Will Rove be exposed at the end of this month for trying again to fix Ohio?
Looks like this Lunar eclipse around late Nov will trigger all of Rove's secret funny points in his chart
and he very well may be exposed for trying to fix Ohio again. With Mercury stationary on voting day
and Neptune conjunct his Jupiter in secretive Pisces...that's why he LOOKED SO SHOCKED ON ELECTION NIGHT. Something
went wrong in his "fix"!
It all makes perfect sense
watch Thom Hartmann:
(3,032 posts)Matariki
(18,775 posts)By the powers of the East, the powers of the West, by the powers of the North, and the powers of the South, by the path of the sun and the ever changing moon - let that be so.
(6,459 posts)in it. Thanks for writing it.
(137,048 posts)AND will leave him trying to defend himself for the rest of his life!
Would be great if he were 'discovered' and held to account by the authorities, but Anon may choose to remain so.
Kind of sorry I missed seeing his behavior on faux Election night, but I sure wasn't watching THEM!
(3,794 posts)onecent
(6,096 posts)Rover didn't seem highly emotional or 'incredulous,' as some have asserted; seemed like a normal 'let's see; don't have enough votes.' His real attitude takes some wind out of sails behind thoughts that he was expecting another 2004 deal. (I DO believe OH was stolen then.)
(2,151 posts)He was not accepting the results presented by the Fox hosts. It does lead me to wonder, especially now that Anonymous has claimed a hand in preventing a stolen election in Ohio.
Rick, I'll sit back and see what else develops around Mr. Rove later this month.
(13,716 posts)I'm thinking of SOS Jon Husted....the lead character who implemented the fix.
(3,794 posts)too many charts involved
He belongs in Prison
(3,794 posts)just wait and see
(13,716 posts)between republican-democratic districts... no longer winner of the state takes all....He won't stop scheming. He currently is backing up on it publicly but we know his mission.
Here is what I found on his birth....
Jon A. Husted (born August 25, 1967)
Husted was born in the Detroit area in 1967, and subsequently abandoned by his biological parents. He was later adopted and was raised in Montpelier, Ohio.
Husted claims on his 2010 campaign website he is a native of Ohio, however, other sources claim he was actually born in Royal Oak, Michigan,and he stated in an interview in 2008 he was born in the Detroit area
In October 2008, Husted became the subject of an electoral investigation concerning his residency. He has long claimed a home in Kettering as his official residence. However, someone discovered that house had a stack of newspapers going back six weeks on his front porch, with cobwebs forming over the front window. Husted would admit he spent much of his time in Upper Arlington, a suburb of Columbus, with his family.
(4,225 posts)That there is a pretty good possibility of Kasich and Husted has well as others being voted out in 2014.
The Ohio people were Pissed at them trying to rid Ohio workers of being able to negotiate their work contracts.So much so they put the issue on the ballot and kept the right over riding the Ohio Legislature. Sooooo We will see.
way too much Virgo Opp Chiron in Pisces
"on a conservative mission from God"
MAR/NEPTUNE rising in Scorpio, very sneaky and underhanded
Saturn will stop him
Jupiter in Leo at the top, "he will have HIS way" ; everyone else is simply wrong
thank goodness
(13,716 posts)The GOP Gang here in Ohio are equal to *bush and company. I've seen them in action since 2000, ever growing more arrogant and just nasty. I live in Dayton Ohio...(original home Mars Pa)...
Husted cut his political teeth here in Dayton. We know him and his backroom games well; always shades of grey....always with consequences for democrats.
(4,225 posts)I live in Dayton Ohio too FarPoint. Down in SouthPark.
(13,716 posts)Beautiful town. Been to a couple of parties out there. Isnt Meadowview garden store out there too.
(13,716 posts)Meadow View Estates, yea. I live by the Ester Price shop. Near Landis Market.
(4,225 posts)Let it be SO!!!! OMG!!!! Speaking As a resident of ohio, I'm sick of seeing our elections being subverted for big money's agenda!!!!
