(6,459 posts)and don't really know what can be done about it.
It makes me feel uncomfortable. Although we sure have a great troll control squad- thank you thank you
(4,225 posts)They got that sucker after only 6 posts which was down from 10 which was 2 down from12 posts!!!
Plus NONE of the members fell for the trolls O.P under the name of "ForWhomThe Bell tolls" before Icymist locked it!!1 Woot!!!!!
(6,459 posts)Admit It Tumbulu You just Like the troll gifs!!!
raina starling
(27 posts)The echo chamber is dampened?
(8,423 posts)w.e..i.r.d.
it seems like an agenda based infiltration, y'know...NOT just to aggravate the group...
(5,510 posts)Troll-dar. Is it not operating on all cylinders???? I wonder how some of these have been identified as trolls. Guess it's good I'm not one of the gatekeepers.
Thank you to those who are!
(4,225 posts)We just have a particularly Stubborn Troll that has Way To much time on their hands.
Just look for low posts and If they just became a member that very same day. This troll has the same M.o. just a different name each time.
(5,510 posts)JanMichael
(25,339 posts)they think they are being "cute" by coming to this forum.
(4,225 posts)Except To alert EVERYTIME the darn thing pops up.The moderators/Hosts Are FAST!!!! Greased Lightning in fact!!!
I'm going to have to get some work done around here tomorrow so I won't be here all day. I hate Working. LOL! so if it rears its ugly head ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!
(2,185 posts)And miss the troll-fest?
Darn.. I miss all the fun..
Sweet Freedom
(4,008 posts)over and over. They must be bored. Perhaps they have run out of things to do in their mother's basement...
(4,225 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)seems to insist on "holding up a mirror" to us, as if to point out our hypocrisy of not being all-inclusive. The problem with that, is when you annoy people, they're not going to be willing to treat you as anything but a troublemaker in return.
It's one thing to make that a full OP topic, and yet another to counter every accusation of "troll" with the mirror-defense. It's argumentative instead of an attempt at calm discussion.
(2,649 posts)I can see what this person is trying to do, but the way he or she goes about it is abrasive and down right rude. If you're trying to hold up a mirror to someone, you do it in a loving and kind way -- not with snark and condescension. Is there any wonder why people see "troll" when they read these jabs?
(4,225 posts)is a known Rmoney supporter too Kentauros. Tsiyu has been on its case since the beginning.It waxes into its republican propaganda periodically. I don't think it wants to get along with anyone here. it just wants to stir the pot. If we can get its breakouts onto the board shorter and shorter perhaps it will get bored and return to the republican pit it came from.
(4,225 posts)Late last night in G.D. That sucker got really Vile before he was Tombstoned ,The Thread locked ,Post Hidden, It got out 12 posts before it was caught there to. Seems its just troll season.
(12,263 posts)I was here in 2004, but had no idea what a troll was at that time. They register under several different names (sock puppets) and don't necessarily spend a lot of time here other than to lobby or harass on different issues UNTIL the presidential election rolls around. Then it seems they sign up all their relatives and every klansman they know and flood in. They strive to overwhelm.
(6,811 posts)spreading FUD as much as they can. just like turning your TV off (or being EXTREMELY selective) is the best bet against its propaganda, as is the same with everything else. it takes more and more of their power to maintain their stranglehold, and eventually it will all fall apart.
not every point is valid and not every viewpoint needs to be given equal weight. being open on earth has limits because we are finite beings while here. it explains the impulse to revoke our energy from other toxic groups in our lives as well. this is a natural part of our current progress.
(137,011 posts)by 'alerting.'
(4,225 posts)Howler
(4,225 posts)elleng
(137,011 posts)Thanks, Howler!
Response to kimmerspixelated (Original post)
Post removed
(18,186 posts)My guess is cleancut fundy dude who is close to the R/R Money Boo Boo campaign and/or one of the DU stalker sites.
Some DUer ( no telling which of us ) has left a trail to here, and the troll feels very clever - like an obsessed stalker would - to get in on our fun and make inane comments.
Ignore and alert, they out themselves elsewhere because this forum is part of the Slow Forum Movement ( ) They HAVE to run around pissing on everything real fast once you let them in - an uncivilized lot these trolls be!
