Related: About this forumMy little sister died yesterday. She was 58. Pancreatic cancer. I turned 65 the day before that.
Cancer has turned into a family thing. My dad died at 65 of lung cancer. My oldest brother died at 56 of multiple myeloma. A sister 3 years older than me was just treated for breast cancer. My family just seems prone to the nastiest of cancers.
Every time I had to read about an anti vaxer or an anti masker I became very angry. My 2 sisters and a brother who went through a series of strokes were in and out of hospitals throughout the worse of the pandemic. Every time someone here posted about losing a family member to covid I cried for them.
We all have our own experience through all of this. While raised to be tolerant of others, I no longer have extended it to republicans. I will be polite but I will not be silent. I hope my intolerance of republicans intolerance makes a difference. We are watching "A Small Light" about the people who defied the Nazis in WWII and helped Anne Frank and her family. It is inspiring.
My family is all democrats. I don't remember ever being told how to vote or even much political discussion in my large family of 7 kids. We were encouraged not to argue politics or religion. Raised to be accepting of others and to embrace our differences. I am lucky we have no Trumpers in my family. But I think my family has reached its limit. A few weeks ago we all got together for the first time in years. My sister wanted one last gathering. And I could feel the frustration simmering in my stoic family.
We did talk religion and politics. We are all angry about anti everything. I have lots of teachers in my family and they were telling me about their live shooter plans for their schools. We talked about Ron Johnson and what an idiot he is. We discussed Medicare for all and what a fight it is to get treatments ok'd by insurance companies. And how both sisters had to fight said companies while also fighting cancer. We talked about how hard it is for our kids to purchase homes.
And I will tell you, none if us blamed anyone in the democratic party. And my usually calm family is angry. And that anger is focused on republicans.
Thank you for letting me vent.

(10,414 posts)The pancreatic got my dad and I lost my older brother to some other kind of the damn shit. That makes my father, my mother and now my brother in the span of six years. I have taken two grieving class sessions put on by the organization that provided hospice care. I found the classes helpful, but of course nothing but time can somewhat heal the pain.
Hang in there.
(16,037 posts)LittleGirl
(8,592 posts)I too have had several members of my family pass recently and my baby brother dying about broke me. I have to say that Anderson Cooper did a six episode podcast of dealing with grief that helped me so much. Its called All there is and he just won a Webby award for it. It helped me with the anger and frustration. It might help you too.
(10,414 posts)babylonsister
(171,889 posts)the loss of your siblings and dad. I too have way too much cancer in my family. Mom, siblings, insidious.
(26,240 posts)
(108,318 posts)but if my dearest wishes can mean anything on an anonymous forum post, I do hope you find peace and comfort. I will light a candle in memory of your sister.
(36,211 posts)And your loathing of those who were so cavalier and even hostile to vaccines and masking is totally understandable. I feel the same exact way. My husband is a retired teacher and we cannot believe whats being dictated to schools and teachers nowadays from sanctimonious politicians and kooky parents.
(3,416 posts)Thank you for sharing this and stay strong 💕
(6,662 posts)I lost my Grandmother to pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed with it in September and passed away in December. So fast. Please take care of you during your grieving. It is so easy to lose yourself when you lose your loved ones. Hugs and prayers!
(95,902 posts)

(19,344 posts)yardwork
(65,716 posts)gademocrat7
(11,346 posts)on the loss of your beloved family members.
(12,360 posts)
We have a vacation planned this summer and will be spending a week with my MIL and SIL before doing a week at Disney with our adult kids and future DIL. It seems like on my MILs side, every single one is a Trumper, except maybe my niece and her wife. I'm going to try to be good (I plan to allow no politics, religion, or weight talk or I'll leave). My SIL is terribly caustic on her best days - and she has a history of not having many of those. I've known her since she was 11 yo and I was 13 - and we're 58 and 60 now.
On the family cancer issue, have you or others in your family ever been tested for Lynch syndrome (a genetic predisposition for specific cancers)? If the test comes back positive, most insurance cos will up the frequency of cancer screenings, colonoscopies, etc. With my history of endometrial cancer, family history of breast cancer and bladder cancer, and dad's multiple myeloma, my onco recommended that I be tested.
Wild blueberry
(7,475 posts)You have a good family. Glad your sister had the gathering of all of you.
(Totally understand the venting and anger, which the Death Cult has earned.)
(97,964 posts)vlyons
(10,252 posts)I'm a Buddhist and a 76 yr senior, and I have a lot of experience with anger. First off, anger is poison, especially when it arises and is cultivated to be harmful to others. Having said that, anger, like all other emotions is empty, devoid of intrinsic self-existence. It is impermanent, comes and goes and disappears back into nothing. However, we can transform the energy of anger into enlightened activity that is beneficial to the well-being of everyone. Think the racial civil rights activists of the 60s, who channeled their anger into working for voting rights, equal access to housing and education.
