This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Thu Jun 3, 2021, 09:20 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Effete Snob
(8,387 posts)You donated $100 to YouTube?
(30,564 posts)about DU. But I could be wrong. It never occurred to me that there was any other upside to donating to DU other than keeping actual news alive. But perhaps there is some way to monetize? I didn't understand the complaint really.
(978 posts)I feel I have a right to regret my donation if I want to.
(30,564 posts)The board thanks you for your donation. Donations are generally made without restrictions.
(978 posts)know what monetize a membership means.
(30,564 posts)this is an inappropriate forum.
I'm sorry you are disappointed in your membership. I have read your posts with bewilderment over the time you've been here and I hope you find your home since you don't feel this is it.
Be well and good luck.
Response to WhiteTara (Reply #2)
Effete Snob This message was self-deleted by its author.
(978 posts)I post a lot here. Have never posted to YouTube except in comments. That is why I thought the restriction to my post here came from here. My contributions are here - not on YouTube.
Response to bobnicewander (Reply #10)
Effete Snob This message was self-deleted by its author.
(978 posts)This is not the only problem I have had with this site. Regarding another I got no response to my post. That behavior reminds me of rethuglican behavior.
Response to bobnicewander (Reply #3)
Effete Snob This message was self-deleted by its author.