South Dakota
Related: About this forumYoung Democrats Question GOP Silence over "Proud Boys" Participation in Sioux Falls Protest
As President-Elect Joe Biden said on the night of his official win in the Electoral College, the 2020 election was kept fair, free, and secure by patriotic Americans taking democracy seriously and counting ballots honestly and legally, not by armed racist thugs. We needed no guns to conduct a fair election.
Yet now as they lose their bully-in-chief, the Proud Boys and other armed goons are pretending to be freedom fighters when in fact they seek to destroy democracy. Some appeared in Sioux Falls Saturday to promote the fiction the dangerous fiction that Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Outgoing Republican Speaker of the House Steven Haugaard attended this hate rally, and while the mainstream party blog has archly noted the Speakers attendance, the South Dakota Republican Party has not spoken out against these racist knuckleheads and their effort to brutalize our democracy.
Why so silent in the face of evil, Republicans? The Young Democrats of South Dakota would like to know:
The public event featured two self-proclaimed Proud Boys as speakers, as well as armed Proud Boys serving as security for the event.
The Proud Boys is a far-right, neo-fascist and male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence. They are labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
In 2017, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that ultimately resulted in the murder of a peaceful counter-protester, Heather Heyer. More than three years later, the attendance of the Proud Boys at a Republican rally demonstrates that our country has not progressed past permitting Neo-Nazis and KKK members to threaten our streets with violence under the guise of political ideology.
The South Dakota GOP has yet to condemn the Proud Boys involvement in this rally, said Heather Krause, president of South Dakota Young Democrats. Its disturbing that even when a terrorist organization shows up, rally participants still stick around and acknowledge no harm in the presence, including former Speaker of the House, Steven Haugaard.
Aligning with the Proud Boys is openly accepting their white supremacist tenets and violent approaches into the South Dakota Republican party. The South Dakota GOP granted legitimacy to the Proud Boys by welcoming them at their event. The South Dakota Young Democrats vehemently oppose white supremacy. We believe that hate has no home in South Dakota [Young Democrats of South Dakota, press release, 2021.01.04].
Hanging around with members of violent terrorist groups, choosing economic convenience over saving lives in a pandemic gee, Republicans, could you explain to me again how youre the pro-life party?
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