(Jewish Group) Michigan Dem group apologizes for 'offensive' TikTok attacking 'Zionists' ...
Michigan Dem group apologizes for offensive TikTok attacking Zionists on the eve of closely watched House primary
The chair of a county Democratic Party in Michigan apologized after the group made a social media post reading Zionists have no place in office, apparently meant to support a member of Congress, Rep. Andy Levin, who identifies as a Zionist.
Washtenaw County Democratic Party chair Chris Savage issued an apology Saturday for the TikTok post, which was sent Friday by the @WashtenawDems account and referenced the millions of dollars worth of pro-Israel money that has flowed into Michigans 11th District primary. The race, a redistricting battle between progressive Jewish member Levin and centrist non-Jewish Rep. Haley Stevens, concludes Tuesday.
The party group has since deleted the post, but a screenshot of it was shared on social media by Jordan Acker, a Jewish Democrat who is an elected member of the University of Michigan Board of Regents. It contains the text Zionists have no place in office under a headline reading AIPAC VS ANDY LEVIN and a hashtag reading #nastywoman with a devil-horns emoji.
Naturally I was troubled by this, Levin told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. I was grateful for the Washtenaw Dems swift action and apology.
Then, they blamed it on a college intern.
When people show you WHAT they are BELIEVE them!