Views on clergy vary by age, education, religious identity
Source: Associated Press
Views on clergy vary by age, education, religious identity
By The Associated Press
July 8, 2019
Americans’ age, education level and religious affiliation matter greatly when it comes to their opinions on a prospective clergy member’s sexual orientation, gender, marital status or views on social issues such as same-sex marriage or abortion, a new poll shows.
The survey released Monday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that among all Americans who identify with a specific religion, about 8 in 10 say their faith should allow women and divorced people to be clergy members and just over half say the same about gay men.
Here are some of the poll’s findings:
— 44% of Americans ages 60 or over who affiliate with a religion think their faith should allow a gay man to become a clergy member, compared with 54% of those ages 45 through 59 and nearly two-thirds of those under age 45.
— Nearly two-thirds of those with a college degree say a gay man should be able to become clergy in their faith, compared with 50% of those without a college degree.
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