I have seldom seen such chaos amongst the planets
You have intense Pluto keeping up it's work.
Confusing and powerful Neptune starting all kinds of new spiritual vibes, along with GREAT uncertainty in our "worldly" and political and social lives.
Uranus still on the warpath in Aries
Chiron and whatever it is doing traveling with Neptune in Pisces
Saturn trying to make sense in late Libra
Mars going backward through Virgo which is so unnatural for both.
Mix it all together, add your personal planets and progressions and you have a stirpot of varied energies vying for center stage
all at once. I'm trying to make sense of it; not sure I can!?
Anybody else feeling a tremendous mix of energies; not necessarily congruent?

(2,649 posts)Weird energy, feels like it does just before a big weather event.
I wonder what's up? Somehow, I don't believe it's weather-related.
(14,708 posts)Whether it is the real weather, solar weather or tectonic 'weather'...something else is feeding the pressure it seems...
it's definitey like that day before the storm blows in, the pressure is high, but wavering, unsettled...then all hell breaks loose!
I decided to challenge spring this weekend, it was so nice and winter has been seriously mild here in the high country. we raked half the yard and even got out the hose and sprinkled, it was over 50!
today, we have almost 2 feet of fresh snow and a HUGE whallop coming in tonight tomorrow! I haven't used my shovel all winter...and now... oops!
things feel like this, like life could literally change on a dime...
(12,263 posts)sums it up for me. I feel very positive and energetic but lack focus. For the past two years I've worked very hard to create opportunities for myself in a highly competitive field. (writing and playwriting) The play is taking off and generating energy of it's own but the book is just sort of floating. Of course, the play channeled me, which might explain some of the difference, although if I hadn't written the book the play would not exist. In a way, I kind of feel like a sperm bumping up against an ova--not making a 'breakthrough' but diligent for as long as the energy lasts. I think I am on the brink of something good but I've been in this place before only to see it all vanish. I'm an Aries by 56', Capricorn Moon, Virgo Asc. Natal Pluto in the 12th.
(138,720 posts)

(29,135 posts)Not as bad, in every way, as what I remember between '05-'07, (that Saturn/Neptune opposition was killer) but still awful and bizarre.
I could probably find some positive things to say about it, just not right now.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Mostly I'm Okay, but the weird unexpected occurrences are a real challenge. (like that 18 wheeler throwing a tire tread at my little tiny car.) I'm feeling blessed and in the flow of grace... but what I am walking through... yeah, chaos works as a descriptor.
Lots of energies swirling about.
(3,794 posts)is very symbolic
look to what you did that day or day before, etc. to explain it
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Edit to say.. Spending time in the past... getting hit and "run over"...
Some things are worth it anyway.
Upside: I was hit where the car needed a repair anyway. (Scratched) My shoulders have been slightly bothering me a while and now the insurance is paying for the whiplash bodywork that is also where I was already a bit sore. Like I said: Grace.
(1,472 posts)Yes, I'm feeling very discombobulated today. I wasn't sure if I was coming down with a cold, if I haven't eaten right or just plain ol' ditzy.
Now I can feel better knowing that it's not ALL my fault, lol.
(3,794 posts)just a new energies intermixing that have never done so before; it'll take a while to settle
good luck
(31,743 posts)on and off, for a couple of weeks. It may have been why I fell and hurt my back.
I checked to make sure I was eating properly, too.
Take care!
(8,423 posts)YES!
But when things start gelling(sp), working, they are succeeding from a different perspective, but mostly it feels like SPIRIT and new MANISFESTATION POWERS are front and center, I like to think it is the energy of re-wiring our heart-minds to do what is intended. Maybe it feels odd, because it's new?
But don't you feel the Hope and Happiness poking through?
Maybe the world energies are trying to purge,purge,purge!
Explain Warpath in Aries, Saturn in late Libra... please?
How long will it be intense or is this the new reality?
You must be in heaven.
(29,135 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 29, 2012, 08:38 AM - Edit history (1)
Uranus in Aries is the unstable, change-demanding energy of Uranus gone scary in the ultra-combative, powerful energies of Aries. I think of Aries as being the general, leading the whole army. Uranus (our society, the People) in that sign is an explosive renegade, a crusader largely unfettered by moral conscience. Revolutionary, but dangerous.
Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra. Think of him there as the great judge, insightful and unwavering. I think we've seen some drawbacks to Saturn in this sign, but at this advanced stage, this is the best Libra and Saturn will get.
