Related: About this forumThe American Church's Complicity in Racism: A Conversation with Jemar Tisby
From the article:
In his new book, The Color of Compromise, Jemar Tisby surveys this history with an eye toward the innumerable moments when white American Christians could have interceded on behalf of racial justice, but did not. Taken together, he argues, from the founding of the United States to the present, these moments constitute an ignominious timeline spanning four centuries of suffering, so that today’s headlines are connected to seemingly ancient atrocities. By the end, it is clear that past and current events retain a striking similarity regarding the church and race.
To read more:
(49,533 posts)The reason why racism and the Christian church have such a long history is that racism is not only found in the bible, but supported by it. The same character that says "love your neighbor" also gives instructions for beating one's slaves. The "mark of Cain" was interpreted by many Christian sects as a reason to be prejudiced against those with darker skin color. It is important not to disregard these historical realities and push the notion that the religion and its foundational text are pure and perfect, and it's only bad people who are responsible for all racism.
(9,116 posts)Because I don't like the way you're reading it.
(49,533 posts)as if we were in a official debate session or a courtroom, and by failing to adhere to the queen's rules on debate, I therefore forfeit, nana nana boo boo.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)It’s impossible for religion to be blamed.
(42,649 posts)And if you find any posts that support your point:
please highlight them for us all.
(42,649 posts)So, in essence, you have no actual evidence as understood in a legal or scientific sense.
(49,533 posts)Feel free to peruse at your leisure!
I am now putting forth exactly as much effort as you've ever shown for me. Annoying, isn't it?
(42,649 posts)And that is the problem with making sweeping accusations. Absent evidence, they show much about the accuser and nothing about the accused.
(49,533 posts)You can insult me as much as you want, but you are only insulting yourself.
(7,886 posts)on both the posts existing, and the amount of effort put forth.
Plus there is the fact that he's used those demands to them go and delete said posts, then act as if he didn't do anything wrong.
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Are you OK, g?
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Until then, you should really stop judging people.
(148,457 posts)Apparently, religion is not necessarily a force for good, eh? Just as we have been saying all along...