Care to join me in a rebuttal to a ridiculous anti-religion post in GD?
(24,504 posts)The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)I would be pleased to provide you some examples of the genuine article, few of which would be ridiculous, but all of which you might find quite uncomfortable.
It may come as a surprise, but people are allowed to criticize religion, even to display open contempt for it as a system of thought, and people are certainly entitled to judge one by its fruits, by the behavior of its adherents.
(12,373 posts)But I do have an issue with you calling his post "a ridiculous anti-religion" one.
You are on your own.
(148,151 posts)I do not frequent this group, since I am not a person of faith. Fortunately, someone led me to your thread, where you appear to be asking people to come and gang up on me in a thread in another forum.
That is very unfortunate, I think, but is also very revealing. Thank you for showing your colors.