As for your other question--is this the new reality? For the time being, I say yes. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) having moved on from Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius respectively and into Aries, Pisces and Capricorn mean that we are in an entirely new landscape. It's here to stay. For me, it feels radically different from what we had before.
As for the most irritating thing we all face at the moment, Mars Retrograde in Virgo, that feels like it is messing with us because it has ushered in a period of technological screw ups, problems with systems (including computer systems and the health system) and problems with health. Also, these retrogrades tend to bring on periods of exhaustion. (They are our break from go-go Mars Direct.) They force us to slow down or stop, and that feels like the last thing we need right now. For those of us with pets, it's also dropped a pile of pet problems in our laps. That's no fun, either. But I think circumstances will clear up at least a little after Mars goes direct again (April 14th.)
(3,794 posts)Especially that Mars that says slow down!
(8,423 posts)Thanks!
(3,794 posts)and don't have time to explain Uranus and Saturn (I'm writing a new newsletter tonight)
I think you are right on; you nailed it with your description
way to go Kimmmmmmmm
(8,423 posts)means fun and exciting, in this context. But then of course, how could you ever be bored
with all the stuff you must see all the time!
The Blue Flower
(5,761 posts)I have the weirdest feeling in my head today. I'm trying to work, to write a synopsis for my novel, but it's simply hard to think. The feeling started yesterday. It isn't like I'm coming down with something, but it's hard to focus.
(3,794 posts)it'll get clearer too
If I knew what it was, I could tell more of when "it" would end.
Really, really complex
(8,423 posts)Odd things..like things that should be automatic.
(2,185 posts)I have no ambition, nor do I have motivation
but am marching to a tune dictated from some remote force.
And as soon as I fling myself over one hill, there's another one
waiting for me.
So many demands on my time with no payoff,
and when the phone rings, I cringe..
I want to run away.
And so many folks are caught up in their own dramas and illusions,
no one is listening to another.
When will this end?
(3,794 posts)The first part of it anyway.
The second part, I have no idea because we're all different.
I feel similar, but have many clients who don't.
When will it end - no way to tell , no way
Usually, it ends when we become the energy.
I'm SURE most of it is the global consciousness is trying to adjust to Neptune.
One of Neptune's big side-effex is indifference. (apparent indifference)
Thank you - because I just told my girlfriend that I was waiting for the "forces that be" tells me what to write about.
And, I think you just did.
I think the reason so many are "caught up in their own dramas and illusions" is because they are caught up
in their own dramas and illusions. (By the way it's, not remote, it's real, real intimate, it feels remote)!
(8,423 posts)This is so weird.. I just had a thought, and then it derailed.. so therein lies the answer. (heh)
Okay here's the deal, I have a buttload of aha moments coming all the time now..
Most of them make me think of my daughter when she was a toddler sitting on a blanket on the floor next to a window, when a ray of light came in through the curtains. She tried to grab it and hold it with her little fingers, hands! She wanted that pretty, pretty sunshine light, but it wasn't grabb-able.
That the remote feels remote because it's really intimate, now that's PROFOUND!
No wonder I have trouble finding my socks, they're always being blown off!
(3,621 posts)magical thyme
(14,881 posts)same for me. don't want to get out of bed in the morning and definitely hate to leave my little island of peace.
It's crazy out there. At the hospital, suddenly the seriously ill are having major crises. Trying to get through the chaos is a nightmare. Example: assigned to blood bank for a day, which is usually a peaceful assignment. Had not 1, but 2 transfusion crises. One patient needs special blood ordered from from Red Cross and they wanted to transfuse next morning, then that night, then at our sister hospital, and then ended up moving him to a totally different hospital system. Notes on his medical records hard to read.Dates between card and log didn't line up. I arrange shipment of blood through parent lab. Call parent lab to let them know blood is coming from ARC and specimen is coming from us for pre-transfusion workup. Parent lab says they got specimen yesterday for workup. My records show workup was 3 days ago so expiring at midnight. They insist they don't need it. Then we decide I'll send it down to be held just in case. Then I find out he was drawn yesterday, but patient removed his band. So now he does need another work up. Then I'm informed we don't have space to transfuse at our hospital, so they're going to do it at sister hospital 1/2 hour away. So I have to arrange from shipment of blood from parent lab to our lab for type confirmation and crossmatch, then move it to sister hospital. Then at the last minute, they decide to send him outside our hospital system, so now we have to coordinate shipment of his blood from parent lab to outside hospital if they want it (which also involved the ARC to make sure the paperwork is done properly). Plus it means the new hospital will have to draw him again -- 3rd draw in 2 days for a critically anemic patient who is apparently bleeding internally from...somewhere. And that was just *one* of the transfusion nightmares. I spent the entire day on the phone, either that blood or the other patient's platelets. It got to where when the phone rang, the lab assistants didn't bother to pick it up.They just turned to me and said, "It's for you!"
