Starself Astrology Newsletter for December: The End of the Mayan Calendar
[center]The Mayan Calendar Ends and Starts Anew
(No, its not the end of the world)[/center]
I have been asked so many times the past few years, Whats going to happen in December of 2012? Well, here we are, and no, its not the end of the world. I dont know who (the media) came up with that panicked idea. It is the end of a cycle that began 8/11/3114 BC. No one knows why the Mayans back-dated this calendar before their own actual existence! But, more importantly, this is the beginning of a new one.
On Friday, December 21, 2012 at precisely 11:11:11 a.m. in Greenwich, England, the current Mayan calendar comes to an end. I have no idea who could have developed such an intricate, complex set of mathematics, but I have a very strong hunch it didnt come from a human mind. The mere fact that 37 seconds later we enter winter is too accurate to set aside.
There is a reason for this offset of 37 seconds,
we just dont know yet, and its not a mistake.
Keep in mind that 10 days are missing from the modern Gregorian calendar that Pope Gregory chopped out of October in 1582. (They needed to adjust the calendar for accuracys sake.) The day after the 4th became the 14th. This was kept in mind somehow to ultimately interject this tiny interval and still have the Mayan Day be within 37 seconds of the start of this coming solstice.
So, what does all of this end mean? From what Ive seen, there are already thousands of explanations. Who knows? There are plenty of experts on the subject and Im not one of them. I have something else to talk to you about. But first, intuitively, the greatest description Ive heard yet is that the Mayan Day marks the end of our childish inhabitance of this planet the years in which we took this orb for granted is over.
It is time for all of us to grow up and treat this planet with the respect it deserves.
That makes sense. Look at what a poor job we have done in regards to how weve mistreated each other and the earth for so long. I dont have to be a seer to tell you that the earth is quite angry. Do not doubt this. The earth is very intelligent, and currently, it is rejecting our inhabitance. Seen any floods? Earthquakes? The earth will protect itself.
I am not going to dwell on the past but it has become extremely obvious that we are evolving and at a phenomenal rate. There has been so much talk the past few years of ascension and raised vibrations, et al. I cant tell you how so many of my clients are insisting now on quitting their jobs and becoming light-workers.
Here is the kicker. For several years, I kept looking at the chart for 12/21/12 and wasnt that impressed. That made at least one of my Spock eyebrows rise. Hmmm. Then, out of nowhere it seems, someone came up with the exact time (music to an astrologers ears) of the end of the Mayan calendar (whats called the Long Count), AND THE START OF THE NEXT ONE. 11:11:11 a.m. to be exact. So, I plugged the date into my Solar Fire software and WHAM! I was knocked over.
Why calculate the chart for Greenwich, England? Because its the modern center of astrology and its no coincidence that that marks 0° longitude for the planet. When that chart was calibrated and appeared on my screen, there it was:
Chiron together with Neptune rising right on the ascendant.
I cannot explain to you how significant that is. A planetary combination in a chart is one thing, but for the pair to be RISING it totally dominates the whole chart as well as
the next 5,000+ years.
And thats not all. The whole chart is simply phenomenal! Chiron and Neptune of course are in the wonderfully spiritual sign of Pisces and are at the tip of a T-square formed at the base by Venus & Mercury in Sagittarius in the ninth house and Jupiter in Gemini in the 3rd. This CLEARLY means many things, but the main one, I think, is that the time just might be ripe for us to establish communication (if we havent already) with those other than earthlings. Certainly, were coming closer and closer to discovering more about life on other worlds.
The symbols are so clear. The phenomenal impact that it will have on our whole existence is beyond description. Besides interplanetary communications, it bodes greatly for the increased communications between all of us. I cannot express enough HOW POWERFUL Chiron and Neptune in Pisces rising is. It is a monumental promise of a world that will finally learn to live together in love and caring. (Unless we choose to ignore it. More on that later.)
Yes, Pluto will still be squaring Uranus in that birth chart, a symbol that will always be with us representing the fight between the haves and the have-nots. Even so, the orb of the square will be 5°, and that sure is a lot better than 0°! (This also indicates by direction that we have about 5 years to get this work done. To get the gridlock out of congress (and ourselves) and get our ship righted, or, or, or
) The fight will continue, which means that we wont adopt our new way of being overnight, and actually, its best to have a chart with some tension in it, else complacency can set in. Were not going to see a utopia, thats for sure, but the power of Neptune, the spiritual planet inspired by the mission-accomplisher, Chiron, certainly indicates that were going to be getting with it. Ive told you this: Ive seen it clearly: light-workers are having more and more required of them while so many others are just itching to get involved in order to help out the movement. That couldnt have been made any clearer than in the recent election.
