Astrology buffs, you might find this interesting
... and/or disturbing, as I did, but make of it what you will:
Mercury coming to station exactly on a Black Hole is a rare event. It has only happened once before on Election Day in the U.S., and that was the calamitous election of 2000. Yes, the contest that brought us the Florida voting debacle, with its Palm Beach Butterfly Ballot, the mysterious 16,000 anti-votes cast for Al Gore in Volusia County, and the interminable recounts, with their fascinating new lingo of hanging, dangling, dimpled, and pregnant chads. A succession of legal challenges eventually led to a 5/4 split decision along Party lines in the U.S. Supreme Court, which handed the presidency to George W. Bush, loser of the popular vote, some five weeks later.
But that was a direct station, with Mercury poised to resume normal forward motion. In 2012 were dealing with a retrograde station, and the effect could conceivably be much worse. The period surrounding the station is known as the Mercury storm, and thats a very apt descriptor, as the period can be chaotic, random, and turbulently hectic....
With Mercury on a Black Hole on Election Day, both advance and exit polls are virtually meaningless; whatever the pundits and experts say, this election has a mind of its own, and its outcome is very much in doubt. This also raises the specter of deliberate manipulation of the polls, in an attempt to either deflate enthusiasm or encourage over-confidence in one camp or the other, both of which can result in fewer voters bothering to show up...
Neptune here suggests that confusion and illusion will be the order of the day, along with a healthy dose of deception or misdirection. Beware electoral sleight-of-hand in the tabulation process, with electronic voting systems that are notoriously easy to hack and amend. Chiron evokes maverick behaviors and suggests a wounding of some sort, while Uranus rules shocks, upsets, regime change, and sudden, unexpected disruption, and also ties directly, via its rulership of electronics, to potential e-vote fraud.
(6,459 posts)I am not an astrologer, but since that is at the end of the voting day, would it have that much impact? I could see if it began in the morning, but in the afternoon?
Plus I think that the trauma of the whole Bush nightmare has scarred us all into being perpetually worried that it will happen to us again. I fall into panics regularly now- triggered by any and all sorts of things. I am not the only one who falls into these fears.
I think that the media needs it to be close so that they can make all the advertising dollars that they can make. If they did not want all this money no way would it be this close.
Anyway, I am trying to wean myself from the fear and panic energy.
Sanity Claws
(22,064 posts)We've been there before and are prepared to handle it better. Obama has teams of lawyers everywhere to challenge any shenanigans. I trust Obama that has thought ahead and has prepared for some worst case scenarios.
peace frog
(5,609 posts)I don't think Obama or anyone else outside the Republican party ahs prepared for what will happen on Election day.
peace frog
(5,609 posts)so wouldn't the retrograde have an impact? I'm worried about that, certainly.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)The Obama campaign team has proven over the course of the entire campaign that they are top notch pros and are prepared for anything. The stolen ballots in PA resulted in arrests, there are places to report vote stealing and suppression, etc.
While some states have had to fight harder for EV, here in Maine the GOP tried to impose voter ID laws and ended up pushed way back. Instead of suppressing the vote, for the first time we have EV for everybody
I voted ahead of Sandy just in case. There's a nor'easter coming next week, but it won't hit until Thursday and so far looks like rain and maybe freezing rain overnight. Meh. This is Maine, not WV. Up here, a foot or so of snow is a dusting
That doesn't mean it won't be a fight every step of the way, or that the final results won't be delyaed, but I believe Obama's team is well prepared for GOP dirty tricks. This time the Supreme Court will be up against somebody who may actually fight for the Constitution and not allow them to override it!
I'm surprised that someone here actually think that only the GOP is prepared. They are pulling out their same, worn out bag of tricks. It worked before, so they expected it to work again. It hasn't and it won't. We did learn from our failure in 2000.
peace frog
(5,609 posts)but not counting on it.
(15,888 posts)"Up here, a foot or so of snow is a dusting" That's such a funny statement! You remind me of me! I moved from NE Ohio, where the snow would grow higher than the windows of the house, to Central Illinois, where the snow drifts would hide a semi-truck! Seriously, I don't think there is any place in this country of our that 'has it worse off'! We all have ours own crap and right now, New York has some very serious crap!
As far as dirty tricks go from the GOP, I don't think that even they have this one under control.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Romney is the type that is universally disliked. Rove will save his ammunition for 2016 and a candidate he prefers.
It's actually a good thing that Prez O faltered on debate one; it gave them all false hope and kept the money spigot headed to Romney instead of downticket.
Now we'll hold the senate and maybe make some gains in Congress. I would *love* to see a sweep, but that may be too much to hope for.
(657 posts)They say mercury can effect electronics, but it wasn't the planets it was Rove and crew. It wasn't just machines going haywire because of a certain alignment. It was man made. So maybe they will have problems with their dirty tricks, if electronics go wacky maybe they won't be able to manipulate it. They will have problems with the computers doing what they want.
(713 posts)I've been trying to look at the other side of this too and I feel like you may be on to something here...we have to also remember that we are creating as we go now too, so it's important to hold what you want to happen in your consciousness.
(15,888 posts)There are other aspects happening.
peace frog
(5,609 posts)This was posted from another website as something interesting to read. Disagree with it all you like.
(15,888 posts)It offended you that I pointed out that there are other aspects than Mercury retrograde? How about play nice children.
mother earth
(6,002 posts)Prelude to a certain amount of confusion? Certainly possible, given Rethug propensity for all manner of stealth and manipulation.
Let's hope the win is a landslide and nothing will stop the vote, not wind, sleet, snow or hail.