History of Feminism
Related: About this forumWhy Women Are Not Going To Stop Being Pushy
from: Mother Jones
Why Women Are Not Going To Stop Being Pushy
Feminism has just started and there's no going back from here, no matter how hard the Right may try.
By Rebecca Solnit
Tue May 20, 2014
[This essay is from Rebecca Solnit's new book, Men Explain Things to Me, and appears at TomDispatch.com with the permission of Haymarket Books and Dispatch Books. It was first published online on the TomDispatch website.]
The history of women's rights and feminism is often told as though it were a person who should already have gotten to the last milestone or has failed to make enough progress toward it. Around the millennium lots of people seemed to be saying that feminism had failed or was over. On the other hand, there was a wonderful feminist exhibition in the 1970s entitled "Your 5,000 Years Are Up." It was a parody of all those radical cries to dictators and abusive regimes that your [fill in the blank] years are up. It was also making an important point.
Feminism is an endeavor to change something very old, widespread, and deeply rooted in many, perhaps most, cultures around the world, innumerable institutions, and most households on Earthand in our minds, where it all begins and ends. That so much change has been made in four or five decades is amazing; that everything is not permanently, definitively, irrevocably changed is not a sign of failure. A woman goes walking down a thousand-mile road. Twenty minutes after she steps forth, they proclaim that she still has 999 miles to go and will never get anywhere.
It takes time. There are milestones, but so many people are traveling along that road at their own pace, and some come along later, and others are trying to stop everyone who's moving forward, and a few are marching backward or are confused about what direction they should go in. Even in our own lives we regress, fail, continue, try again, get lost, and sometimes make a great leap, find what we didn't know we were looking for, and yet continue to contain contradictions for generations.
The road is a neat image, easy to picture, but it misleads when it tells us that the history of change and transformation is a linear path, as though you could describe South Africa and Sweden and Pakistan and Brazil all marching along together in unison. There is another metaphor I like that expresses not progress but irrevocable change: it's Pandora's box, or, if you like, the genies (or djinnis) in bottles in the Arabian Nights. In the myth of Pandora, the usual emphasis is on the dangerous curiosity of the woman who opened the jarit was really a jar, not a box the gods gave herand thereby let all the ills out into the world....
READ MORE at http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/05/feminism-past-future-progress-womens-rights
(42,482 posts)That's why I say DU-- and other social media--are just a bit behind the times. Here some are arguing against white privilege and rape culture like those arguments have any validity at all.
The end of an era-- like the Pliocene era
(19,964 posts)And the more desperate they become, the more ridiculous their arguments. That's why I don't engage those who deny white privilege, rape culture and the like. Such denials not only make their defensive posturing look ridiculous but irrelevant and I think it's the latter, more than anything, that drives them mad.
Sheldon Cooper
(3,724 posts)the deniers. They WANT an argument, what they cannot stand is being laughed at, or ignored.
(19,964 posts)...which is to be ignored. It just underscores that in the scheme of things they're really quite inconsequential. The train of progress has already left the station and some of us have tickets to ride. The pouters will be left at the platform but I can assure them, all the pouting and stomping of little feet won't stop this train. It's way too big for their britches.