It's been like this daily. Either the patients or the instruments.
(5,510 posts)seems to explain how all those medical "mistakes" happen.
Sorta scary. Why all the changes?
Seems the fewer events to cause problems, the better in hospital care.
Will this patient make it? yikes.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)And I don't know the details of what happened or why he was sent to the other hospital, except that he needed serious diagnostic work done and we didn't have room to admit him for the transfusion, the sister hospital is a very small, outlying hospital that doesn't even have a bloodbank anymore. (We set them up with type-confirmed O-neg blood for emergency, no crossmatch transfusions and do their types and screens for them.)
Just a few weeks ago, our "census" was down to just 7 patients and they were worried about lack. And then, bam, planetary chaos and we were filled to the brim and running.
(5,510 posts)Anything can happen & NOW!
(3,621 posts)Two people in the last two days have taken after me verbally.
Highly unusual. Interesting. It's giving me a workout in communication.
(8,423 posts)
That's just weird!!
(2,939 posts)Work for a outlet store of a major company. Have been having major communications problems with manager--her rudeness, questions about ethics, her poor treatment of staff & customers. Had the brass from corporate & her district manager come for a "visit". We busted our asses to get the place ready while she was on vacation. She had no idea that she was going to be confronted by this issues. She didn't lose her job--yet. I walked out of the meetings with a full time job offer including full benefits. Chaos? Interesting times at the very least!
(3,747 posts)I know I am!
The wind is blowing, the wind chimes are singing at the top of their voices and I can smell the Earth warming. It's not even March.
(3,794 posts)Matariki
(18,775 posts)
(17,451 posts)Yesterday I couldn't call anyone on my phone except one person.
Today I can send emails out to everyone except for the person I could only call yesterday. This person has several email addy's and I sent the same email to two of his accounts, only to have them bounced back at me.
(3,794 posts)weird
(23,659 posts)The one final thing I'm waiting for to be able to do press releases, etc., for Wishadoo is regarding email. It's been a bear to set up properly after switching to a new host.
I can receive email but can't send any out from the domain-related email.
"Error: You can't send mail yet."
If it tells me in the next error message something to the effect, "When Mercury goes direct" or something like that, I'll let you know!
Weirdness #1427!
Thanks for the wonderful work, as always, Dear Ric.
(6,507 posts)bits of the past coming around for me again- I feel as though I am graciously getting chances to get it right this time.
I'm also getting feistier and not so easily pushed around, which can be good and bad.
Wild times, it feel like to me.
(5,510 posts)At least that's my take on it.
Pluto breaking down those century-old structures & institutions.
Uranus says: "Hello, Aries! Let's get going on making some REAL change....the more 'out-there', the better. We need to PROGRESS!"
Neptune is providing the foggy cover so a lot of these changes can take place. Mixing up the vibe so Uranus can do her thing, regardless of how oddly it all happens Quirky, quirky, quirky. (Almost like cohorts in crime, but more like cohorts in change.....positive, progressive, spiritual change.)
My sense is that Neptune & Pluto are working together to undermine the old way w/Neptune providing the fog to keep the negative forces in the dark so Uranus can forge ahead.
Saturn realizes she's gonna have to balance this out in the end.
Mars realizes there is going to have to be some serious healing work after/during this breakdown/breakthrough. He stands ready to serve in that healing. Biding his time.
Chiron......who knows? Maybe to help heal our psyche or increase our spiritual energy?
Hold on to your hats, this roller coaster is just getting started!
This is my feel on it all, but what do I know?
(2,939 posts)I love your take on things. I just hope we don't need barf bags for the roller coaster!
(5,510 posts)But there is always bitter w/the sweet!
Think of it as "purging" the bad from our systems!
(3,794 posts)good one SC
(5,510 posts)Sometimes crap just falls out of my head, thru my fingers onto the keyboard.
This felt channeled.
(3,794 posts)I have no idea what "I'm" talking about. lol.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)as you understand it and the service component that you see.
(3,794 posts)We have much to learn about Chiron. Many say it represents your "wound". And it's subsequent healing.
Chiron is very prominently placed in the charts of healers, no doubt.
I am more into Chiron as representing our predestined part.