The fact is the earth is in trouble, and the risen masters know it. They are here to help us. If you have a half of a dosage of intuition, you can feel it by now. You can call them Jesus, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Allah; I dont care what you name them. They are here now in force. After all, dont we all claim to believe in at least some of them? Isnt our God from outer-space? He/She/It surely wasnt from Biloxi.
We have always been IN outer space.
So, we flip to the next page of the Mayan calendar, thats why its circular, it spins and spins. More about that chart - an amazing chart. In that 12/21/12 chart:
The Sun of course is in the final degree of Sagittarius (almost directly lined up with the Galactic Center), the forward-looking sign. The Sabian Symbol meaning of that degree is, The Pope Blessing the Faithful. Thats rather evident.
The Jupiter opposition to Venus and Mercury clearly indicates improved communication, governments working collectively, teaching and learning on an unprecedented scale, etc.
The Internet continuing to change womankind at an incredible pace.
Saturn strongly placed in the middle of the 8th house in Scorpio strongly supports the two rising planets giving them depth, sustenance, and integrity. Chiron and Neptune are here to stay.
The Moon next to Uranus in Aries (but not too close) indicates a freshness, a directness and rebirth to the way we feel together. This is a very optimistic symbol.
The Southern Lunar node comes out of the 2nd house indicating that we will feel like coming out of our shell, our sequestered homes in exchange for opening our arms to include others; finding our value by closing the gaps with others.
Venus in Sagittarius squares the ascendant indicating that we will become less tense around others and find fun and excitement interacting with a wider diversity of people.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn and mysteriously on the cusp of the 11th and 12th house. This could be no better! This indicates that we will press for efficiency and sustainability in all of our actions, but more importantly, its nearness to the 12th house shows a readiness to surrender our will (Mars) to a Higher will. Thank God, will ya?
The guiding influence coming from Neptune and Chiron in Pisces will be the final straw; it will change the collective so that we will finally become less materialistic AND LOST. Perhaps some church-goers will start to see what we ALL have in common. Were all saying the same things people just happen to dance differently.
The Midheaven (top of the chart) is surrounded by the sign of Sagittarius, the sign of hopeful optimism. Hope springs eternal with this new chart. It means we can aim for new heights just as our old worn-out systems are nearing their last breaths. This is no exaggeration. The Internet is gradually giving 7 billion people one common voice. This cannot be overstated.
You have seen NOTHING in comparison to the numbers of people remembering their psychic abilities and origins. I cant even touch this line, the implications are truly staggering for non-verbal communications and distance-healing.
I think were going to see the end of cancer (the illness) and AIDS simply because what are illnesses except for a variety of energy systems within and without the body that are not communicating harmoniously.
More and more healing will be facilitated simply by INTENT. Nothing more to say: less pills, less Doctors. Less need for illness insurance. What do you think has been causing such a STINK these past few years in regards to health insurance? Neptune and Chiron IN PISCES (were all One) insist upon it. We are one body. (The current insane thinking says things like: Oh, I think Ill get my bottom cavities filled but ignore the top ones.)
The Sun is 9° from Pluto indicating, by direction, that 9 years from now, or 2021, around the time of the USAs Pluto return is when the real large scale transformation will take place. It all fits so exactly; so, exquisitely.
When we relocate the Mayan chart for Washington, D.C. (instead of Greenwich, England) we see how it will specifically affect our country.
That chart shows Neptune and Chiron doing their work in the 3rd house, in other words, we are going to start thinking in less fear-based ways; ways of abundance instead of lack. Uranus in Aries finds itself very close to the nadir, or bottom of the chart. This symbolizes that well become more adventurous as a nation instead of our old cautious Cancer ways. We will carry our homes on our backs more and become less earthbound. Our minds will free us to live in a more resplendent collective.
The old family unit will be needed less and less as we truly will have villages to grow our young. A much more enlightened approach. Imagine, babies sleeping with their parents (a much healthier, natural way) as most animals do on this planet. Mercury rising in Sag opposed to Jupiter on the descendent is the main construct here. This means a much more open America; a true world leader when it comes to educating and learning with the rest of mankind.
