On Our Radar: Feminist News Roundup
News post by Sarah Mirk on May 5, 2014 - 10:52am;
Here's all the news we're reading this Monday morning.
Today is Cinco de Mayo, so here's a friendly reminder that Cinco de Mayo is actually not all that important in Mexico. [Racialicious]
If you do want to do something to mark the occassion, here's a list of eight positive ways to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. [Feministing]
As 55 colleges face federal investigation for the way they've handled sexual assaults, it's clear that students speaking up about rape culture on college campuses are actually making change. [New York Times]
A beautiful new photo essay looks at the lives of gay service members. [Slate]
TIME published an essay by a young guy explaining why he's "never going to apologize for his white, male privilege." Here's a great response. [Medium]
A new study shows that girls' happiness plummets at age 11I bet a lot of women could back up that finding. [Autostraddle]
How can LGBT folks make it big on the small screen? Here's a look at a bunch of great queer vloggers. [The Advocate]
One man recalls his time as an Abercrombie employee: "That was the year I spent discriminating against everybody." [Salon]
Finally, Cosmos takes on climate change! [Mother Jones]