All I can say for sure is that it represents "the wounded healer". Much is written on the web about it.
p.s. I'm sorry, I thought you were asking me.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)No, I expected Healing from Chiron. I was referring to this line in her post.
"Mars realizes there is going to have to be some serious healing work after/during this breakdown/breakthrough. He stands ready to serve in that healing. Biding his time. "
I was looking for clarification on that capacity for Mars which I was not at all aware of.
(3,794 posts)Mars is almost totally unconscious. It just acts. Period.
It doesn't realize or serve.
I think SC meant it in a different manner; she's very intuitive and insightful.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)that was my Aries understanding and experience of Mars.
I was just remembering about the trickster aspect of Mercury, which I had previously forgotten and was looking for some hidden story I was not remembering.
Mercury as trickster:
(3,794 posts)ever watch Dylan get interviewed?
Mars has no tricks up it sleeve. If you're eating a turkey leg and he wants it; he just takes it because he's hungry.
That's the way he has to be. At least one elemental force of the zodiac has to be non-complicated and rudimentary.
(5,510 posts)
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)or rips the scab off the wound. Cauterizes. Or something along those lines.
(5,510 posts)All of us must process what we individually feel.
Mars is the planet of action, force & often, new beginnings.
Virgo represents healing, service to others & analytical ability.
Mars will be retrograde in Virgo, which means his forcefulness will be holding back.
(Although many feel like retrograde periods are "bad", my view of them is one of a time to hold back & observe--somewhat of an assessment phase. )
Virgo, being a sign of observation by nature, will only intensify this feature of the retrograde position.
Once Mars goes direct again in Mid April, I suspect we will begin to see some progress towards healing our nation/world in many different forms. Few would argue that things have gotten quite messed up over the years.
Mars in Virgo will push for analyzing what needs to be done--THE WORK that needs to be done--to heal our planet & societies.
A big part of this will most likely be in the actual health field. I believe someone here mentioned Universal Health Care might end up happening. I agree! We've just had to go thru H&LL to get to it! (Pluto makes us learn the HARD way so we will never forget! Remember, this is all interconnected, Mars does not act alone.)
No doubt there will be much analysis going on behind the scenes during the next yr.
What type of world do we want?
Most of us now know the type we DON'T want. But it is time to decide what we DO want.
Does that help?
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I like retrogrades as a time to practice patience and get rid of old things in the area that is being highlighted. Thanks for your take on this Mars retrograde.
(5,510 posts)Your welcome.
(12,189 posts)how many times I've said recently I feel like I've woken up on a different planet (or at least in another dimension/timeline).
(3,794 posts)noel711
(2,185 posts)I think we need a forum retreat in the mountains somewhere....
Who's in?
(3,794 posts)count me in
depends on which mountain
and yes, I'm getting crap for using "G_d"
(2,185 posts)Who's blasting you?
The fundies?
Or those who oppose any name for the divine force?
We all know what you mean,
and you are sensitive to use the ORthodox Jewish designation...
But to hell with them all.
We know what you meant,
and appreciate your insight.
The divine (either literal or figurative or symbolic)
goes by many names. Call him/her/it what you will,
it is the force of creation that drives everything.
You are not the only one who gets heat for
your designations. Sad to be so small in such a forum as DU.
(3,794 posts)that I was caving to the crazies
I did it for my own relief.
This was not in DU, but a private person from my mailing list. It's ok.
(8,423 posts)And I like how we're all staying really connected with our growing spiritual high!
(5,510 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)school buses?
(5,510 posts)LOL
(8,423 posts)to cross the infinite waters of Neptune....
(3,794 posts)
(8,423 posts)They used to have some of them in Austin. I forgot what they called them. Very tourist-y
(3,794 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)when tickled!
(8,423 posts)

(11,033 posts)I go home and just go in, read and meditate.
get the red out
(13,692 posts)Does his sudden death at 43 have any relationship to these energies? I keep remembering something I read on ASAH ages ago about people who couldn't deal with a new better way that was coming would be passing. I've been thinking of this for two weeks since my cousin died suddenly and unexpectedly at age 40. He was a wonderful guy, good family man, would do anything for you, BUT he was a teabagger and in fear of the evil liberals (totally brainwashed, super-religious).
Now Breibart dies suddenly at a young age.
(31,743 posts)They make fun of us for the wooo, and for believing in a Deity or Deities.
This is just what I feel. The only shred of hope we have to keep our civil liberties, to help the homeless and jobless, to provide for the children coming up now, for hope PERIOD, is to keep the crazies out of power. God did this for us.
