I'm getting the impression that otherwise intelligent men think that if they don't indulge in shitty behavior, feminist blame them anyway. I'm not sure why, except we often don't put comforting qualifiers in our responses or blogs-- whatever, and even if we do, it doesn't matter what the topic matter is: "No all men are not out to roofie women at bars, so they can date rape them, not even a sizable minority of men do this, but it's enough men that do do this that makes it a big fucking problem"-- immediate push back.
So talking about the issues-- and MRA crap aside-- those guys are pathetic, their effectiveness lies in inciting resentment--- often brings an automatic defensiveness. Or what's worse, an assumption of equality based on perceived sexual power (although THOSE kind of responses are often hidden in strange statements or verbiage, not always though)
It's one of the reasons I welcome feminist men/allies and like and welcome intersectionality. Because we got a lot to talk about, and a lot of work to get done.