Women's rights: Will the struggle be forgotten?
Detroit Free Press
Women's rights: Will the struggle be forgotten?
Marina v.N. Whitman
October 4, 2014
"Tell me, Lindsey," I said to my 15-year-old granddaughter, "do you and your friends ever talk about the war on women?"
"No," she replied. "What is it?"
Here was a group of bright, thoughtful young women, apparently secure in the belief that the control over their own is a fact of nature, rather than the result of tough and bitter battles. They also were unaware that efforts to curb women's freedom to make their own decisions on birth control or abortion are increasing at a frightening rate.
I belong to the generation that came of age in the days before Roe vs. Wade; Lindsey and her friends have never heard of it. By the time my friends and I were in college, many of us knew personally someone who had been injured or even died as the result of an illegal abortion. To Lindsey's circle, such an outcome is the stuff of horror fiction....