Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumCurrent Action in Zucotti Park. Fuck, police breaking it up.... Check in:
American Spring Just started..,
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(62,683 posts)Anonymous @YourAnonNews Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
#OWS --> This is what a police state looks like. Arrests and police action happening now: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/occupymusician
(68,644 posts)Good to see you!!!
(62,683 posts)Thanks to you and the others who are keeping this in the forefront. Doesn't seem to be getting much notice, and it seems the Police know the country/world isn't watching that closely any more. No pretense of trying to appear like they're NOT there to shut it down. Sigh.
(62,683 posts)Occupy Oslo @OccupyOslo · Details
@OccupyWallStNYC us. The rest of the world. We hear you. #Americanspring #M17 #OWS
EDIT: I thought Oslo was in Sweden.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)I don't know what it takes to wake people up anymore... I was telling KoKo that I do think the current 2000's generation is more conservative than previous generations, although the New York Times way of "proving" this is to deride them for driving less and buying fewer homes in the suburbs, thereby proving that they have no ambition.
Yeah, that's the problem with America according to NYT, insufficient careerism
(20,176 posts)that we can't afford houses in the suburbs of NYC...I lived in South Yonkers in a broom closet for $3000/mo. When I moved out, the building was going coop and my unit was being sold for $550,995. A half a million dollars for a 900ft^2 condo in the ghetto.
Of course I don't drive. $108/mo. for a subway pass or $20K for a car, $4/gal for gas and $1000/mo for insurance? That question is fucking easy.
(45,790 posts)Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)In Chicago they had a monument to the police that kept getting messed up (because the Haymarket incident was actually a police riot that the media blamed on radicals) until they removed it entirely. In Scotland they had a monument to William Wallace that looked like Mel Gibson, the scots hated it and they had to put a fence around it and finally remove it. Now Occupy is all about positive change so that doesn't really apply. But I am wondering why it's not possible to convene around the bronze bull, is Zucotti the only park near Wall St?
(11,700 posts)pinboy3niner
(53,339 posts)This happened this afternoon (Fire Walk With Me was there and passed on this link to Freedom's footage):
Date: 3/17/2012
Footage Courtesy Of: ustream.tv/occupyfreedomla
(35,052 posts)Occupy Wall St.
Zuccotti is Re-occupied. Spring has begun.
Unlike · · Share · 12 hours ago
(84,711 posts)UK's "Globe" has good article and 10 Super Pix of the event."
Police and Occupy Wall Street protesters clash at New York park where movement began six months ago
Protesters gathered at Zuccotti Park on six-month anniversary of movement
Dozens of people handcuffed and led out of park
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2116661/Occupy-Wall-Street-protesters-clash-police-Zuccotti-Park-movement-began-6-months-ago.html#ixzz1pTwoBMGa
On the six-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement, protesters swarmed its birthplace Zuccotti Park again sparking the cat-and-mouse clashes between New York City police officers and demonstrators.
The sweep of the park by police just before midnight capped a day of demonstrations and marching in lower Manhattan. There was no official word on the number of arrests but dozens of people were handcuffed and led out of the park.
Earlier in the day, 15 people were arrested and three officers suffered injuries, police said.
An unused public transit bus was brought in to cart away about a dozen demonstrators in plastic handcuffs.
-snip- (Michael Moore stopped by)
think it's great that this movement continues to grow,' Mr Moore said. 'I think the goals are clear. People are concerned that they have no control over their own democracy. They have no control over their own lives.
'This is the beginning. This park is sacred ground for millions across the country.'
As always, the protesters focused on a variety of concerns, but for Tom Hagan, his sights were on the giants of finance.
'Wall Street did some terrible things, especially Goldman Sachs, but all of them. Everyone from the banks to the rating agencies, they all knew they were doing wrong. ... But they did it anyway. Because the money was too big,' he said.
Dressed in an outfit that might have been more appropriate for the St. Patrick's Day parade, the 61-year-old salesman wore a green shamrock cap and carried a sign asking for saintly intervention: 'St. Patrick: Drive the snakes out of Wall Street.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2116661/Occupy-Wall-Street-protesters-clash-police-Zuccotti-Park-movement-began-6-months-ago.html#ixzz1pTpVeYc5
(12,977 posts)Link is http://t.co/51JhqTJm
There's a compilation of accounts of police brutality at http://storify.com/megrobertson/essential-videos-pics-from-m17-at-zuccotti-park
Or you can also check the Twitter hashtag #M17 for stuff as it comes in -- lots of duplication to wade through, though. https://twitter.com/#!/search/%23m17?q=%23m17&