Related: About this forumFinally a positive post,
It took me exactly 6 months and 3 days since MrsK passed to get LilBit day services!!! And how I fought to get her to this. She just finished her first full week away from Dad. And oh, how she has changed. She is now happy, and a bit tired ( new schedule, she cant sleep till 10 or 11). Im so happy for her.
It was because of you all, and the GoFundMe that you gave to allow me to spend my days making calls and fighting for her. Thanks.
So, where am I in the grief process? My grief process went from dark, as I saw it, to bright light when LilBit got day service. It feels weird to me when I drop her off.
So here is where Koz is, finally get to think about me, LilBit is happy. I need to fill up my free time, Mon-Fri while she is ok.I struggle with that. So I job searched around Gainseville, face to face.
I need to decide by Wednesday, on 1 of 4 job offers I have. Old school face to face seems to still work. Ill pick one,
I started the GoFundMe to get us to Dec. I will accept a job and be working and earning. I gotta ask for one more hit till the pay checks come in. 1k more on GoFundMe and we good .
Im proud that I fought for us and you guys did too. My initial goal was Dec. now can you help to get us through Sep? And Ill shut down the GoFundMe.
Thank you all. I am , because of you all, 4 months ahead of where I thought I would need to be when MrsK passed

(23,937 posts)dixiechiken1
(2,113 posts)I'm so overjoyed to hear it! Continued best wishes to you both. You deserve all good things. 😊
Gave what I could, though I wish it were more. Sincerely hoping you reach your goal.
(3,028 posts)Not only the financial, that carried us, but the emotional support that got me through her death. That gave me the support to fight for LilBit and myself.
DU support and a bit of GoFundMe, pulled me back to life. I cant thank you all enough.
(11,692 posts)When I lost my special someone, it took me 4 years to say anything positive.
I salute your strength.
(3,028 posts)I just deal with what is presented to me.
But as I read what prompted you to answer, I made a poorly worded post on Sunday. I was proud we got to where LilBit is in day services, and I can get a job. I chose my job this Tuesday. I start orientation on Aug 29, first paycheck rolls in Sept 16.
We still need some GoFundMe me kicks one more time like I asked. My post Sunday was thanking you all to give me the time to get her day services.
I still need to humbly ask for a bit more to get us thru Sept.
But, my original GoFundMe was until Dec. because of you and other donors, LilBit and all of us are 4 months ahead, we just need one more push.
(3,028 posts)You know my story if you read,, this is my last kick on this thread. LilBit and I just need this last push to get us over the top. I start my job Monday. DU and others, have saved us. We can never thank you enough. LilBit and just need this last push.. thank you all I will stop the GoFundMe and this thread on Sept 9. We cant thank you all enough. You and others have saved us..
Response to kozar (Original post)
kozar This message was self-deleted by its author.