Interestingly enough, if we look at the birth chart of the current long count calendar that started some 5,000 years ago, we get a chart (for the Yucatan) that has Sun in Cancer almost precisely on the midheaven with Uranus and Pluto exactly together in Capricorn and precisely opposite the Sun. This chart foretold of all the power struggles that were to take place over 5 millennia. That certainly proved out. No wonder we had so many wars.
Remember, with our free will, we can choose to resist and abuse this influx of Divine Grace if we want to; it wont be the first time. It is not guaranteed, it is our choice. God gave us free will His greatest gift.
I dont have to tell you what will happen if mankind abuses the potential of this months chart. The Neptune will sour and turn to lies and deception and well have many more floods; the Chiron will surely result in more wounds on every level; the promise of the 3rd-to-9th house Venus/Mercury opposition to Jupiter will manifest in controlled media sources - indoctrination. (Sound familiar?) Can we really afford to deny the potential of this marvelous turning point by neglecting our Source? Thats how we got into this mess in the first place, is it not?
None of us can continue to operate disconnected from our Source. It is apparent.
Thats why the old calendar is ending.
And you thought it was the end of the world? It is. The old one.
Personally, Ill be very glad to see the chart that weve been living under for so long lose its influence; Im kinda tired.
To access the rest of the newsletter, go here:
(5,510 posts)A lot to absorb. Thanks, Ric
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Thanks for posting!
(713 posts)and it is brilliant! We will make it, the light is here and it has won, no doubt about it. GREAT job Rick!!!
(3,794 posts)talk to you soon
(8,423 posts)Last edited Tue Dec 4, 2012, 11:01 AM - Edit history (1)
Take a deep breath...
Rick, I recall a newsletter of yours almost a year ago when your message seemed to be waltzing across our hearts and imagination with possibility.
This one is THE POSSIBILITY.. and feels like that sweetest of moments ; deep and rich like our lives are meant to be for the collective soul... emerging.(edited due to confusion)
What's coming feels like a new kind of soul peacefully being painted within us..all.
I cannot express enough HOW POWERFUL Chiron and Neptune in Pisces rising is. It is a monumental promise of a world that will finally learn to live together in love and caring.
Can't wait to read it again.
(1,472 posts)I'll be reading this a few more times as I digest it. It put a smile on my face this morning. Thanks!!
I've started taking a year long course in earth medicine/ways without actually knowing why (rationally) other than it interests me. That is, as a "career path"- as others expect...but I trust that a part of me knows the scoop and will share when the moment is ripe.
(3,794 posts)this is NO COINCIDENCE whatsoever. I looked at your karmic chart and see Chiron is exactly right now on the Chiron in that chart.
You have been doing this type of healing for lifetimes, and it's simply time for you to resume at a higher level. Chiron the healer.
The LIGHT-WORKER stuff I wrote about is EXACTLY THIS.
This is yet another reason why the next book will be called the Intimate Zodiac
This IS the moment.
(3,747 posts)(Insert musical notes here)
Thanks for that uplifting summary of the next 5000 years. I truly believe the Goddess is rising and we are awakening with Her. By goddess I mean the divine feminine and the Great Wisdom of the Prajnaparamita which/who is the Mother of all Buddhas.
Om Ah Didh Hum (Her mantra)
(8,423 posts)That's it, let's face it, Women rule!
(3,794 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)Okay.. let's see... the universe, of course!
(3,794 posts)geesh
(8,423 posts)Time
(3,794 posts)the men have screwed this place up enough, ghead
(4,225 posts)Thank you kindly You Master Astrologer you!!!
(21,046 posts)I want to make sculptures and weird stuff.
As part of my development as an artist.
I am truly a musician and artist, but I got degrees in rational stuff that I didn't love.
(8,423 posts)He created some cool stuff out of his scraps. Such weldings!
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I was reading the other day about a woman business owner who was having trouble finding skilled labor for her welding work. Seems that the commercial welders these days have to know new equipment and materials that are higher tech than the traditional. What that tells me, is that craft welders are going to be a new big demand That is, if you plan on selling your work ....
(2,875 posts)Hi, folks.
I am not a new poster. This is luv_mykatz. I had to open a new account because DU kept sending me to the log-in page whenever I tried to reply to any threads today. My old account was registered under an old email account that I don't have any more, so I couldn't even send myself a temporary password. Bummer.
Anyway, I am not a troll and not a newbie.
Great newsletter, Rick. I am hoping that the old world/old way of doing things is what ends. Yipee! I am looking forward to flipping to the next page of the Mayan calendar. Cheers!