Ann Ortelee gives a big heads up as the planet pileup in Pisces shifts
into Aries.
We have an explosion of fire over the NEXT week and through the weekend that rocks our socks off, quite literally, and shakes up the rest of us too. The fire and explosions continue all the following week too. Be very careful and aware around fire energies as Mars joins with Uranus to start a new two year cycle of fire, passionate and action based changes in the Aries part of our charts as of Friday. No unattended lighted candles. No leaving the room even for a minute when cooking. Watch those volatile substances. Be very careful with gasoline. Wet your fire place ashes and matches before disposing. Uranus with such an aspect to Fire is often volcanoes erupting
or earthquakes that cause fires like San Francisco 1906 where 3,000 people died and 80% of the city was burned to the ground or the Chicago fire of 1871 which killed hundreds and burned 3.3 square miles. You get the idea.
Eruptions, explosions and fires can take place in your Aries house ~ the early degrees. Explosions of Fire as Sun and Venus come out of Pisces into Aries ~ think of Sun and Venus staggering out of the bar (Pisces) in a kind of non-linear fashion and marching smack into a knife fight (Aries). Sun and Venus will hop into the fight and mix it up too as they are there and have an opinion on the matter. Mars and Uranus will not be handling this one alone.
I know that sounds so negative doesnt it? We can expect some rocking and rolling in the world around us. This Aries energy is all taking place on the world axis. Perhaps, the New Pope gets inaugurated and says hes going to give away tons of the churchs money to the poor like his namesake St. Francis of Assisi did? Maybe Cyprus financially melts down and takes the European Union with it because their banks took/stole 10% or 20% of every citizens money from their bank accounts last week? Huge runs on banks causing financial panics because the basic trust is broken? Volcanos erupting? Earthquakes shaking? And the coming to be rather regular shooting of unarmed citizens by armed others ~ except it will be bigger than usual if it is a shooting. Unfortunately, because of the concentration and location of all the fire energy, whatever it is will be a bit more dramatic as we are dealing with the Worlds cardinal axis where the entire world stops, turns and watches, mouth agape.
more at link
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Everyone be nice. Be very nice.
(6,459 posts)scary, times!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Very stressful times. I had a 2 very rude customers on the phone yesterday. One apologized; the other maintained his arrogant jerky "I'm a professor and am better than everybody else in the world" attitude from the moment I answered until he mercifully went away.
It's going to be a bumpy week.
(6,459 posts)(had to drive it off the farm- not often done- and 40 miles to be tested) and then a hose blew spewing steering fluid all over the engine causing a huge smoke bomb to erupt...need to get it fixed first thing in the AM......
Let's hope we all make it through these next weeks!
(21,046 posts)Some years ago I was in several rear-enders. I never got a ticket because I was being tailgated and was not at fault.
(21,046 posts)B.D. is next Tuesday the 26th.
So is it gonna be worse for us Aries sun signs???