Oregano and sinus infections
YMMV, but just reporting that my daughter got rid of a full blown sinus infection (she had fever) using oregano nasal spray plus oral oregano oil capsules with standardized extract--ten per day, spread out throughout the day. I was pretty shocked. She was refusing to go to the Walgreen's care clinic because she was on antibiotics about six weeks ago. I got all this at Vitamin Shoppe, and told her I didn't expect it to work. It worked, rather dramatically. Very surprised here. I knew it was good for viruses, but had no idea it would work so dramatically with an established sinus infection.

(138,720 posts)Will tell my Italo-phile daughter, who suffers from sinus problems.
(8,170 posts)Over here (the UK) antibiotics are never prescribed for infections that are likely to be viral.
(15,812 posts)not viral! Usually they are either bacterial, fungal, or a combo.
happy pulaski day
(6 posts)What caused the fungus to be among...her? Popping pills is so typical to us but what about really getting to the root cause?
(15,812 posts)first she had a cold, then some very minor structural issues in her nose, not being vigilant about nasal washing, probably not enough sleep, she should have alkalinized and done lemon or lime at the beginning of the cold, etc. etc. Just a typical daughter. No worries. She is fine now after the oregano.
(29,135 posts)I generally do not put any stock in anything to be able to stop or help an infection that's already "taken hold." So that's interesting.
I think my daily consumption of either raw garlic or garlic tablets has something to do with my lack of sinus issues. That and more water. The occasional eucalyptus/tea tree oil dropped on the shower tiles before a shower has also helped sometimes.
(2,211 posts)I had a sinus infection and was on a full course of antibiotics. Once they were done, it still felt like the infection was there but I didn't want to go to the doctor and get more. So, I tried some oil of oregano mixed into the water in my neti pot and it took care of it. Now I usually try that first as long as the sinuses are open enough to let the neti pot do its job.
(15,812 posts)I use it, sometimes. It stings a bit. She loves it. Don't know why she didn't just go buy it herself when she first got a cold.
happy pulaski day
(6 posts)Why did she have a fever? Fever and sinus drip are ways the body rids itself of toxins. When I get a cold, I just allow it to take its course. Did your daughter first take something for the fever and it led to sinus issues? It's best to just allow the body to heal itself. Even herbs stymie toxins from releasing sometimes...
(15,812 posts)But most likely nothing. Sinus infections are very tricky and when established don't generally heal themselves. Colds do, of course, as do viruses. Big difference!
(8,423 posts)It's really one of the big ones for healing. It has been proven to kill the H1N1.
(15,812 posts)which is why I gave it to my daughter. Still, I really didn't expect the rapid and dramatic improvement with her sinus infection.