Pretty sad that trolling in that manner is how an adult spends his life. Makes you feel kinda sorry for someone so empty.
Blessings to all, even trolls, because it's that kind of day!
march starling
(5 posts)said troll? Okay, then...
You came on with a very hostile response because you don't like your little world disrupted. That is the problem with online crap--it's. fake. That is why you see so many iSheeple with their phones yakking to disembodied voices and neglecting spouses and kids. Because they can pretend to be something to someone who's not there. Now THAT'S empty and sad.
Have a good one!
(1,925 posts)When I am feeling kinda down I come to this group of lovely individuals. And I just read.
The sheer kindness and goodness seems to waft off the page and enter my heart.
This is like a secret garden of peace...where people cherish and support others.
I hope you find the solace and wisdom that I find here.
These are special people..... Just read for awhile.... And absorb their positive,healing vibes.
When I had nearly terminal cancer ( I'm ok now) a psychologist who had had cancer offered, for free, a weekly course.
It was called 'The Healing Journey'. One day in coldest January, I was exhausted from chemo, hairless and terrified.
A young woman was trying to teach us novices meditation or relaxation and stress relief.
The girl said..imagine light coming down entering your head... It was new to me, but at the end of the class I said to her..
'where is the light?...I cannot find the light'. I will never forget that day. . Since those dark days, every summer day I try to appreciate the light..
The trees, leafy and stable..light filled.. in the garden. And ASAH... People are nurtured here...come in peace and enjoy..
How wonderful to see your post! I think about you often and wonder if you're lurking around these parts.
Now I know you are
Hope all is well in your beautiful part of the world, and thanks for trying to show our friend "the Light."
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)so it returns to continually remind us that it is more evolved than we are by hitting us where it expects to find ego or self-importance.
Even though sometimes its attempts to goad backfire (as when it tried to hit my knocking HRH Dressage Queen Ann by mocking me...only to discover I'm in the last stages of grieving my loss of Algiers) it doesn't learn. (And in an honest, forthright discussion, I would remind sock puppy that HRH Queen Ann benefited greatly from dressage yet has done nothing to help others with MS and disabilities to benefit from hippotherapy, and in fact would deny them the treatment she can easily afford. I would also remind sock puppy that while HRH Queen Ann benefited greatly from dressage, she abused one dressage horse as well as cheating in competition by riding him into the ground while he was on surgery-level painkillers, and then when it became clear he wouldn't be competitive again, attempted to defraud a buyer out of $125K by drugging him in his prepurchase exam.
And even though it occasionally loses its temper, as in its hidden thread here, and shows its resentment and need to see revenge for its exclusion, it doesn't recognize that it is no more enlightened than we and it still must follow our rules if it wants to play in our sandbox.
And our rule is we don't deliberately kick each other in what we perceive to be ego or self-importance in order to wake each other up because no
ne of us knows the details of each other's lives and none of us knows what underlying issues may be causing what appears to be ego or self-importance. So we could inadvertently cause another severe pain instead of an awakening.
The bottom line is that, as with many un-evolved Sagitarians that I have known in my life, it thinks rules are for others and it refuses to play by our bottom line rules.
During election season, we don't go after our candidate. And there is never a season when we go after one another, even to awaken them.
You've got it.
It was difficult for me to frame this one - but as soon as I read what you wrote it made perfect sense.
I was looking more along the lines of a "sermon-y" sort who is trying to preach tolerance for Republicans ( on a Dem board - sure ) no matter how awful those Republicans are.
But you are so right, mt, because there is that "Oh, you people are all hypocrites" theme running through the various puppet tableaus.
What you said about not kicking each other...exactly.
This troll's method is to bust in and start bullying - in a passive aggressive way sometimes, as if the protocol of the group has no bearing and needs no acknowledgment.
It does not respect boundaries. It does not respect anyone but self, aka, Trickle Down Social Skills....
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)"giving us a taste of our own medicine" which more succinctly reiterates my point. I would only amend it to say that it *thinks* it's giving us a taste of our own medicine, where I think it is only projecting onto us what it dislikes in itself.
For example, we are "isheeple" who substitute a fake world online for the real one out there, and we "love our rules."
But how much time is it spending online, coming up with sock puppets and dispensing its, er, wisdom on us?
