Limbaugh is done
his weakness is his Moon in Pisces opposite Saturn, and Neptune (scandal) is all over it. He's done.
It is symbolic for the collective, as he sat there year after year it was symbolic of how much sickness we allowed
to exist within ourselves.
This is a great sign for the collective. Capricorns fall hard.
I told you about Neptune, and to think, he thought he was bigger than the boundless Neptune...
From Wikipedia: "In 1984, Limbaugh returned to radio as a talk show host at KFBK in Sacramento, California, where he replaced Morton Downey, Jr."
28 years later... (Mr. Saturn return)

(108,318 posts)what does that mean, "capricorns fall hard"...
Being a Capi myself, you sort of got my attention. Is Limbaugh (Goddess forbid) a Capricorn?
(3,794 posts)I'm a double.
Look how Nixon fell.
Capricorns assure THEMSELVES OF THEIR FOOTING, thus, the Goat. Then, they CAN get cocky; walking ever closer to the edge.
Then oops!
28 years of radio, one full cycle of Saturn which deemed him "Unworthy" to continue.
His Moon (relationship with his mother is his downfall) The Moon in many of his charts is being 'hit' by Neptune. He was stripped naked of his act, and down he goes.
Don't worry at all about your chart, he has many, many aspects in his chart that is bringing him down.
He is a SIGN OF THE COLLECTIVE healing (Chiron) for the dittoheads.
Yes, we are in good company, Benedict Arnold, Al Capone, Limbaugh, and many many others.
All signs have their + and -
(18,775 posts)dynasaw
(999 posts)another Capi.
(3,794 posts)so fake
so phony
so Republican
I can't even comment
just terrible
the problem is all the blind eyes that look at him and can't see it
(8,423 posts)Most definitely falling
From a place only the ignorantly arrogant could place themselves.
Anyone who makes fun of others the way he does, such as the cruelties towards Michael Fox, deserves every single bad thing that comes their way.
Humpty Dumpty
(3,794 posts)his Moon in Pisces opposite Saturn
his nasty Mars rising in Aquarius opposite Pluto across the ascendant (vicious)
I could go on and on.
He made the mistake of not having an astrologer to tell him not to effff with Neptoon.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Interesting that he reappears to hang himself.
(273 posts)Not really. But after Breitbart died all I could think was, "Good. Maybe Limbaugh will be next." Lo and behold!
(And I am getting far too much entertainment out of watching him go! For as much as he's done to ruin civil discourse in this country he deserves to be utterly humiliated by scandal as he goes down.)
Here's to Neptune and the healing of old, festering wounds!
(6,507 posts)prayers.
He has returned so many times in the past- I am happy to know that Rick thinks he is done. I sure do want his hate to stop spewing forth on public airwaves.
(273 posts)This is the scandal to take Limbaugh down. There is no coming back for him this time.
7 major advertisers -- including ProFlowers, owned by Liberty Media; one of his big backers -- have already pulled their ads. There's no telling how many local advertisers have bowed under the same pressure, which shows no signs of letting up. The porcine gasbag has even had to issue an apology! (Well, as much of one as his ego will allow.) In his entire 28 year run, when has he EVER apologized for anything? Never, as far as I can remember.
Keep the popcorn ready, because this is likely to be a hell of a show!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)AOL and Allstate Insurance dumped him today.
Also a local radio station. He can survive the ad losses by reichwing funding and local radio station airing. That's domino sequence that will really take him down. If local stations stop carrying him, then he's truly done.
(5,510 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)that condoned it; that's the real problem with the collective
as Tolle says, it's the pain body.
(29,135 posts)Good riddance.
(18,775 posts)BlueIris
(29,135 posts)I mean, awful. Very insensitive.
"He took calls on his show but never guests as any noted person might deflect attention from himself. He went from a fat, powerless, lonely little boy to a big fat boy worth $25 million and with the power to influence national elections."
(39,200 posts)Good riddance.
I will be interested to see how he exits out of the communication business.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)When I read about the ads pulled, I knew it. This is how Beck was taken down. Take away the ad revenue. No one with an ounce of sense is willing to finance Rush's trash mouth; not in these times of public disclosure and social networking.
get the red out
(13,692 posts)I am so glad you addressed this, Rick. His daily hate-fest has kept a large segment of white males in this country from having to address their personal bigotry, he has kept them from finding any healing by making them think their sickness is strength. His hate needs to lose it's power.
Does anyone think he will end up at Fox with Buchannan? Like rats fleeing TO a sinking ship, considering the drip drip drip of a demise Murdoch's empire may well be in?
(3,794 posts)Hannity
another freakin Capricorn, I hate to say.
(5,510 posts)His sideways, warped logic arguments could only be rationalized by lemmings.
(Sorry, lemmings.)
Make that block-headed cowards.
(2,211 posts)This makes me very happy.
(10,453 posts)Includes Goodwill Industries, Geico, Netflix (I just cancelled my account)
(5,510 posts)How ironic is THAT!
(6,507 posts)the guy said they are looking into it right now. So, the more calls the better. We have to keep doing our part.
(5,510 posts)Brought him to his knees.
Volcanic eruption. Pimple on his backside--literally & metaphorically!
On the positive side, perhaps Pluto & Neptune can transform him on a spiritual level.
Pluto bringing him down to the lowest point may transform him to be a decent human being.
Better yet, transform our society to not accept frauds like him & his bitter bile.
One more layer being peeled back to expose the dark side for what it really is......and it is sickening us!
(75,480 posts)I'll be happy to see him and his toxic mouth shipped off into Glenn Beck limbo, never to be heard from again except by a handful of his diehard dittoheads who bother to tune him in.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)who's next?
(2,151 posts)I liked it but it was an easy decision.
(18,775 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)apparently, the had 2 commercials that ran before and after the show, and are not, nor ever have been supporters. oops.
(1,553 posts)The filthy hateful lies and propaganda he's been spewing every single day has appalled me. The fact that people actually listened and followed that kind of hate disturbed me even more. This man's time should have been over the day he started. At this point, his karma has a long rough road ahead. Enjoy your trip. We've seen enough of you.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)33 advertisers that have dropped him.
Also need to get to the local stations that carry him. Advise boycott of all local advertisers on his program.
(3,794 posts)can we say "Bye bye"?
(8,423 posts)Chow,Arividerci, Adios, Auf Weidersehn, don't let the door hit ya where the dog shoulda shit ya!