Unlike alot of the folks on G.D. (Too Many) I KNOW elections have been electronically stolen! Has a matter of freakin fact GWB has the very dubious distinction of serving has President TWICE without EVER being elected by the people OR the electoral colledge!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
KENNETH BLACKWELL Will go down in infamy!!!!! Husted (Thank Gawd!!!) has no real Balls!!!!!
(8,423 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)NEOBuckeye
(2,842 posts)He looks and acts like the cat who swallowed the canary. It's almost like he's daring someone to bust him, but doesn't think anyone can or will, so he keeps pushing farther and becomes more brazen in his corrupt acts. But the heat from all of the media scrutiny this time was probably too much for him to steal Ohio for Romney outright, plus we now know that it wouldn't have even mattered in the end.
LOTS of corruption in the Ohio GOP. The Noe coin dealing scandal a few years ago was only the tip of the iceberg. It seemed for awhile like we were heading in the right direction when Strickland and the Dems took all of the state line offices but Auditor, and the Dems managed to reclaim the Ohio House, but then the Repubs came back in 2010 with Kasich, and pretty much picked up where they had left off.
(4,225 posts)All of it. I really wish Jennifer Brunner had waited to run for a higher office and stayed SOS at least for another term.
Those folks over in G.D. that are so sure that votes and elections arent stolen obviously have never had the pleasure of living here in Ohio...Or Florida! To Me they are utterly ignorant of exactly how bad its gotten.
(2,842 posts)They haven't lived in this state to know enough about how bad our politics are. I also agree that Jennifer Brunner would have been great running for another high office. She'd be an excellent gubernatorial candidate in 2014, but I haven't heard her name even mentioned so far among the list of potential Democratic candidates. Strickland is considering running again, as well as Tim Ryan, Congressman from the Youngstown area, Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald, recently defeated Congresswoman Betty Sutton of the west side of Akron, and Richard Cordray, former State Treasurer and Attorney General.
Strickland was a decent governor, but I worry somewhat about his age (he's 71 now). Not that a septuagenerian can't still potentially do well, but I think it's nonetheless a valid concern, and he will be 73 in 2014. FitzGerald would bring a city/metro perspective to the state from Cleveland, something that is shockingly lacking in our politics given the unusual number of large and medium-sized cities we have. With so many of Ohio's major cities being reliably Democratic, it is surprising that the Republicans have been able to maintain control of the State Legislature and Governorship for so long. FitzGerald, however, is also still relatively new in the position since Cuyahoga County moved to a charter system of government last year. I like Cordray a lot, and couldn't believe that he lost to Mike DeWine. Of them all, I think Cordray would be Kasich's nemesis, given his background and directorship at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I imagine a lot of big corporations and the Oil/Fracking industry spending a lot of money to try to protect Kasich and stop Cordray. The good news is, at least, with Obama's successful campaign, we now know it isn't a foolproof strategy for them.
(657 posts)I lived in Fla for many years. Voting was very hard and a joke. It is definitely not on the up and up.
(4,225 posts)Its time for a BIG change and a very bright spotlight on these electronic voting machines!!! And the people who would take away the voice of the people.!!!
(13,716 posts)that is exactly who he is.... I've had to address him on occasion for Nursing legislation for Ohio Nursing Association. Extremely arrogant, pompous ass when he was Speaker of the House.
(5,198 posts)already, and like Bush&Co, all the evidence is out there on their crimes--but Rove knows a lot about people in big places, so it would be very dangerous for him to be put on actual trial. He would have to swear secrecy, for a price, or he would be offed. This is how the big game is played.
I am cynical when it comes to justice for these people--there is a long list of dead people who have crossed them. If he is thrown to the wolves as a scapegoat, I don't think they would get anything out of him. Like Libby.
(4,225 posts)And at the end Anon clearly threatens Rove with releasing the evidence they found To Assuage if Rove doesn't behave.
(3,794 posts)Tumbulu
(6,459 posts)I am glad to hear this from you!