I can only speak for myself when I say that I don't love rules so much as choose to respect and appreciate them. It is the price I pay, instead of cash, to play in what is a private, not public, internet space. If I want to write things that are against the DU rules, there are other forums where I can do so. I have no need to break rules here, nothing to prove and nothing to gain from it.
Rules really are about boundaries. I respect boundaries and prefer to have my personal boundaries respected. As a group, ASAH has boundaries. As a larger group, DU has boundaries. Respect them, and play in peace. Disrespect them, and expect to be dealt with.
I was banned from DU2 and didn't know why. I didn't react with the vitriol that some banned posters have, and re-joined DU3. There, in the new rules, was explicitly stated what had previously been an unwritten rule which I had unknowingly violated a few times. Now that I know that rule, I don't break it because I like to play here. It's that simple.
Our sock puppy, on the other hand, does seem to have a need regarding breaking rules. Maybe its an addiction to breaking rules in order to prove that is isn't some isheeple conformist? But then, who is it trying to prove that to? My guess would be: itself. After all, why would a nonconformist care what an isheeple thinks?
(18,186 posts)the "rules" that is.
There are thousands of boards where a Rightwinger can spew all the BS he wants.
This board is for us, for progressives and liberals and other Dems who don't want to wade through the mindnumbingly ignorant views of most Republicans.
The troll feels left out and I'm guessing that it is part of the Money Boo Boo cabal, because it seems to be most upset at our comments about the Ice Queen Ann.
This is the problem as I see it: Millionaires like the Rmoneys are JEALOUS of anyone who has a little something. How can a milionaire be so cruel, so greedy and so evil that he and his wife would take away people's paltry monthly social security check - that the workers earned by paying into the system ( and not like Mitt destroying companies and putting people out of work and taking the ill-gotten gains to the Caymans ) ???? How does a person become SO GREEDY and JEALOUS?
Mittsy and Queen Ann are the epitome of avaricious slime. There's no excuse for their hatred of the poor, the working class. And the Republicans HATE that truth, because most of them are working class and will some day rely on SS. They KNOW he's a greedy piece of crap. Rather than wonder to themselves WHY they support such a cruel person, they try to come here and tell us we must be "tolerant" of this evil. It's all they've got.
It's also a massive waste of time, but I suppose the troll likes wasting time, because Republicans LOVE waste of all sorts as long as they think they benefit.
Mittsy is a scumbag who treats his own family like crap, who tormented his classmates, who called all his kids liars on national TV, who put his dog ON THE TOP OF THE CAR for a long ride. There is nothing to redeem here. Mitt is a loser. A rich loser, but a LOSER nonetheless.
Any troll who thinks their trolling can fix all that IS a sheeple - and a very deluded one at that.
Response to magical thyme (Reply #28)
Post removed
(8,423 posts)I'm so moved by all the love and light delivered within the speculation. The troll is like the Grinch, and here at Whoville, we STILL celebrate Christmas no matter what. IT can't take our inner peace away from us.
(29,414 posts)while our song transforms the Grinch into a joyous and happy person!
(8,423 posts)Oh, Yeah!
(5,198 posts)LOL!!
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrystalis/8068939040/]ASAH troll taking advantage of planetary alignment.
(8,423 posts)How the laughter pulsates from my belly!
(5,198 posts)about the asteroid chaos, and checked where it is transiting....and it is currently in my sign of Gemini and conjunct Jupiter, so the joke is on me (as per usual, instant karma LOL!) Also I was going to make a smartass joke about Chaos and Uranus--and Uranus is currently conjunct my natal Chaos--wow.
So here's some stuff about asteroid chaos---serendipity at work.....I look at this as an archetypal symbol--enjoy!!!
Minor planet Chaos was discovered on November 19 1998. For its meaning the first thing we think of is disruption and the world falling apart. The use of the word Chaos as meaning disorder and anarchy came relatively recently in Elizabethan times. The ancient Greek meaning for Chaos was Emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss from the verb which meant gape, be wide open, Wiki. If anything, I think Chaos is more to do with creation than destruction, Chaos is said to be the first of the primordial Gods and represents air. So it is the very beginning, the very first Greek god.
(8,423 posts)Response to felix_numinous (Reply #39)
Post removed