I too experience anger in the presence of outright stupidity. What I want to transcend is habitual unmindful anger. I've meditated a lot on anger. What I discovered is that what I used to label as "anger" is usually just frustration with something, an obstacle to what I want to accomplish, or some new difficulty that has crossed my path. That is not the same as blind stupid anger at someone, because they are black, gay, immigrant, or just plain ol' selfish & greedy.
stage left
(3,050 posts)for your loss.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)Please take care of yourself, and feel free to vent here anytime you need to.
(18,998 posts)
(6,262 posts)My husband died of pancreatic cancer two years ago. It's a terrible disease. My heart goes out to you.
(159,627 posts)LoisB
(9,607 posts)Marthe48
(20,224 posts)My husband's family seems to have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic cancer. I worry my head off for my kids and grandkids. I asked my kids to get tested to see if they have that gene, forewarned is forearmed, but so far they haven't. Just mentioning in case your family might have that or another inherited gene.
(24,435 posts)Its so hard to lose family you are close to.....I've lost both parents, 2 sisters, and my older brother/best friend, to terrible diseases.
You just have to keep on keeping on. But I grieve for my family every day, and what could have been.
Take care of yourself, and cherish the family you still have.
(3,452 posts)She was so young.
(54,447 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Sadly, halfwits who blindly follow ranting morons will always be with us. Our only recourse is to outvote them and generally kick them aside so we can proceed with adult behavior. Regarding Covid, they're their own worst enemies and most likely represent the 1.5% of hospitalized patients with it here in NM (we had a high vax rate). I had the original disease and it was nasty. So yeah, antivax hosers are on their own now that the vaccine costs money most of them don't have.
So save your anger, that only makes them feel righteous. Pity them for their stupidity, it's a much harder thing to deal with.
I am so sorry cancer has claimed so much of your family. I'm especially sorry the ACA left insurance companies as gatekeepers, they do a very bad job of what they're supposed to do. Direct your anger at Republicans and "fiscal conservative" Democrats and vote to replace them with the real thing. Maybe then we'll get what the rest of the developed world takes for granted.
(9,950 posts)I think it's because they lack empathy. One of my nephews has a charmed life. He was adopted and raised to become a NASCAR driver. Along the way he won races as a kid and had articles written about him in the local paper. But he couldn't win them all so he got a degree in aerospace engineering. He's 24. Just graduated, got hired by Boeing even before graduation last week. He wants to move to Florida. No mask wearing apparently. They say schools
(85,363 posts)Im so sorry for your losses and the hills youre this forced to climb. The lost loved ones youll never see again.
Small comfort: theres a couple of people who are dear to me who Ive lost - who I still talk to all the time, anyway. I take it on sheer faith that they can somehow hear me and know how I feel, whether its anger Im STILL working on getting through, or love, however unrequited and maybe even fanciful - what never quite got off the ground and all that. I still talk to em.
And they cant interrupt, question what Im saying, or yell at me, or tell me I got it wrong or that its somehow all my fault, or hang up on me. And I always get the last word!
(8,236 posts)ancianita
(39,937 posts)Your stoic, righteous family fights the good fights. I hope you all find comfort in each other through this terrible time.
So sorry for your loss, BoomaofBandM.
Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)Please take care of yourself as you go through this difficult time of stressful grief. We need your vote!
A big is coming!
(6,874 posts)And for sharing your challenges. Your story illustrates so well how our health care system is broken. Change comes a little at a time, and your story is an important part of that effort
(8,655 posts)Pancreatic cancer took my sister in law at 49 and my grandfather at 64, but not during the pandemic. My grandmother passed at the beginning of it from heart failure and I was so angry at those who thought they should just walk in maskless to visit her and all of us providing her hospice care as if it was no big deal. If any of us became ill, she would have had to go to the hospital and no one could see her there.
Again, I'm so sorry you have had to deal with so much.
I share your sentiments about anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, and anti-science people. I am to the point that I don't even want to be around people because of the discourtesy to those who are ill. People are showing themselves for who they are and I want none of it. This includes my 81yo mom who was so happy the local medical center went mask-free last month. I asked her where the cancer patients and other compromised people were supposed to go for health care. She said they can wear a mask. I don't think I made a dent when I told her that what she said was only a 50% solution, that people are not safe if no one else is masking.
I am just done with the selfishness.
I am building a local ag business and am trying to decide if I want to let the general public on my farm to harvest for themselves or if I should just plan to go to farmers markets. At least with the latter, I only have to deal with the worst among them once or twice a week for a few hours. But it means more work for me.
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)OhNo-Really
(3,996 posts)Take time to mourn
Best advice I was given as the last member of by family left this realm.
Miss them all every day
(122,587 posts)you need.
(10,442 posts)That's just too young
(29,540 posts)Heartbreaking.
Sounds like your sisters wish did much more than bring you all together physically
Peace and strength to you, and to your family.
(31,743 posts)Cancer sucks. Please take care of yourself.
(12,256 posts)
(8,592 posts)Its been terrible lately dealing with those you love passing away. Hugs
(43,446 posts)Duncanpup
(14,135 posts)barbtries
(30,235 posts)All of the losses. It's a lot.
I've been down over the shit to the point that I miss posts because i'm purposely staying distant from the news.
Love and peace to you and your family.