I just cannot seem to process this.
These small children will have to process this trauma for the rest of their lives. How in the world can the children or their parents make a decision to choose love instead of fear now? Especially this close to the the 21st?
(713 posts)the sad thing is that this will keep happening until we do something about our gun laws, like MAKE SOME and then PASS THEM. It's like Mother Earth sending a huge hurricane to hit the east coast had to happen before any of our politicians even began to speak of global warming in this election. Obama needs to do something. It's his last term, what does he care?? Yes he has his legacy to think about but I think there are more people who want gun control than who don't. And I also think he would have a hell of a legacy if he would do something like that. I wish he would just go completely rogue and do all kinds of radical shit before he leaves office. I feel so badly for those parents who lost their children to others' stupidity...and that's what it boils down to...stupidity and ignorance.
I'm sure in the bigger picture maybe those little souls came in to do just this..sacrifice so something would be done about the gun situation in the U.S. So others won't have to lose their lives as well. But it didn't have to be that way if we had done something before now. We can only hope that in time the parents and children who witnessed this will find the love to forgive and heal and also find some peace.
(3,873 posts)This event is affecting me far more strongly than other events like this that have happened before. I guess I am kind of losing it. It is just so heart breaking.
(2,248 posts)here is a hug oh my god.i want my kid home from school
(23,444 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)just took a real heavy blow, they will never be the same; what an awful fanatical chart; it's caught up with them.
Pluto is sitting on the most sensitive degree in their whole chart.
Thank you Pluto.
Our thoughts to the families...
(2,842 posts)I've read a few accounts today of self-professed gun nuts who have been deeply shaken by the events. Men who wrap themselves in so much bravado and patriotism around the Second Amendment... brought to tears by the accounts of fallen young children. Even these guys have their limits.
(3,873 posts)I just had a conversation with my best friend who, I thought, was on the same page as me spiritually and she is all of a sudden just lost.. saying that evil has won. there is no light that can withstand this darkness.. I knew not to argue with her about this, I could tell that the events of today had hit her and her partner hard too, so I started agreeing with her thinking that if I took it to the farthest reaches of the mind that she would stop me and say no, she didn't really believe it was that hopeless.. but she didn't. She went even further, totally scoffing at the idea that there is any real choice at all now and absolutely believing that there is no plan, and that all we can do is try to maintain in the darkness, because the darkness has won and we are hopeless and helpless. I happen to believe that there is always a larger plan than anyone can fathom.. we cannot know all of it and probably could not understand it anyway. But I have to believe that some how there was some kind of purpose for what has happened today.. I cannot believe that evil has won and that we are lost. I just can't.
But talking to her, I found myself sitting and feeling more alone than ever, covered in words and ideas that just reeked of illusion and fear. I was planning to go celebrate the 21st with her and her partner, but I know now that I cannot.. I cannot be near them now..they have just embraced everything I have been working so hard to let go of. I don't know what to do.
I can definitely feel the darkness now. I cannot imagine how horrible it must be for the children who were there and for the families and friends of those children.. My heart goes out to them and I send them love and light to guide them and to guide us all
(3,794 posts)Pluto demands that you just let go and you'll be so much better off. Really.
Good luck
(3,873 posts)That really helps
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)the hundreds of innocent children killed by our drones. They just happen to be out of sight and overlooked by our media.
Let this be the beginning of movement toward light. As was written in another thread, for every $11 spent on special needs children, we spend something like 2 cents on gifted children, who are often misunderstood, bullied and abused even by their immediate families as well as classmates and some teachers.
We need more help for the mentally ill and emotionally unstable, as well as gun control
But mostly we need to change our culture of violence. Last night PBS ran a program on Bhutan, the last country in the world to open its doors to tv and the internet. Until 2000, their peaceful Buddhist country was untouched by western "culture." Within 10 years of allowing television and the internet into their country, they have become plagued with violence, drug use, unemployment and all the rest of our ills.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)The co-creation and responsibility of the coming age is nearly entirely here. If we dwell upon an emotional energy/thought, we will amplify it no matter what it is. Send love and light and Angels but do not forget to take care of yourselves. This is not disrespect, this is not disregard, this is not a lack of compassion or empathy. If you are not there in person to assist, take care of yourself and in that centered place, send light and love.
People are mistaking the coming age as a place of pure bliss, etc. It is not specifically about the highest vibrations being available; it is about building the world we wish. This involves work and unifying as a race and balancing Mother Earth and learning to live with and for her versus as a parasite upon her. This involves dealing with personal, city, state, national karmas. Negativity is entirely possible. We will have to continue to deflect/dis-assemble the efforts of the forces of destruction who will seek to use the new energy to cause as much damage as is possible. Those who are called to this work are already active.
Those who are unable or unwilling to depart from fear will manifest this dis-ease. I warned about "muckers" a couple of years ago; it's a term from a John Brunner novel about those who snap and shoot up everything around them. The old will manifest before it leaves or becomes too difficult to carry. It also unfortunately helps us to respond en mass against it, to demand a better way of life focusing upon love and safety. The new age will not specifically eliminate this; it will increasingly exacerbate it and in symmetry, allow for the creation of what the most people want, together. Look at the unified outrage against today's tragedy. This is how change is made, or at least is one sad way in which it must.
The overall change we wish to make, of balancing the Earth and unifying to live with her, will take time. There will be bumps. This work is worth it and must be done. Karmas must be discharged.
We must be wary that we as a group do not choose anything harmful to ourselves. Mistakes and being mislead are possibilities. Evil will manifest in this fashion, not as direct destruction. Many in the US will follow new spiritual "leaders" who are not worthy of being followed, or worse, seek to mislead. I don't know if it's because those duped have this as karma but it is a real danger. Just because someone calls themselves a lightworker or offers gifts etc. does not mean they do not intend to mislead. It is our responsibility to keep ourselves from such.
It is useful to consider the downside of a desired change before engaging in it, especially at the species level.
Co-creation means we can create mistakes. Asking God's will and surrendering to it is likely the best bet for guidance and safety.
I am sorry to lecture at such a crucial moment. God be with us all.
(3,873 posts)I, for one wanted..no, needed, some guidance. Your words were extremely helpful.
(6,459 posts)very helpful!
(23,444 posts)get the red out
(13,637 posts)We have formed this with our own extreme fear, the fear of the "other", the need for "personal protection", the fear of not being as tough as someone else, the collective political fear of the NRA. Not to mention the fear of mentioning the "unmentionable"; mental illness in our society, in our loved ones, in ourselves, and the need to care for this suffering and see it as any physical suffering on this Earth plane. Our constant fears are to blame, we created this, our society killed those babies. That's why I have trouble with the people who quickly use the anti-spirit baseball bat on anyone attempting to find any lesson here. "How could any God let these babies be slaughtered?". No God did, we did, we aren't any God and our spirits are buried in fear.
This place is not easy. But people have trauma every day, and I hate it, but it is true. Maybe some of the generally silent survivors of the constant, singular, unnoticed traumas will get a voice to help these poor people who have been thrust into this living hell and told to SURVIVE. I hope so, there has to be some good outcome of so many suffering so long.
And maybe our society will grow a backbone for a change. We are the biggest bunch of wimps in the Universe with all our hateful fears, I'm certain of it. That needs to change.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Hugs to everyone.