Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumChristian Right leaders escalate anti-LGBT threats - How is Geller's group worse than these?
Senior Fellow, Political Research Associates
Friday, May 8, 2015

As marriage equality has advanced around the country, and the U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule on the issue in June, threatening language is escalating on the Christian Right. If these culture warriors actually follow through with their threats, the story of our time may turn on terms like civil disobedience, martyrdom and even civil war. The operative word here is, if.
Not to be outdone, anti-LGBTQ activist Scott Lively announced that the only way to thwart marriage equality is with the threat of the mob. Lively is walking a line as like those who have come before wanting people to take his call seriously, even as he characterizes it as but a metaphor.
The elites need to see the angry mob liberals and conservatives together surging through the streets, pitchforks and torches held aloft, ready to tear down Frankensteins castle with their bare hands if need be. For Christians its Jesus and the moneychangers time! Making a whip of cords like He did with His own hands, and letting these arrogant puppet-masters know we mean to use it (metaphorically speaking).
The only way to deter the elites is with the threat of the mob, Lively concluded. They need to see the pitchforks and torches to know theyve gone too far and need to back down.
The nature of the civil disobedience being promised by various elements of the Christian Right in response to a potential pro-marriage equality ruling by the Supreme Court remains to be seen. It may turn out that some are just blowing smoke and will ultimately be able to live with the social changes taking place in the country. But it is likely that others cant or wont.
Some certainly believe that the survival of Christendom (as they understand it) is at stake. And if their actions catch up with their words, there may be violence.
much much more at link
Where are all of threads in GD full of people outraged about this hate speech/incitement to violence?
This was posted in GD but sunk like a rock.

Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)When I saw your other post saying you had posted this is in "AA", my first thought was "no you didn't!" I subscribe to the other AA group (African-American) and it didn't light up the folder. LOL!
More to the point of the article and the subject line, is this type of incitement against GLBT is partially due to "victory blindness" (see: Five Words Of Wisdom From The Man Who Gave Us Outing) and the idea we, as gays, don't "act that way." Quite frankly, I find some of the defenses I am seeing as Islamophobic because this behavior is "expected." Hell, 2...TWO...radicals acted like assholes and they weren't even from that state! So why are people making it seem like they were "defenseless" against the evil bigotry from Gellar?! None of the Muslims that lived in the town even showed up to protest because they didn't feel it warranted their time.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)The mainstream media has yet to recognize that paying homage to objectivity is now giving voice to bigotry. Every time the media turns to Catholic League president Bill Donohue, whom Signorile accurately calls the league of one, for comment, they perpetuate the idea that his outlandish comments are legitimate. Hes a fringe figure, and at some point the media has to start treating him as such. Ditto Erick Erickson. Not everyone is going to agree with everything we want, but lets not turn to certified hate groups for their views.
They don't do the same with other forms of bigotry, why should anti-lgbt propaganda be given such status? How would it go over if they interviewed KKK members for opposing opinions about police killing unarmed black men?
And your second point, I've seen muslims compared to bears, lions and even loaded guns on DU, as if they're incapable of restraining themselves. I expect humans to refrain from shooting people who piss them off.
The people who claim we're supposed to expect violence from muslims are the bigots, not those of us who condemn their actions.
The best way to prove Geller wrong is to not shoot at her group, and all but two muslims did just fine.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)The media rarely does offer the "two sides" with other bigotries, other than as a method to expose the stupidity of it.
I agree with your comments about how Muslims are being compared to various animals (I saw one post of a cartoon with a rattlesnake) and am mystified those people actually think they are defending Muslims, and everyone else is the raging bigot.
Of course, during our conversations on various threads, I was 'watching' (it is running in the background) "Family Guy" and it was the Christmas episode, given the past week, I think this sums it up nicely:
Peter: As we all know, Christmas is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing Christmas Carols to lull him back to sleep.
Bob: Outrageous, How dare he say such blasphemy! I've got to do something.
Man: Bob, there's nothing you can do.
Bob: Well I guess I'll just have to develop a sense of humor.
If not a sense of humor, at least a sense of understanding that attempting to gun down people for blasphemy is not a reasonable response!
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Kind of like when you see people saying "So what if two sisters want to marry each other, they're consenting adults."
I remember that episode, lol!
I have to start watching more reruns...
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)Of course, there is also the matter of when the victims are certain groups (as in the article above) and the shooters are. Case in point, last year (April 2014), a neo-Nazi POS shit murdered 3 people at a Jewish day care and senior center. I am sure much too his chagrin (and others) no Jews were actually killed. However, the conversations weren't about anti-Semitism, they weren't about the evils of neo-Nazis, no, the conversations turned into conversations about guns and gun control! There are also weren't scores of threads about the event, nor did it garner the number of comments in the threads that were created. The two aren't completely comparable, but there were noticeable differences in its reception.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)If SCOTUS decides sides in our favour you just know what's coming next.
The same people who complain about women because we get all hysterical about abortion rights will say you guys got your pink pony so go sit down and shut up already.
They think Roe v Wade was the end of the fight.
(7,579 posts)And now I read this. The nightmare I can dismiss, but now I've become uneasy. I'm one of those who until now, thought the bigots would just have to live with the changes. Now the question is, which side will the cops be on?
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Last edited Sat May 9, 2015, 05:52 AM - Edit history (1)
I worry more about small groups of vigilantes than large mobs. Individual lgbt people and couples are easy targets when homophobes are whipped up into a frenzy.
(67,112 posts)mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)These preachers make me sick, and I'm sick of people telling me "they're not real Christians," because, indeed they are.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)His followers seem to think that because they're acting on his orders it absolves them of any blame.
(9,629 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=teal]That threads seems to finally be getting the attention it should have gotten in the first place![/font]
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
And for you LO4E --

(9,356 posts)Has it occurred to you that those "elites" also control the police departments? The National Guard? The Pentagon and the entire US military establishment?
But you and your buddies will conquer all with your "pitchforks and torches." Right.
Two words for you, Scotty - "David Koresh"

beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)For a minute there I thought you were talking to me - probably because someone kept calling me 'dude' in GD yesterday.
I was like, wtf?
(5,829 posts)Hiding behind 1st Amend, RW religionists have incited violence against all they oppose: Obama, LGBTQ, atheists, Muslims... all in the name of their 'peaceful' Christianity. It would be tough to find a stronger proponent of 1stA than I, but too often, Dobson, Fischer & their ilk spout the equivalent of 'fire!' in a crowded theater.
Another reply hit on the big danger: isolated cases of violence that don't get back to the wide-spread hate mongerers; as if the perpetrators weren't aware that their violence was condoned by the vocal screeds of so-called Christian leaders
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Charlie Hebdo is still too fresh in our minds, and the Geller incident just made it that much worse.
Speech is never a justification for violence. Geller's bigotry - no matter how offensive - didn't provoke two people into shooting at her group; that's all on them.
If we made hate speech illegal, much of what is preached from the pulpit would have to be banned.
Besides, I would rather have bigots parading their hatred around out in the open where we can keep an eye on them.