They would make fun of me in any other group or forum, except the religious or woo-woo places.
get the red out
(13,692 posts)I've thought the hand of God/spirit of the Universe was all that can save us. We've been bombarded with such propaganda posing as news.
I couldn't say you were wrong, I'm inclined to agree, or maybe that some of this stuff "times out", one way or another.
(3,794 posts)it meant his "heart was too hard"
so it cracked
astrologically speaking
sometimes experienced as "too much stress'
(8,423 posts)such as that? Uranus, Uranus opposing...whew...what a stress fest!
(3,794 posts)Richard Tarnas' "Cosmos and Psyche"
(16,020 posts)Normally I can be of assistance on at least some level but I am having a horrible attack of arthritis in my hands and can't do any of the things I normally do including drumming and cooking. Those two things give me so much pleasure. I am really depressed and yet I have nothing really bad to be depressed about except the hand thing which I hope will improve soon. It is all I can do to hold myself together much less help my friends and I feel useless right about now.
(3,794 posts)entering Pisces pretty much at the same time; it's a spiritual crisis, imho
I wish your friends and family healing.
(16,020 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)
[font size=4]Ring of Fire[/font]
Published February 26, 2012 All Articles 2012
In 1942, a wealthy couple, named William and Libbie Moody, founded a charity that focused on education and community development. Today, their Moody Foundation is one of the largest charitable organizations in the United States.
One of the projects that is funded by the Moody Foundation is Moody Gardens, a fascinating educational facility that is located on Galveston Island, Texas, on the Gulf of Mexico. Moody Gardens is a set of three gigantic structures a science center, an indoor biological rainforest that features a geological cave of massive quartz Crystals, and one of the largest aquariums in the entire world.
It is interesting to note that each of these three buildings was constructed in the shape of a pyramid. But what is most interesting is that this Tri-Pyramid Complex was built on 29.6 degrees of latitude, which is the exact same latitude as the Tri-Pyramid Complex of Giza, in Egypt.

Pyramid Complex at Galveston Island, Texas
The Giza and Galveston pyramids were both constructed on the same degree of latitude because they are the simultaneous receivers of the final downloads of Light codes for the ascension of the Earth in 2012. They are the transmitters that will then disseminate these musical codes to the Golden Sun Discs, to the new Earth grid and to two dozen other pyramids around the world. This is the Cosmic Trigger.
On the Spring Equinox of March 21, 2012 a unique portal will manifest. It will reach its apex on May 20, during a solar eclipse called the Ring of Fire. This eclipse will be the first of the two final downloads of codes. The second will occur on the triple date of 12-12-12.
The Spring Equinox is the harbinger of three very powerful eclipses that are tightly packed together in May and June. These eclipses will culminate with a very powerful Summer Solstice. In fact, every astronomical alignment, eclipse, solstice, equinox and lunar phase that occurs between the two downloads of codes will be extremely powerful. And their energies will be amplified exponentially by intense solar flares that will be coming in to the Earth from the Sun.

(4,225 posts)Thats pretty cool DeSwiss.
And it won't be long before this is tested either.
(27,137 posts)...which is okay for those into that sort of recreation.
(5,510 posts)
Thanks for sharing this w/us! Very cool!
Hope you made it thru the storms today ok. They just missed us by about a mile. We only had a very little bit of rain. But lots of hail (looked like snow on ground) just a mile from us. Weird.
(27,137 posts)You're so welcome. The Awakening site is right on! Check it out.
As for the storm, we made it through okay. In fact, it was the storms on Wednesday which blew cardboard boxes into my yard, and my son went to get pick them up and dispose of them. I hollered out to him that ''we're gonna have more weather on Friday, so let Nature handle it.'' He pick them up anyway. So yesterday's storm comes and brings more boxes into the yard on the wind. When he came over today you should have seen his face.
- Old man's still got it.....
(17,045 posts)It makes me ask myself what it means to make sense. Making sense means that something seems to fit within a pattern that is familiar, predictable or otherwise accepted. Not making sense doesnt necessarily mean that there is no pattern. Not making sense is an opportunity to establish new patterns. People often repeat that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and to expect different results. Were clearly not doing the same thing any more.
I love your descriptions so much, btw.
(5,510 posts)we will certainly be blasting out of our rut (pattern)! Couple that w/Pluto in Capricorn & our "established patterns" are being blown to pieces. Expect lots of crap coming out in the open that will change our view & attitude about what is "real" & what has been an illusion forced upon us.
(29,135 posts)So true. Hellllllo, Neptune.