Deepak denies that HIV causes AIDS
Chopra: HIV may be a precipitating agent in a susceptible host. The material agent is never the cause of the disease. It may be the final factor in inducing the full-blown syndrome in somebody whos already susceptible.
Robbins: But what made them susceptible?
Chopra: Their own interpretations of the whole reality theyre participating in.
Robbins: Could that be translated into their thoughts, their feelings, their beliefs, their lifestyle?
Chopra: Absolutely. . .
It goes on and gets worse as Chopra discusses what he calls so-called AIDS
Lets look at the facts. If you dont have the virus, regardless of your interpretation of reality, you wont get AIDS. If you do have the virus, youre certain to get a disease that is highly likely turn into full-blown AIDS without medical treatment. I dont know of any studies showing that an interpretation of reality is 100% correlated with the presence of the disease (although the presence of the virus is). So which one of these is the more likely cause?
I suppose that, according to Chopra, no disease is caused by a microbe.
Chopra is reprehensible, suggesting that you can avoid AIDS by not using condoms, but by having the right interpretation of reality. So far his quackery has been either amusing or mildly harmful. Here it becomes dangerous, as Chopra denigrates drug treatments like AZT. (As weve long known, the drug slows the replication of the virus, and prolongs life, but is not a cure.)
When both Chopra and Robbins laugh at AZT, Chopra suggests that it was promulgated by drug companies because they were interested in money. Now if thats not a pot/kettle moment, I dont know what is!

(49,533 posts)Don't forget - we have DUers who embrace this "people are sick because they choose to be" hateful nonsense.
(37,428 posts)Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)AlbertCat
(17,505 posts)Like he believes his own malarkey...
His contempt for his own "followers" is staggering!
And the egotism! Astounding!
(7,886 posts)Their lifestyle? Really? I don't know if he intended it, but he just jumped on the homophobe bandwagon with that remark, though a decade or two late...
(25,481 posts)zeemike
(18,998 posts)Like the nature of reallity...and of course the materialist will not understand because matter is the only reality that they believe in...
But I am not surprised that they would attack him because it conflicts with their view of things.
Yes, he is talking about things I don't understand, the inner workings(?) of the Chopra mindset where all bad things are the sufferers fault.
Blaming the victim is a very nasty thing to do.
(18,998 posts)There are lots of people saying and believing stupid things but it is not their fault but their condition. If you smash a window it is your fault, if you like and justify smashing windows it is your condition.
But that is a whole other discussion which I don't wish to have here.
I posted in the group by mistake because the link was used as a reply to me in another forum.
(6,452 posts)The science doesn't back him up, the evidence doesn't back him up, and most of what he says is just word salad. His victim-shaming not withstanding, he's a con-man in it for the money. After all, what better way to part a fool and his money than by blaming him for things for which he is blameless, and promising a "cure" with a certain remunerative transaction.
(18,998 posts)And don't wish to argue inside a select group.
(6,452 posts)
(4,261 posts)the poster outlined their intention to leave. I was feeling a broadside coming on within myself, though.
(41,318 posts)Nasty victim-blaming stuff, and dangerous at that!
(51,078 posts)I wonder if his interpretation of reality could un-break his nose?
(64,852 posts)I don't have the book in front of me, but at some point one of the characters declares that another character has developed cancer because of her mental state (i.e., her "own interpretations of the whole reality {she's} participating in"
Of course, VALIS is ultimately a work of fiction, so that kind of bullshit gobbledygook is relatively harmless, but when Chopra's acolytes actually start believing that shit, they're in for a world of hurt.
On a similar note, I wouldn't be surprised if someone were to chime in right now and spout some silliness about "Most parents force feed a world view onto their child from birth. 'Kids say the darndest things' when they're unencumbered with facts as you know them" or the like.
(41,318 posts)I get really upset when people imply that somehow people are 'choosing' to have illnesses or disabilities - it is really just a New Age version of the view of hard social and economic right-wingers that lots of people choose to live on disability benefit as a sort of addiction and that they could be cured by 'tough love' and forcing them to go off benefits and take jobs that unfortunately don't exist! (While such right-wingers also tend to think that many people are on benefits fraudulently, this is a separate issue.)
I only have one person on ignore, and it is because they have expressed the New Age variety of such views in a very clear and vile way, and I know that if I interact with them, I'll go nuts and/or get PPR'd.