Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumOccupy: M1GS, May 1 General Strike!
http://www.occupymay1st.org/2012/04/11/what-is-m1gs/What is #M1GS?
Worldwide, May 1st is traditionally a Workers day a day of Labor Solidarity, and a public holiday. Its a day to celebrate and march in support of im/migrant rights. In protest against the corruption of the worldwide marketplace, which has led to illegal foreclosures, mass unemployment, low wages, high taxes and a penalization of all those who do not own the 99% of the worlds resources, and in solidarity with the im/migrant movements of May 1st, we decided to declare May 1st, 2012 a Peoples General Strike. Instead of calling upon unionized Labor to make a specific demand (illegal under Taft-Hartley), we are calling upon the people of the world to take this day away from school and the workplace, so that their absence makes their displeasure with this corrupt system be known.

Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)impressive.
(4,012 posts)We have put a lot of effort into trying to make May 1st a success. I have had basically no life for the last 6 weeks, except for Occupy & my job.
Whether or not it's as impressive as November 2011, we have shown that we are not going away. We are strong & in it for the long haul.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)I was thinking today how the first group, and I remember watching and putting up an OP on Sept 17th, that no one thought it would last more than a week or two. The most hopeful estimate was maybe, the end of November, which at the time would have been considered a real success. Nor did they expect it to spread across the country they way it did. I remember we were trying to think of ways to get people to NYC.
And now it is April and it is only going to grow imo.
(4,012 posts)I am just doing my duty as a citizen of the world. I am honored to be a small part of this great movement.
It's real cool to see all the energy, creativity, passion & love that has gone into this.
After M1GS, it will be kind of a comedown. Thank goodness Occupy isn't a one-trick pony...there will be many more actions in the future. And I will be there.
After the raids, folks laughed at us saying that we were all going back to smoking pot in our mom's basement. I guess they (and their stereotypes) were wrong.
Peace & Solidarity
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)already seen, the bigger and stronger it will grow. Like all other major Social movements it is just in the beginning stages and will probably be around for years, until its goals are accomplished.
Lol, as far the predictions of its demise, the same people have been saying that since it began. Sad to see people here on DU take that position, but it's also instructive. We need to know who is on the side of the people and we are definitely finding out through this movement.
(53,339 posts)
I'll either be joining one of the Wind caravans or going directly to the convergence point.
See you at 6th & Main!

(4,012 posts)I'll look out for you & let you know what I'm wearing as soon as I find out.
BTW, Fire will be there as well so look out for him. I saw him at the Saturday GA & we talked for quite a while.
Hopefully we can all get together & catch up.
(53,339 posts)How will we ever find you?

But in case you won't be wearing your A1 outfit this time, Fire said something about helping out the food folks, and that sounds like as good a place as any to link up.
(8,244 posts)Just kidding. I hope this is huge and it gets bigger every year.