliefs. This kind of claim is never made in a vacuum. I saw very few denunciations of the USSR in 2002 or 2009, for example. Few got up to say how horrible their proxy wars were, few had much to say about how the "dictatorship of the proletariat" had produced such environmental degradation on such a wide scale, or to talk about the GULags. There being no USSR to argue against, arguing against the USSR seemed rather pointless. You argue against foes. You don't take a lot of time arguing against irrelevancies.
The church I was in in the late '70s and through the '80s had been affected by a set of heresies (it's why it existed). So one minister had a series of sermons on heresies. Islam, originally considered a Xian heresy, was included. And with it, the allegations about Muhammed. This was in maybe '79 or '80, when Islam was still not much of an issue in the US.
(23,065 posts)informed it... silly evangelicals