Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forum2 Cristians reaction to George Carlin.
For me, it's a head shaker. I feel that the 2 reactors don't want to really get into it , they just want to discard it as jokes or that Carlin just hates god.
What do you all think.

(2,759 posts)I'm with Carlin on this.
They admitted they are "churchgoers" which makes my opinion of them lessened. And then they come across this "I don't really know" attitude which tells me they really haven't done their homework and have chosen to overlook science or just totally ignoring it.
Be that as it may, I'm still with Carlin. He jokes about it but, at the same time, makes a lot of common sense.
These two have their opinion, I have mine.....they don't mix.
end of rant.
(19,438 posts)"intellectual superiority", yet never shuts up so the woman can talk. It seems he has a tiny "intellectual superiority" problem himself. 🙄
Using the very religious bullshit that Carlin questions to refute Carlin's hypothesis is more than a little disingenuous, but what else would you expect from the god-squad. Their circular logic is the reason they believe in the myth to begin with.
(11,692 posts)And then says all the criticism of religion is really the result of human activity....then why does he even believe in a god?
Shouldn't he believe when he does know for sure? Isn't that the time to claim the existence of a god when you do know? But no, he believes in a god even though he doesn't know.
Then he keeps harping on this crap that it's all humans causing these problems but not god. Then where is god? Why does he allow all these human created problems? Why does he let priests diddle little children in his name when he could stop it? The rapist priests are just human too, but god lets them continue to do their evil. Why?
He is not logical.
We were half way through the video before the female Christian was allowed to express a complete thought. And then she really didn't have anything unique to say until the very end. The man monopolizes the entire conversation.
Not that her opinion at the end is worth much. So, she claims age and experience will make you go more to religion or move away from it. Well, duh? What other options do you have? Believe in an invisible sky daddy or not. The default should always be do not believe until you prove it
I don't believe in big foot or ghosts because the evidence is insufficient. You don't believe until someone can prove their claim. You don't start with belief in every crazy idea until you check off each unproven claim. You start with disbelief until the evidence is sufficient.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)She seemed to be waiting to see what direction he was going to follow his lead. And they seemed like they didn't want to step on any toes of those watching.
It was not the best reaction video I've watched by far.
(11,692 posts)She served more as a sounding board for the man. I bet she has a lot to say when he's not around.