In MRA-land, women have never been oppressed, but men have been disenfranchised by having power over them
One classic bad argument against feminism is the disingenuous claim that we dont need it any more. In the bad old days, proponents of this argument would concede, women may have faced some pesky little obstacles, but now that they can vote, and own property, and briefly work as the executive editor of The New York Times, theres just no need for feminism any more. Problem solved!
But these days the great minds of the Mens Rights movement have moved beyond this bad argument to a worse one: feminism was never really necessary in the first place, because women have never been oppressed.
The other day a Redditor by the name of cefarix earned himself a couple of dozen upvotes by posting a version of this argument to the Mens Rights Subreddit.
"I often see feminists make the claim that women have been oppressed for thousands of years. What evidence is there to back up this claim?
Personally, I dont think this could be the case. Men and women are both integral parts of human society, and the social bonds between close relatives of either gender are stronger than bonds with members of the same gender but unrelated. So it seems to me the idea that men would oppress their own close female relatives and women would just roll over and accept this oppression from their fathers, uncles, brothers, sons, etc, for thousands of years across all/most cultures across all of humanity and not have that society disintegrate over the course of a couple generations is ridiculous."
This is so packed with such sheer and obvious wrongness that its tempting to just point and laugh and move on. But Ive seen variations on this argument presented seriously by assorted MRAs again and again so I think its worth dealing with in some detail.
Before we even get to the facts of the case, lets deal with the form of his argument: Hes arguing that history cannot have happened the way feminists say it happened because he doesnt think that could be the case.
Trouble is, you cant simply decide what did or did not happen in history based on what makes sense to you. History is history. Its not a thread on Reddit. You cant downvote historical facts out of existence the way, say, Mens Rights Redditors downvote those pointing out facts they dont like.