Everyone is losing their f"ing minds.
I can barely stand to turn on the tv, check my email, or fire up the intertubes.
Those "elected" to represent us are doing the exact opposite of what their "constituents" want.
Stuff blowing up, people being shot, beaten, starved, cheated, abused.
So-called 'rational people' (see: other forums on this site) are totally batshit crazy with assumptions and launch vitriol at anyone who disagrees with them.
Up is down, right is wrong.
Anyone got a spare cave I can hole up in until this blows over?
(22,845 posts)I've been watching tv for the past few hours while reading DU. Normally I don't watch ANY tv.
Unfortunately I was a newspaper reporter for many years and I'm still a junkie for breaking news stories.
You're right, things are crazy. But this is usually a crazy news week. Okla. City bombing. Columbine.
(75,480 posts)What's next? I'm thinking of turning it all off for awhile, just to experience some calm and tranquility.
(29,414 posts)I'd like to sit some of my "fellow" Liberals down in front of it for the rest of the year!
Also, just do a little deep breathing. Breathe in. Pause. Breathe out. Rinse, repeat.
From reading and listening to Davidji, that "pause" is key to mindfulness, and calm.
(26,624 posts)but today was snowy and cold and will listen to this is my warm house....
(29,414 posts)You might also like this page of free nature sounds: http://naturesoundsfor.me/
Mix your own combinations and even save them!
I have it on thunder with "rain on roof"
Response to Myrina (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I'm sure the back to back chaos is part of the amazing dance of the planets. I haven't taken time to look it up, but I will.
For some reason, I feel there is a meaningful metaphor, with pressure cooker bombs and cooker pressure Times. The valve is rattling loudly and without cease.
It sort of kicked off with that ex-police in L.A. That was crazy, and crazy hasn't taken a break.
At this point I feel very detached. I'm paying attention to the events that are happening right now on this planet. My dreams have deepened, and I feel there's much rewarding work done there.
I've been tuned into the drama in Boston since about 2 AM. Didn't go back to sleep, and can't bring myself to turn it off. I listen to streams online. I'm also feeling some personal energy. Could just be bio-rhythms there. Nothing wrong with turning it off!
(22,845 posts)I feel better.
Nothing on TV seems to have changed.
(713 posts)and decided to pop in and I saw this thread. We live just outside of Boston. I just finished writing something that may be of help because it is about this same exact topic. Here it is:
We Must Stop Funding the Fear of 3D and Techniques to Use
(657 posts)Have not watched the news or gone into GD for months. Since this has happened I've been drifting back. I don't know if I wasn't used to it, but it was unbearable to watch this morning, I was watching people just trying to scare the hell out of anyone watching. It felt so wrong. Yes it was a serious situation, but they were feeding that energy big time and I had to turn it off.
Great piece!
(23,444 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Remember: Detachment, self-maintaining a high vibration
The Boston Marathon bombings, the Texas explosion, and tonight's shootout/explosions again in Boston require self-care as I've long described in this blog. The best way to help others if you are not there in person is to keep your vibration high on purpose to light the way, and to not become mired in lower emotions in response. Take care of yourself so you are better able to show up to help others. This does not mean that you do not care about suffering.
Love and blessings...please pray for all who are involved.
(713 posts)I always try to practice "observe, don't ABSORB"....it's very important as you stated so well.
(3,873 posts)"Observe, don't absorb" My new catch phrase.. thank you! Those few words really say it all
(12,296 posts)... one can only 'observe' for so long before one is 100% convinced that either
a. everyone else is crazy;
b. society as it presently exists is completely fucked up, or;
c. they, themselves, are the crazy one because nothing makes sense.
Then what?